Welcome to DUBLIN's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of DUBLIN
November 1, 2003 Our Dublin we will always remember the first time we saw you. You ran to get your blue ball and jumped up on the couch next to us. And, we were so happy that we rescued you. When we brought you home we were so happy. In these past 13 years you have meant more to us than words can ever say. We will miss you coming places with us and our snuggles together. We will miss your sleeping angelic face at night at the bottom of our bed. We will miss giving you your vanilla ice cream and cookies at night and sharing our dinner with you. We will miss the softness of your fur. The house is so lonely and quiet and not the same without you. Everywhere we look we think of you and the times that we shared. You were our best friend and even though you are gone you will never be forgotten. You were with us through all our trials and tribulations and helped us with your love to get through them all. Loving you forever. December 31, 2003 Tommorow will be Jan 1, 2004 the start of a New Year and it will be 2 months to the day that you went to the Rainbow Bridge I think of you every day and sometimes I forget that you are not here anymore. Your pictures are all around and your ashes are on my mantel in a beautiful urn. I planted a tree in your memory a blue spruce in our back yard. It is just a small tree and I have the stepping stone with your paw prints at the base. I see the tree each day and think of you. You would like the tree. I miss you and I know they say that each day things get better, but for me they will not because you are not here. I love you Dublin. November 1, 2004 Well my Dearest Dubi Dew It has been one year and our love for as never faltered one bit. Tony and I miss you more than words can say. I still have some of your hair clippings from when you were groomed and I keep them and it helps me to feel that you are still close by. I brought some flowers and placed them on the mantel next to your ashes. I got a balloon yesterday a yellow one and I was going to write on it how much I miss you and send it up in the sky but it broke. Anyway Tony said it broke because you did not want any balloons. I couldn't remember if you were scared of them or not. Anyway I am still going to get one after work and send it on up to you with love. Oh Dublin I wish you were still here. Sometimes when I am down I miss having you right next to me and Tony and I miss sharing breakfast, lunch and dinner with you. Tony keeps a picture of you on the ledge in his car because he says that you are still riding with him. Remember when he would go to get coffee you always got a treat and shared in some muffins and bagels. I hope you are getting lots of vanilla yogurt ice cream and animal cookies at the rainbow bridge. Oh your memorial tree is doing just wonderful and I promise that if we move your tree is coming with us no matter what. Everytime we see a springer in a car or walking Tony and I always say look there is Dublin. But of course no dog could ever replace you my dearest Dublin. Anyway I just wanted to let you know that it might be a year since you passed away but you are close to our hearts always. We will always love you Dublin. XX00 November 1, 2005 Could it be my dearest Dublin that it has been 2 years since you have gone to the rainbow bridge. I brought a balloon a blue one and wrote on it how we miss you so much and I sent it up on its way through the clouds. I watched it go up and all I could think of was that it went straight to you to let you know how much we love and miss you. I am sorry to say that your original memorial tree did not fare to well at our new home it got too much water and it died but we planted you a new tree and it is doing just fine. Do you know that we miss you so much. We want to get another dog but I just cannot do it yet. Nothing my dear will ever replace you and I just can't commmit to it just yet. Remember I promised you that I would never replace you. There is only one Dublin and that you could never be replaced. Well remember we love you always my Dublin XXOO. November 1, 2006 Well my darling Dublin it has been three years and it seems like yesterday that you were gone. I will get a balloon today and send it up to you at the Rainbow's Bridge to show you that we will never forget you. It has been very lonely with you not around and we still have not replaced you. You are still forever in my mind and I still am not ready yet. I take care of Dewey Dog sometimes but I just can't get another dog yet. Tony wants one but because he misses you so much he wants another Springer. It would be a liver and white one because he does not want a black and white since it would remind him of you too much. I know he wants another Dublin but it just won't be the same. I wish you were here with me now because I have been going thru some upsetting things this past month. Mike was in a horrific car accident and we did not know if he would make it. Heather would have loved to have you there to cuddle with. He is doing much better now thank God. One thing I always loved about you my Dublin was that when I looked into your soulful eyes I could always know that you could feel the feelings that I felt and your eyes were truly the windows to the soul. Loving you forever. November 1, 2007 Can it be 2007 already. 4 Years to the day you left us and went to the rainbow bridge. I still miss you more than ever. Mike has now recovered from the horrific car crash. Heather said that his personality is getting back to normal. Jake is now 4 and Kala is now 1-1/2. You would have fun playing with them. We had to take care of Dewey for almost 8 months. I was sad when Dewey went back home. I am going to buy a balloon today as usual to send up to you. I don't know what color it will be maybe red to show how our heart is still breaking and missing you. When things get down for me I sure wish that you were here. When I was sad you would come over and lay down beside me. You sure were a comfy pillow. Tony and I have talked about getting another dog but it has not happened yet. The new dog would really be getting a great home. The only thing is that I keep on thinking about how when you were sick and we would lay side by side and I looked into your eyes I said I would never replace you. Sometimes I think I would be going back on that promise if