Welcome to Ebony's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Ebony's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Ebony
When we took Ebony home, she was just the cutest little black furball I've ever seen... We were able to fit her under our jacket to "hide" her from the girls so we could surprise them...but she just had to peek her head out...she was so nosy !!! Every day with her was just laughs galore...she was so funny and so mischievious... Had to hide all our shoes from her, that's for sure. She had a way of always getting into everything...I said she had an "explorer's Spirit" However, it was that spirit that also caused her to become injured.

Ebony is one of the smartest and most strong-willed girls I have ever known...When she was just a baby, 3 years old, she was hit by a car...the doctors recommended she be put to sleep...said she would never have a good quality of life as she would be paralyzed from her waist down. She picked up her head hearing this as if to say "no way" I'm not ready to go !!! And she wasn't... For 6 years, she managed to get herself around the house by the strength of her 2 front legs and pulled her back legs ...especially at meal time...she moved faster than a dog working with 4 legs.. She was always happy, always alert... She wore a diaper, and let me know when it had to be changed...She had her own cart, and was taken outside for walks...where she pranced along happily. She had her own pillow and mattress where she slept every night...knew when you told her "it's bed time, go to sleep", she'd climb up on it and do just that. She constantly showed you love...always saw it in her beautiful eyes. After 6 years of doing this, my girl got tired...but she was a trooper...she was a fighter. She lived her life the way she wanted to...until she decided the time was right for her to go to sleep...and rest...permanently. There is no other girl in the world who can ever replace my baby Ebony...there is NO replacing a dog like her. To me...she was one of a kind. I love her...I miss her so very much... I only pray for her happiness....and peace. I love you my baby Ebby...Mommy will always love you.
4/7/07: Tomorrow is Easter my little girl...You were always my special little easter sweet...I love you and miss you my baby. Be happy mommy's little girl... hugs & kisses xoxoxoxo
5/16/07: Hello My Baby Girl...The weather is becoming beautiful, and I'm just thinking and remembering how much you used to love playing outside...I'm sure you're running and playing with your friends now. I think of you every day and miss you terribly...but I know you are happy now my precious baby.
6/21/07: Hi baby, it's the first day of summer and we had a terrific thunderstorm...Buster was so afraid, I remember how he used to stay by you when it stormed because you were the brave one. Hope you're happy my baby girl...I look at your picture every day...you're so beautiful. I miss you my girl, but at least you're not hurting any more. I love you baby girl.
Hugs & Kisses... Mommy
11/13/07: Baby Girl, it's almost a year since you've been gone from us...You are missed just as much today as you were when you were first taken from us...You are in my thoughts every day my sweet baby. I'm constantly wishing you're healthy and happy baby girl. Mommy loves you Ebby..now and always. Hugs & Kisses to you my sweet girl. Love Always....Mommy
12/16/07: Hello Baby. There is snow on the ground and I'm remembering how much you used to love playing in the snow and catching snowballs. I changed your scenery to reflect winter so you can enjoy yourself. Christmas is almost here as well as the day that your body left me. Your soul and heart are with me always. I miss you so much baby girl...this time of the year even more than usual if that's possible. I hope you're happy with all your friends, old and new arrivals at RB. I love thinking of you running and playing and happy baby girl. I love you...yesterday, today, tomorrow my Ebby. Your brothers, Buster & Oreo send their love, as well as your sister, Muffin. Buster still looks for you. Til next time...I love you. Mommy
12/25/2007: Merry Christmas my baby girl. This is our first Christmas without you...and you are so very much missed my sweet girl. You might not have been here with us in person, but you are always in our thoughts and our hearts. I hope Santa treated you great, because you are such a good little girl. I hope you and all your new friends had a really great Christmas. We all miss you sweetheart...and we all love you. Merry Christmas Sweet, Sweet Ebby..
