Welcome to Dusty's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Dusty
Sadly, I lost "My Dusty Boy" today after 4 months of fighting. He lost his beloved Carmella on 9/28/15, and even though he has his "brother" Wilbur for company, he just didn't seem like the same old Dusty. Carmella was his everything, and about a week before Christmas 2015, he started not acting like himself. We always watched him closely and after Christmas we took him to the vet and it seemed he had a kidney infection, which we treated. He was back a few times in January for post checks since he was now 5, and we eventually got everything cleared up, but he started to lose weight. Up and down, up and down, but otherwise healthy, eating being himself, but he stopped taking his chew-able vitamin C which he and Carmella and Wilbur always loved. I watched him like a hawk. A couple weeks ago, he started getting "mushy" stools and I thought it was a change of diet, so we did the process of elimination and added probiotics, and that got things normal, but I still decided to have him checked. He had some bloat, which came from an infection, so he was given a shot for the gas, and meds to treat the gas and infection, and he was scheduled back at the vet on 4/21. This was Saturday and he seemed fine for the rest of the day. Sunday morning his cage was a mess of mushy poop, and then after that he didn't poop anymore but he picked at food and retreated to his pigloo. I took him out and sat with him, and he seemed like himself wanting to go back to his cage. We force fed him Critical Care and he ate it willingly. I went to bed early but all last week, and especially yesterday, I felt his time was coming. I said good night to the boys and went to bed, telling my wife I don't think he's going to survive the night. I slept to about 2 am and then woke abruptly, and after being awake until about 3:15, I decided to go and check. Dusty was out of his pigloo, but was on the floor, it appeared like he was sleeping, but I knew that wasn't his "spot" and feared the worst, which turned out to be true. My boy left us, and I can only hope and pray it was peaceful and without any pain. I dote over my piggies and now I am playing back everything I did and didn't do in my mind, trying to figure out what I did wrong or didn't do right. I made sure to show Dusty to Wilbur to give him closure, and he appeared to acknowledge it, but he is still looking for Dusty. I am just broken hearted to loose both Carmella and Dusty in a 6-7 month time frame. We just got Wilbur from one of my son's friends a year ago as he couldn't keep him, and now I am so thankful I have him. When Wilbur's time comes, I think I cannot have any more piggies as they just tear my heart out when they go, each and every one. My objective here was not to make anyone feel bad, but I am trying to process this and I needed to get it written down. Dusty was such a lovable character and I could go on for hours talking about him, but I have to stop now, as the tears are flowing. I miss and love you "Dusty Boy" with all my heart, and I promise to take extra special care of Wilbur, as I knew you guys loved each other. You are with Carmella now at the Rainbow Bridge and I know you must be happy now. Just know how much I loved and adored you and I am sorry for all the trips to the vet which I know you hated, but if I had to do everything over, I could and would do it again in a heartbeat. Mommy, Wilbur and Daddy will always miss and love you forever. Have a beautiful eternal life with Carmella. All our love,

Mommy, Daddy & Wilbur XXXOOOXXX

Please also visit Carmella and Wilbur.

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