Welcome to Dusty Brown's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Dusty Brown's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Dusty Brown
Dusty Brown was the runt of the litter, the smallest of four brothers (including Winter Snow, memorialized here). Dusty was always eager to please, cautious, but constant in his companionship and love.

Dusty Brown and Winter Snow came to live with me when they were just 8 weeks old. I was blessed to have them both grow up together. I'm so glad that they had each other as companions during my working hours. And, they both provided me with companionship, devotion, and love. We traveled together and enjoyed countless hours on the couch and snuggling in bed.

Dusty Brown's constant companion, Winter Snow, crossed the Rainbow Bridge in May 2018. Later that year, Dusty Brown developed a spot on his rib bone. It turned out to be an osteosarcoma. Because the cancer was located so close to his vital organs, we opted for radiation therapy to minimize discomfort and chemotherapy to slow the cancer's growth. Unfortunately, despite the tremendous care that the medical team provided and Dusty Brown's amazing fortitude and calm attitude, the cancer continued to grow. Through it all, Dusty Brown was an active and happy dog, faithfully doing his "job" as my couch buddy and bedtime pal. Ultimately, though, the tumor grew very large and protruded outside of his chest, leading to the risk of rupture at a time when nobody was around to handle it. So, I made the difficult decision to put Dusty Brown to sleep.

I will always remember Dusty Brown and the love that he never failed to show me. He was my #1 dog. Although he was the runt of the litter, he lived the longest and, I believe, he had the biggest heart. May you play and rest forever in the loving arms of God, dear Dusty Brown. Until we meet again across the Rainbow Bridge, my friend...

Love and hugs and kisses always,


Please also visit Winter Snow.

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