Welcome to Dusty's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Dusty
Dusty, when we brought you into our family from the streets you soon learned of all the love we had to give you. But we also learned how much love you had to give. We should have known that we were in trouble when you talked more than your human mother did!! Soon you made yourself at home terrorizing and destroying the bottom of our bed. We learned patience from it, even though we wanted to strangle you. That is until you looked at us with those beautiful eyes of yours and gave a MEOW as in "what did I do?" You got under our skins in a good way. Even under your Grandma's skin. Your big brother Lucky soon took you under his wing and the two of you became best buddies. The two of you practically wore out our rugs running back and forth playing. He, like us, will always remember the good times with you. Even when you nudged him away from his food so you could taste it. The one thing for sure is that you were taken away from us too soon. We just hope you had the best years of your life with us, short as it was. We will all be together one day and you can talk your fool head off telling us about it. We LOVE you and MISS you!!

10/18/10-Well baby, it has been 15 days today that you have left your mom & dad and I am still in disbelief. I keep thinking I will wake up from this nitemare and all will be well. On Oct 12, you were brought home to be with us. I keep waiting for you to talk to me and tell me things will be ok but not a night goes by that I don't cry myself to sleep. Your brother Lucky is so depressed that I am worried about him too. He keeps looking for you but you don't come. Dr. Gentry gave a memorial contribution to Christian Veterinary Mission in your memory. You were more loved by so many that you didn't even know. You have left such a void in your mom's heart that I will never be the same...I love you with all my heart, Dusty!!!!

11/4/2010-Hello again my sweet baby boy! Today is 1 month, well exactly 32 days that you left us.Grandma and I were talking about you and all the memories we have of you.How you first came into our lives and how you won grandma over. You were one special ANGEL. You were everything I could have wanted or will ever want. You were so very very special. Do you remember the first time you and I laid eyes on each other? I know it was love at first sight on both our parts. I am having such a hard time dealing with you not being here.I wish you would have told me how sick you really were. When I look back, there were so many warning signs but I just didn't know how sick you really were. I knew you better than anyone and I should have picked up on all the warning signs. I can recall at least 2 months before you really got sick you were not eating all that much and you were not playing with your brother as much and we all know how you loved him. Lucky is so lost without you. My heart is breaking for him as well, but we all know that in Gods time we will all be together again and this time it will be forever.I sometimes wish that it would be sooner than later. I have your picture in the office where you so loved to be looking out the window
and your eyes follow me everywhere I go..in fact you're looking at me now. If I could have one wish, I wish that you would talk to me and tell me how strong, healthy and happy you are but you just won't say a word. I miss you so very much and this month seems just like yesterday. I want to hold you and kiss all over you again. I want to stop crying for you because I miss you so much. I want the pain and broken heart to stop but I know that won't happen till you're in my arms again.Dusty, please know that you will always be in my heart and I will always love you so very, very much! There will never be another Dusty....EVER!!!!! YOU WERE ONE OF A KIND!!!!

11/25/2010 Happy Thanksgiving my sweet baby boy..I love you!!!

12/4/2010 Hello my sweet angel boy! Two months today that you left us and it seems like yesterday. The tears have stopped everyday but the heartache and emptiness is still there. I hope you are enjoying your new friends but please don't ever forget your human Mom. Not a day goes by that I don't think about you and miss you so much. I LOVE YOU, DUSTY!

12/25/2010 Merry Christmas my sweet boy! Well it is Christmas and we are still missing you so much. In fact we didn't have the spirit at all this year..No decorations or Christmas this year for us. Our hearts are just not with anything. It will soon be 3 months since you left us and it seems like only yesterday. It's not getting any easier. We have so many memories of you and they will always be kept alive. We did adopt a new little boy and his name is Patches. In fact it took me 3 days to make up my mind to try and save another life. He is only 6 months old and full of mischief. I keep wondering what you would have been like at that age if we could have found each other that early in your life and then maybe things would have been different. I see you in Patches in so many ways and I keep wondering if he is really you. But I know down deep inside there will NEVER be another Dusty! I wish you would come and let me know things are good with you and you are happier now than you ever were but I know no one will ever love you as much as I did..Lucky just started to go back into the window where you 2 guys would sleep and I wonder still how much he also misses you..I hope by now you have met Chiquita and Misty and you have told them how much you were also loved by your Mom just like they were. Our home will always have a void without you, my sweet angel boy...Your Mom loves you and don't you ever forget that!

2/4/11 Four months today Dusty...still missing you so much. I love you,Dusty!

