Welcome to Dumbo's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Dumbo
01/18/01 Dearest Dumbo, it is so hard to believe that you have left and the pain that comes with the thought is so hard to bear. Although I could not be at your side when you left, I hope you enjoyed our last days together. I will try to be strong because I know it breaks your heart to see me cry. You have always been my best friend since we were kids and you will always be. Dad wrote us this letter just after you were gone. He had said everything I wanted to tell you. Remember to wait for me at the bridge and I will always look forward to the day we meet again. All my love, Michelle.

DADDY'S LETTER: Dumbo has left us last night for Rainbow Bridge at 21:30. I know that you girls must still be mourning the loss of Dumbo and that you must be feeling really sad and miserable. Before you engulf yourself in your sorrowful thought I would like you to know that this is the best thing that could have happened to him although we were not expecting it to come so soon. It breaks our heart to witness our dear and proud friend suffered, although he did it with dignity till the very end. It would be the best thing to put him to sleep so that he can still maintain his dignity and pride until the very last moment. Dumbo will always live in our hearts and memories of him will be treasured in the fondest part of our hearts that is reserved for someone really special. Although he was sometimes mean towards other dogs he is loved by all and the whole Broadcast Drive mourn for his premature departure. Dumbo lived a full and satisfying life, he was surrounded by love and attention since his arrival into our home. When he was still a puppy, he had ears so big that gave him his name. He has been a menace and not the best dog all along but that is what makes him so special and loved so dearly. He had his own mind and behaved more like a human being (mind you, much better than some humans that we know) than a dog. When he did not require your company he just hid in his private haven - under the sofa or the bed!! Although you were away studying in the UK and he missed you every minute but he had the constant attention of your parents as well as that of Virgie. He was cuddled and teased from time to time and although he reacted fiercely to the teasing but somehow deep in our hearts we know that he loved the attention that we have devoted to him. He was more like a friend, a very close friend than a dog to us, he was unanimously accepted as part of our family the moment he stepped into our house and he played the part with dignity and confidence, never wanting to be too close to Lazypig and Fay Fay as he considered himself to be of another class much more superior to them. He loved all of us in his own special way, our friends, whether living in Hong Kong or overseas, will share the same loss when they know that our dear friend has left us - for the Rainbow Bridge. If it is any consolation we grief in the comforting thought that he finds peace and tranquillity in his new residence, not troubled by illness or disease. He will no longer have to fight for that extra breath into his lungs, no more limping along the street and trying hard to raise his hind leg to leave his mark of dominance!! He will be rejuvenated, once again the young and naughty Dumbo that we came to be so fond of, he will be waiting faithfully for the reunion with me and mum and then at a much later time -you!!

Last night I talked to Dumbo and he seemed to understand every word that I said, with a lot of sorrow in his eyes he seemed to be telling me : "Please tell the twins that I miss them, they have been the most wonderful sisters and I leave with content and joy with the fond memory of all of you forever in my heart. I only hope that if I can be borned as a dog again my future family would only be half as nice as you. My life has been full and complete, I enjoyed every moment that we spent together and the love and attention that you have devoted to me so unconditionally. I know that in view of my failing health what you have done to me was the most considerate thing and I am forever thankful for the decision you made to end my misery and suffering. I know that it would be a great blow to you, one that you are willing to shoulder because of your love for me. I shall leave with the comforting thought of sleeping gently in your arms while you are bidding your last good-bye to me. Before I leave you, please tell Bo Bo, my best friend for more than 10 years, I will miss him and will be waiting for him at the bridge. Although I am not with you physically but rest assure I will always be watching you from Rainbow Bridge, as I am sure you will also carry the fond memory of me with you all along, no matter where you are!! I shall always love you!"

We should not be mourning for the lost, but instead we should be thankful for being fortunate enough to have the opportunity of spending 10 1/2 years of joyful time with him. We shall go through the photo albums of him and talk about the happy times that we shared to your children and grandchildren - I am sure they will understand that Dumbo is a special friend and a faithful companion to us and should be accorded with the appropriate amount of respect and status in our family. We shall miss him forever. Dad 18.01.01

Today is your 11th birthday. I hope you are having a wonderful time there in Rainbow Bridge with all your new fiends. We all miss you so much and wish that we could give you your birthday egg like we used to do. So, have a good time, my sweet baby, and have lots of eggs. Michelle 30.06.01

Bo Bo went to join you at the Bridge yesterday. I imagine you have found him and welcomed him to your home as you did 13 years ago. Play hard with him now and have lots of fun. We all miss you a lot. 18/01/03

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