12/29/07: My Sweet Baby, Ebby...how do I tell you what today does to me? It took me all day to come on here to visit...I've done nothing but cry all day. I know how much you disliked seeing Mommy upset..that it used to upset you. So, I had to wait to come here. But baby girl...I miss you so very much. Today makes a year that you left me in body...but never in heart, mind, soul & spirit. I think of you constantly my sweet baby...and miss you...and love you more with each passing day. I see that many of your furbaby friend's parents have come to visit you and left beautiful messages for you...I know this made you very happy, as it did me...they all tell me how happy you are now...free from pain, running and jumping and enjoying yourself. This is the image I keep in my mind. I hope you had a nice anniversary party today with all your friends...Know that you are in my heart constantly baby girl. I will love you forever. Rest well, my little angel...I will visit again soon.
All my love always....
P.S. Buster, Oreo, Muffin, Daddy, Danielle, Cristine, Grandma and Cody all send their love.
12/31/07: Ebby baby, here we are last day of 2007...Just want to let you know that tonight, New Year's Eve, I'll be raising my glass at midnight to toast you my baby girl. Hope you're partying with your sisters, brothers and all your new friends. I love you.
1/1/08: My Dearest Ebony....Happy New Year Baby !!! Mommy's first thought when I woke up this morning was of you...my last thought before I went to sleep was of you. I felt you here with me celebrating the New Year my baby. I toasted you at Midnight...I remembered how you used to like to taste champagne...You were so funny. I am sitting here listening to the words of the song that is playing for you...the words are so beautiful...I have to believe they're true...you are happy & healthy again....and we will see each other again. I miss you so very much my baby girl...It's a pain that doesn't ever go away...but just thinking of you happy is all that's important.
I love you so very much baby girl... Happy New Year my little angel.
Love you forever,
3/4/08: Happy Birthday My Sweet Angel. It's so hard to believe that today is your 10th birthday...wow, seems like only yesterday you were this little black tiny furball. If you were here with us now, we'd be having a big birthday party for you and everyone would be here....Buster recognizes your music when I come to visit you, so he runs right over now to say hello to you too. Hope all your furbaby friends at the Bridge are wishing you a happy birthday. Caleb told Charlie to tell me that they had a big surprise waiting for you. I love you my baby and I miss you as much as ever. Happy Birthday once again my sweet angel.
Love Always & Forever,
3/23/08: Happy Easter Baby Girl. Betcha you're having fun going on easter egg hunts with your friends at the bridge...Buster was giving kisses to your picture today...he misses his big sister...just like we all do. Mommy loves you sweet baby and thinks of you every day....but I always think of you running and playing and healthy and happy now. I love you my Ebby.
5/11/08: Today is Mother's Day and Mommy is missing her little baby girl very much...I've been thinking of you so much - are you thinking of mommy and sending your brainwaves to me? (smile) That would be a nice Mother's Day present for me. I hope you're having fun with all your furbaby friends running and playing and feeling good. I just wanted to come say hi to my baby girl and let you know I love you very much and as always am thinking of you. xoxoxoxx
8/19/08: Hello my little angel; how's my baby girl? It's summertime now. Remember how warm you used to get with all that fur? Betcha you're nice and comfortable now where everything is just perfect for you. Mommy's been thinking of you so much and I really miss you, but I keep reminding myself you're so much better off now. It's just difficult being without you. Buster is a big boy now, actually, he's 8 years old now - not the young "kid" you left. We never brought in another dog after you left - he plays with the cats, especially Oreo. You remember him, he loved you too.
Have you been welcoming all the new arrivals at the Bridge? I keep telling everyone how friendly you are. My birthday is next week...have you been sending me Ebby loves...is that why you're constantly on my mind? I hope so. I love you my baby girl...Be well my angel.
Love you always...Mommy.