I got another dog. I believe you visit me often. I can feel your presence. I know you are running free with no more pain. Oh your other tree that we planted is not doing so well. I am going to replace it. I think with the dry weather and no rain it is not going to make it. I don't know with what yet maybe another spruce tree. The weather is getting a lot cooler now. I know how you loved the cooler weather. Your urn is in our room with your statue and I look at it everyday and think of you. I will love you forever Dublin XX00 November 1, 2008 Is it really 5 years. My it just seems like yesterday that you went to the Rainbow Bridge because the hurt is still there. We always will remember you and will never forget you because you will always be in our heart. I got a balloon to release like always. It was blue but it did not go all the way up to the sky. I am at Heather's this week but when I get back I will make sure I release one that will go straight to you letting you know our love will always be forever. Tony still wants to get another Springer but I cannot get another one because it is not going to replace you. It might look a little like you but it is not going to be you! I remembered when you were sick I told you that I would never replace you and I won't break that promise. So if I ever do get another dog it just can't be one like you. I know I have a lot of love to give a dog but I just can't bring myself yet to get one. Tony always has your pictures in the car since you always were in the car with us and we took you everywhere and of course you are still riding with us. Your memorial tree is doing good. We had to replace the orginal one since that did not do well but this one is still doing okay. I still have your scrapbook with all your pics and I love the page with all the funny hats you had on that of course I made you try on. I always look at the pics of you and miss you so. There are so many dogs I see that people don't take care of. They leave them out in the cold on a chain and I always say to myself Dublin was sure a lucky dog because you were part of the family and you don't hurt a family member. I guess these poor dogs just got the wrong family. I am always sad for the dogs that I see that are neglected. So, when I do get a dog I should go to the shelter and rescue one like I rescued you! Anyway remember we are still loving you as ever Dublin. Kisses and many Hugs!!! November 1, 2009 It has been 6 years since you have gone to the rainbow bridge. It is a rainy day today and I am up at Heather's. Tony just left and he will get a balloon to send your way today as always. If he doesn't then I will today or this week. I miss you as much as I did over 5 years ago. It will never change and I wish that you were here to share good and sometimes the sad times. You were always a good companion and listener when noone else was there. I hope you are not sad and have lots of playmates at the rainbow bridge. And, that you are never in pain! I bet you are still a fast runner and I am sure you have all the other pets playing and running with you. Your memory tree is still trying to grow but the top of the tree is not doing so good. Don't worry we will try our best to take care of it. This is the second one since the first did not do too good. You would really like this new yard and I am sure you are seeing the yard looking down from rainbow bridge. There are beautiful trees and flowers and wildlife like deer, squirrels, birds, turtles, foxes and yikes even snakes. Tony and I love working outside in the garden and wish you were here to play and be with us. Your picture is still in the front of the car dashboard and you are still riding with us in the car. Well remember Dublin you are always in our minds and hearts and that will never change. I have not replaced you with another Springer since I promised you I would not since there is only one Dublin! I am still thinking about a dog but as of this time I have not made the commitment yet. I am just not there yet. Maybe things will change. But, I have been taking care of other dogs in our neighborhood when my friends are away so that is good. Well Dublin take care and remember we love you always and ever. Kisses and Many Hugs Always XXX000 We miss you! November 1, 2010 Now 7 years has passed since you have been gone. I sent a Blue Balloon your way when we were in the mountains. In fact it was where you went with us many years ago. I hope you like the Balloons that we have been sending your way each Anniversary for the past 7 years. I just know it reached you to let you know that we will never forget you. We always write on it a little message. Tony and I still miss you just the same each year that you have been gone. I wonder if you saw Dewey at the Rainbow Bridge. Dewey is Heather's dog. If you remember I did watch him for 8 months when Heather moved. But recently Dewey got sick and went to the Rainbow Bridge. Heather was devastated. I know he will be happy now that he is in no more pain and he can run freely. Dewey had a rough life before he was rescued by Heather. He was a Pit Bull and he got a bum deal till Heather rescued him. Well your memorial tree did not fair too well again so we have another area that we made into a memorial for you. You would really like it. I really miss you when I am down and sad. You were always there putting a smile on my face. How is it at the Rainbow Bridge. I hope you are running and playing with all your friends. Heather got a new dog by the way. Another Pit Bull rescue named Gracie. But Gracie is scared of everyone so it is hard to try to get her to warm up to you. The grandkids always ask about you. Even though they never met you they always hear me talk about you. I even showed them your picture album with all your funny hats that you used to wear. I will try to copy these pictures and put them on here in an album. Anyway my love remember our Love for You will never ever waiver. We love you Dublin! Here is a big hug and a kiss. XOXO November 1, 2011 Can it be that it is 8 years since we lost our best friend. We miss you so much still Sir Dublin. Today we sent up 2 balloons your way. Tony and I each wanted to send one. A blue and a purple. As always we wrote our message to you and watched them disappear into the heavens right into your heart! Each year you will always know that you are forever in our hearts and memory. I