Welcome to Dusty's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Dusty
Running on the golf course free as a bird in Colorado is our favorite memory of our Duster. His ears flying in the wind he was joyous in his freedom. Giving us kisses of thanks and playing "catch me if you can". The day we rescued Dusty from the shelter we bathed and dried him and he immediately ran out into the garden and jumped into the pool. He was a sweet, gentle person and only needed to be by our side, he made no demands just showed a lot of love.

The days will be agony until we meet him again at the Rainbow Bridge.

7/16. Oh my darling Dusty, my love, tomorrow we are going to Colorado for the first time without you. Daisy and Rusty miss you
Rusty lays by the door where you used to be. We will do our evening walk on the golf course with wonderful memories of
your happiness there. Daisy sends you lots of her doggie kisses and Mummy sends you all the love in the world.

7/18. Hello my sweeheart. We did the golf course walk last night and missed you terribly. The weather wasn't very good and we
had to run home because there was thunder and lightening. I can't breath sometimes thinking of you, I hope you are happy at Rainbows Bridge. I sent a message to Zander who is a beautiful Doberman boy, he has been there for quite a while and I
asked him to help you so you will have a friend there.

7/20. You came home yesterday my darling. Today was a beautiful day and we took you on the golf course and scattered you
everywhere. Particularly on the 7th fairway where you raced and chased all the Canadian Geese away. Now you will always
be with us on our walks. Rusty rolled around in the grass in the spot where you always rolled, I think he knew you were
there. He slept in your bed last night. I pray you have made some nice friends and are chasing lots of rainbows.

1/9/12. Sweet boy, my love. I haven't visited you in a while, please forgive me. You are in my thoughts every day and I will never
stop missing you. Have you made lots of friends, I am sure you have as you are a special, gentle boy so everyone will
love you. We missed you so much in the Summer and we have been back in Colorado for the holidays, they are not the
same without you. Laurinda moved to Denver and has a little white dog named Jake that she rescued. I hope you don't
mind but I gave him one of your beds and he loves it very much. He wanted to come home with Rusty and Daisy after
we visited but we had to let him stay. Rusty is getting slower, I think his arthritis is bothering him. Daisy is her usual
feisty self, she bit the Fedex man the other day and he won't deliver any more. I love you more than you could ever
know. Bye for now sweetheart xxxxxxxx

7/13/12. Hello my darling boy. It is a year today since you went to the Rainbow Bridge and not a day goes by where we don't think of you and miss you. We raise our glasses to you every night,we will never ever forget you or stop loving you, you are in our hearts forever. A few months ago we rescued another little dog. His name is Marley and he is black and very cute. He reminds me so much of you in your ways, he is my shadow, like you were and he is gentle, just like you. I think we are very blessed to have him, Daisy and Rusty love him too. We will be doing our big drive to Colorado again in a few days and I hope Marley will love running on the golf course just you did. I hope you have lots of friends at the Rainbow Bridge and you help all the newcomers and show them around. I love you with all my heart, rest well dearest Dusty, we will be together again one day, I promise. xxxxxx

7/13/14. It has been two years since I sent you my love, but it is every day that I think of you and miss you my wonderful boy. We still have Rusty Daisy and Marley and now Jake, so there are four precious four leggeds keeping us busy. I wish Marley and Jake had known you, how much they would have loved you, dear heart. Our rescue boy Marley has bad kidneys but we are giving him special food and hope he will be OK. Rusty is getting quite old and had cancer last year, he had his spleen removed, had chemo and is now on chemo tablets daily. His arthritis is very bad now and he can't climb the stars any more bless him. Jake is Laurinda's rescue dog, he came to stay with us a year ago for three weeks and is still here! You would love him Dusty, he is great fun and very clever. I am sure you are very much loved over the Rainbow Bridge and have many sweet friends. Please know that I will never stop loving you and we still drink to you every night. You will never leave our hearts. I promise not to let so much time go by before writing to you again. Sweet dreams gorgeous boy xxxxxxx

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