10/11/08: Hello Baby Girl, It's Fall once again, Danielle's birthday just passed, and I was thinking about how cute you looked at the parties when we put b'day hats on you... I miss you so much my baby. I think about the fact that December will make 2 years you are gone from me, and it still feels like yesterday that you left... I hope you're making friends with all the new furbabies coming to the Bridge, there have been so many. I think about you every day and hope your happy...at least I know you're healthy once again..able to run and play. I just needed to come visit you and tell you I love you & miss you. Be well my little angel. Hugs & Kisses...Mommy
12/24/08: Hello My Sweetest Angel, Here it is another Christmas without my baby girl and I still miss you as much as ever. In another week it will be your two year anniversary at RB...I know you've made lots of friends and are well loved. We love you baby and miss you very much but know you are happy where you are now. Merry Christmas little angel girl, your brothers Buster & Oreo, and sister, Muffin, and the other "cousin" cats send their love also. Mommy will visit you soon again baby girl...I love you always. xoxoxo
12/29/08: Oh Ebby...today makes 2 years since you've left me and I still have an impossible time dealing with it. I miss my baby girl so very much. The only thing that makes it somewhat bearable is knowing that you are not suffering any more; that you are no longer in pain, that you are healthy and able to run and play once again the way you used to. I know you are happy doing this and I know you have made many wonderful friends at R.B. The parents of your friends have been so special too, sending their wishes to both you and I. I feel your presence my baby - just know that Mommy and the rest of the family love and miss you so much...Until the day I see you again, you are forever in my heart...Stay well my angel, be happy...run and play...I love you. xoxoxox Mommy
3/4/09: Happy Birthday Baby !!! I can't believe it my little girl is 11 !!! I remember the little tiny bundle you were when we brought you home. I hope you're having a big party with all your friends there celebrating your big day like we would here. Everyone here at home wishes you a Happy Birthday and sends you all their love. Your picture is on mommy's computer so we look at your beautiful face every day. You are loved and missed very much my baby. It doesn't fade as time goes on...I'm just happy you're no longer in pain and no longer suffering.Its nice knowing you're able to play and run once again... Be happy my baby girl.. Now go enjoy your party and save a piece of b'day cake for me.....I love you always and forever. xoxoxox Mommy
12/25/09: Hello My Sweet Baby Girl, Merry Christmas to you. Alot has happened since mommy last visited you...Muffin has now joined you there, as well as Cody. I hope you're taking good care of both of them. I miss you as much as ever, you're always on my mind. Your picture sits right on the table where I see it every day. This is a sad month for me, as this is the time you left me here on earth, but never from my mind or heart. We brought a new baby kitten into the house, her name is Calista...you would've loved her...she's just as crazy fun as you were. I hope you're enjoying your Christmas with your sisters, brothers, and friends at R.B. I love you little baby girl...now and forever and the pain of missing you never fades.... I will visit you soon. Love you xoxoxox Mommy
12/29/09: Another year passes by my little girl...and it feels just like this morning that you left me. I find it hard to believe that 3 years have passed since I held you and looked at your beautiful furry face for the last time here on earth. I do have your picture next to me, and I see your smiling face every day. Oh baby, mommy misses you so much....I try not to cry because it upsets Buster, and I do realize that you're so much better off now...feeling good, not ill any longer. I just miss you so much baby girl. Just wanted to visit you today, to let you know that, of course, I am thinking of you...I will visit you on New Years to raise a toast to you my little one. Til then xoxoxo always in my heart...Mommy
1/2010: Happy New Year my sweet baby...I love you and miss you so much. I can't believe another year has gone by without you...it's so hard to not cry for missing you Ebby...but I just have to remember you're happy now. I love you baby girl. Please take care of Muffin & Cody who have joined you there. I'll visit you again soon my angel. I love you forever...xoxoxox Mommy
3/4/10: Happy Birthday my sweet angel...I can't believe you would be celebrating your 12th birthday.....you look like a little baby. I think of you every day my baby, and miss you so much. I hope you had a wonderful birthday with Muffin, Cody, all your other brothers & sisters, and all your new friends. I think of you healthy & happy...now with spring almost here - running and playing outside... with no pain...that image keeps me going. I love you so much my baby girl...You are always in my mind and my heart. Love Forever, Mommy xoxoxoxo
11/14/10: Hello My Baby Girl, I'm sorry I've not been here for so long; it's been a tough few months for mommy...but I'm still always thinking of you. Once again the holidays are coming, and it's making it so hard being without you. Every day I still think of all the adorable antics you did...especially you and Buster. Danielle got a puppy now, but Buster doesn't really like him...he doesn't play with him. Like I feel, so does he, nobody can take your place in his heart, or in Mine. I miss you baby girl...I hope you're playing and having fun with all your furry friends. I know Charlie is there now watching over you all. Give him a special lick and tail wag.
