Welcome to Diablo Rudolph's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Diablo Rudolph
I'll never forget the time whenever I was on the phone and you felt I should be paying attention to you, and only you; so you would steal either my pillow or something else from me, and I would have to chase you around the house until you released whatever you were holding. You would have this big grin on your face, you reminded me of Scooby Doo. Those were the best times that I could ever ask for. You'll always be my little honeybear. I love you Diablo. No matter how much time goes by I will always keep you close in my heart. Those precious car rides we would take together, boy how you and Elizza loved to ride in the car. We'd go to Dairy Queen and they'd see us pulling up and they would have your ice cream already on the counter. How much fun that was. It was so funny the time Nicc came over and he hadn't seen you since you were just a little guy and he kept telling me that I was sissifying you and that you were just a toy dog because of how I was raising you. Then Nicc walks in the door and he reached out to pet you and in a blink of an eye you grabbed his wrist and had it in your mouth. Not hurting him, just to let him know who was the boss. He no longer called you a sissy after that! And those hugs of yours, they were the best. I'd tap my chest and you came running and leaped up into my arms and had your two front paws on my shoulders towering over me by at least a foot if not more to a height of 6'5". And boy, you loved chasing the ball in the hot tub. There were a few times I thought for sure you would jump in just to get the floater. I remember the time when I just got home and the tall window by the front door had been knocked out, (by the two of you I'm sure):) and you and ElizzaBear were running a muck and here I am running and chasing the two of you up the street; as if I could catch up. You were always so full of life and mischief. But you know what, I wouldn't have had it any other may. I love you so much Diablo, I will never forget you no matter how much time goes by and some day we will be together again. I'll forever love you.

Please also visit ElizzaBear Marie and Kali Ann.

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