4/21/11 Well sweetheart of mine, It has been over 6 months since you have left us. The tears don't flow as much but it is still very hard knowing that you are not with us. I look at your pictures all the time and talk with you in our home where your ashes have laid to rest in a special URN. Since you have been gone,I hear of more and more babies dying from what took you away from us. It is so very hard. Your new little brother is fitting in our family real well but he IS NOT Dusty. Lucky is a bit more happy having someone to play with also. I just love and miss you so much.More times than enough,I call Patches Dusty...LOL...I still wish you would let me know you're happy! I love you, Dusty!

10/4/11 Today is exactly 1 yr that you left us and it has been 1 trying year. There have been so many tears, memories that you just can't let go of. We still miss you so much, and that will never change no matter how many years go by. I remember today as if it were yesterday knowing the decision we had to make would take you away from us forever. We were damned if you do and damned if you don't. The fact of it was Dusty...WE could no longer let you suffer. You did enough of that! Dusty, I love you now and always will...YOU ARE WITH YOUR MOM AND DAD FOREVER..YOU WILL NEVER LEAVE US!!!! I love you my precious little boy!

4/4/12 Happy Easter my precious boy! It is exactly 1 1/2 yrs today. Where has the time gone? You are and always will be in our hearts. I talk to you all the time and me and your dad were just talking about you and how much we still miss you. Time does not heal the heart. I Love you Dusty with all my heart!

10/4/12 Hello Sweet boy. Two years today and it still seems like yesterday! I still miss you so much, I think about all the things you used to do. I have so many memories of you, some make me cry and some I just smile. I just wish you would come and visit your Mom once in awhile. I will always love you! You were and always will be my precious little boy! God brought us together for a reason even though it was for a short time!

12/19/2012 Merry Christmas My Little ANGEL! I love you and think about you often. Where has the time gone?

5/14/2013 Hello my little angel boy....I miss and love you so very much!

10/4/2013 Hello my sweet boy...3 years today buddy. Just wanted to let you know that Lucky is still healthy and so is Patches and Cassie. Not a day goes by that I don't think about you or talk to you. I thought after all this time you would come to me and tell me things were good with you and you did miss US. I still love you with all my heart.Time does not get any easier.

8/24/2014 Hello sweet boy, just wondering if you have met your sister, Cassie at the gate? Lucky said Hi brother and he sends his love too! I miss you little guy and love you lots!

9/21/2014 Hello my handsome boy! The years don't get any easier, you just learn to deal more . I still talk about you and miss you so much ..Mommy

10/4/2014 To my little sweetheart! Today is 4 yrs. Where has the time gone? I just still miss you so much. I wish I could hold you in my arms again. I hope you have seen your sister Cassie and are taking care of her. I don't want her to be alone. You gave me so much love and smiles while you were with me and your Dad!I sure do talk to you alot but I do wish you would talk back to me. We have heard your sister Cassie but not you. Maybe I need to listen more closely. Just remember this, Dusty...I love you with all my heart..Your Mom

12/31/14 Happy New Year sweet baby..where does the time fly and you still miss your babies like it was yesterday..hope you are having the time of your life..please don't forget me..I love you,Dusty...Mommy

10/27/15 Hello sweet boy,,5 years Dusty, where has the time gone. wish you were here to meet 2 more fur
babies we adopted, Harvey & Ellen. You guys would have a ball running all over the house. One day we will all be together. I miss you buddy & love you..Mommy

4/4/16 Hello sweet boy! It is almost summer and I know you would be having fun with the other fur babies. You are always on my mind. I am very grateful for the time I had with you, just never seemed long enough. I love you Dusty. Kisses to you!

7/31/17 Oh what a handsome boy you truly are. Grandma and I talk about you and she remembers how handsome you were when she first came here, but just like you seven yrs. have passed and grandma is as fragile as you were then. I hope you and Cassie are having the time of your life cause I sure do miss and love you so very much..Believe it or not we actually have another stray that came to our house sometime in May of this year and I started feeding him and low and behold he is still here. He is a small likeness of you.. your same colors. He was a very sick little boy but we all pitched in and he is alot better now. His name is Buddy! Looking for a good home for him so that he could be loved but no luck yet so who knows. I guess all you babies know where to come when in need :-) I love you,Dusty...Mommy

9/5/2018 Hello sweet boy! Have you seen Lucky yet? he joined you on 8/9/2018 I keep losing my special angels. This is too overwhelming.And yes Buddy is still here with us. I guess he loves us too. I still miss you after all these years Dusty remember all the smiles you put on our faces and the tears when we had to let you go. Life is not fair sometimes expecially when we take such good care of you babies.I love you! Mommy

12/24/19 Merry Christmas sweet sweet Dusty! Love you and miss you!
8/9/2020 Love and miss you Dusty!

Please also visit Cassie.

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