still have your pictures all over and always get a laugh at the ones with your cute hats on. Especially the Straw Hat and Santa Hat. I still have not got another dog. I don't know why yet. I just want you back! As I am writing this now tears are welling up in my eyes because I remember all the happy times when we were together going to the park etc. or when we where not feeling well you were right there besides us. Tony says that he still remembers you going to the coffee shop and waiting for your cookie. Well Dublin you are always forever in our hearts and I hope you are not in any pain and are running around in the rainbow bridge with Dewey Dog and all your other little friends. We love and always miss you Dublin! Forever in our Hearts! And as always a big hug and a kiss from us. XOXO November 1, 2012 It is 9 years now since you have been gone. I have never forgotten you and never will. A Balloon will be coming your way towards the sky today as usual with loving thoughts. Have not decided what color but our message will be clear and that is you are forever in our hearts. We still have your picture in the car with us every day. I hope you are having peace and in no pain with all the other friends that you have met in heaven. Your ashes are with us but I know your spirit lives on in heaven. Seasons may come and go but your memory lingers on in our minds. As always a Big Hug and Kiss from us XXOO. This poem says it all and I am sure that you would say these words if you could. The poem brings Tony and I solace when we are missing you so much. Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there, I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow. I am the diamond glint on snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain. I am the gentle autumn rain. When you wake in the morning hush, I am the swift, uplifting rush Of quiet birds in circling flight. I am the soft starlight at night. Do not stand at my grave and weep. I am not there, I do not sleep. Do not stand at my grave and cry. I am not there, I did not die! November 1, 2013 Dublin it is 10 years now since you have been gone. But it does not matter as we still miss you so much. As always Just sent the Balloon your way. Look for the Yellow Happy Face Balloon!!! Tony and I wrote some messages to you and sent it your way right thru the stars in the sky towards the Rainbow Bridge. Hope you get it! Have you been playing with Dewey Dog? I bet you are running around and feeling no pain. We have moved and are now near Heather and the children. They would have really liked playing with you cause they do have a another dog Gracie but it is not too friendly. It is a rescue dog like you but it is still afraid of people. But Gracie is warming up to everyone so it will take time. She probably would have liked to play with you. Anyway this year sure has had its share of challenges for us all! We still have your picture in the car and so you are with us in spirit and I know your are in heaven, We still have your ashes here in your urn with your picture. As always we love and miss you. You are forever in our hearts and mind! And a big hug and kiss is sent your way from us. XOXO We Love You Dublin!!! November 1, 2014 Dublin it is 11 years since you have been gone. But we miss you so much it seems like only yesterday. Tony and I are always reminded of you when we see another Springer or we visit places that we know you would have loved especially the parks. Have you seen Dewey Dog? I am sure you both are running and playing. It is nice being near Heather and the children and how I wish you were here. Heather's dog Gracie still is not very friendly with people but, she is starting to warm up to us. She is a rescue Pit so it will take time. Why even Heather's cats are being nicer to Gracie. As usual Dublin we will be sending a balloon your way today with our loving message. Look for it high in the sky! Tony is feeling much better after his shoulder surgery but still misses you so much and wishes you were here. This year had some ups and downs for everyone! Your picture is still in our car and you go with us everywhere even to your favorite place Starbucks but some Starbucks do not give out treats for dogs like they used to. They even don't carry your favorite coffee cake. Remember sharing it with us. As always Dublin love, hugs and kisses xxxxxxxxxxxooooooooooo always and forever!!! March 13, 2019 Dublin it is 16 years since you have been gone. We think about you all the time. Still have your picture in a frame in the car so you are always with us. Sent a Balloon your way on November 1, 2018. Been doing it for 15 years in your memory. Yellow Smiley Face Balloon. Hope you like it. We always write something on it to let you know we miss you! Heather got another rescue Pit. His name is Ziggy. He is very big about 90 pounds and very active. Gracie is getting old now so she is not as active. Loving you Dublin Always! XXOO November 1, 2021 Dublin it has been 18 years and we still miss you. You are in our thoughts and when we see a Springer we always think of you. About a couple weeks ago we saw a Springer in the park and it reminded us of you and we miss you. We sent a Balloon as usual your way with Love and that we miss you. Yellow Balloon and it really went so high in the sky! I hope straight to you. These past years had a lot of challenges for everyone and hope things get better. Loving you Dublin Always! XXOO November 1, 2022 Dublin it has been 19 years and you are still very much in our hearts. We miss you. Everytime we see a Springer in the park we always think of you and we have to pet it. Heather got a new dog and sadly Gracie went to the rainbow bridge along with Ziggy. Very sad. We sent a yellow Balloon your way as usual wth loving thoughts. I always video it and watch it soar though the clouds right to you! There have been a lot of challenges again this year for everyone and things will get better for all concerned. We Love you Dublin Always and Always! XX00 November 1, 2024 Dublin we are still missing you and still send a Yellow Balloon your way as usual with our loving thoughts. We still miss you very much and wish you were here. We always think of you and always have your pictures to remind us of how loving you were. Time has past but our love for you is endless. Love you Dublin XXXOOO

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