Welcome to Dusty's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Dusty's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Dusty

Dusty, I met you at the shelter on September 2008. I walked into your "room". You were in the first cage and you stuck out your Paw and meowed as if to say "take me"! You had been brought into the shelter the day before. You were approximately 1 1/2 years old. It was love at first sight.

I remember it only took a few hours for you to get used to your one room surroundings. You hid under the dresser. When you finally came out, you had dust in your whiskers. Hence, the name Dusty.

I remember when we first got up in the morning and I would head downstairs to get my coffee you're right with me running down the stairs because you knew you were going to be fed. That's how we started our day.

I remember when we moved to another town. I was the one having trouble acclimating to our new house and the new town. You were by my side, giving me snuggles and purrs "telling" me all would be fine.

In 2018, you were diagnosed with hypothyroidism. You were treated with a radiation treatment and you were better. I didn't have to give you medication. In 2019, we found you were in the early stages of renal failure and had a heart murmur. In 2020, you were diagnosed with high blood pressure. Because of this, your retinas detached and you went blind. You had trouble acclimating at first. About a month ago , you were diagnosed with diabetes and senility. With the senility, you would walk around the house aimlessly meowing and "trilling". The vet said you were confused and you didn't know where you were. I realized then you didn't want to live like that and I had to let you go.

Dusty, I loved you the moment I met you and letting you go was the hardest decision I had to make but I know it was the best decision for you. Run free sweet girl with the angels and your sisters, Sammie and Snuffles and your Uncle Ali. I loved you to the moon and back. Til we meet again....

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