I'll visit with you soon my little girl. I love you...yesterday, today & always...forever. xoxoxo Mommy
12/25/2010: Merry Christmas my baby girl !!! Hope you're remembering all the fun we had on Christmas morning when you opened your presents... I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving with all your new friends. I miss you so much my little angel. Although the holidays are supposed to be a happy time of year, this is a really bad month for mommy. In a few days, it will mark the anniversary of you leaving me in body...but never in mind or spirit my baby. Know that you're always in my mind & heart my baby girl....Hope you're playing with all your new friends and smiling with that beautiful smile you always had. I love you mommy's girl...I'll love you always....Merry Christmas once again my baby girl xoxox
12/29/10: Another year passes without my baby girl. I can't believe 4 years have passed. It's like you were just taken from me this morning. I think of you and miss you every day my baby girl. Everyone here misses you as well. Danielle got a puppy, but Buster doesn't like him; nobody can take your place. Although this is a sad "anniversary" I know you are healthy now, no longer in pain .. that's what Keeps me going. I do love you my baby girl, that is forever. Rest peacefully my little angel. Love you always my Little Ebby...xoxoxox Mommy
1/1/2011: To My Baby Ebony: Happy New Year !!! I love you baby & miss you...You are always in our thoughts. I will love you always my baby girl xoxoxox
3/4/2011: Happy Birthday Baby Girl !!!!Just think, here it is your birthday once again...your 13th Birthday !!! I've been thinking of you constantly sweet baby. Wishing you a happy day spent with all your friends...hope they gave you a big b'day cake; we know you have that sweet toot :-) I love you my little angel baby, and continue to miss you every day. Happy Birthday...love you with all my heart xoxoxox Mommy
12/12/2011: Hello My Dearest Baby Girl...Sorry it's been so long since I've visited you, but you are more than likely aware that mommy had some issues going on.But here I am now :-) I hope you spent a very nice Thanksgiving with all your friends @RB. We are starting to decorate now for Christmas, and as always, my thoughts are with you, wishing you were here with us. You are still missed so much my little girl, and loved forever. Buster and all the cats send their love to you. Your picture is hanging right in the living room where everyone can see it my beautiful girl. I'm going to go now, but I'll be back to wish you a Merry Christmas. I love you my Ebby, for ever & ever. xoxoxoxoxo Mommy
12/29/2011: Happy Anniversary @ Rainbows Bridge my little Ebby. I can't believe it's been 5 years since you left us...I miss you so very much my baby. I think of you all the time and talk about you all the time also. We talk about what a smart little girl you were, and how well you adapted once you were injured. It's like it was just yesterday that you were sitting right here with us. My baby, I can't tell you how much I miss you. Buster doesn't play with Danielle's dog the way he did you. His only friends are the cats. He misses you too. RIP my little girl...I know you're not suffering any more, and playing with all your little & big friends whom you made there at RB. I love you yesterday, today, tomorrow & forever. xoxoxox Mommy
1/1/2012: Happy New Year to my very special angel....I love you xoxoxox Mommy
3/4/2012: My baby girl, today is your birthday....You would've been 14 years old !!! Happy Birthday my angel, hope you and your friends at RB are celebrating with a big party. You are always in our hearts & minds. Mommy loves you so very much now and always. Til my next visit xoxoxoxox Mommy
12/23/12: My baby girl, another Christmas is here and I'm missing you so very much. Not a day goes by that mommy doesn't think of you. I'm sorry I don't visit as much as I should...I'll try to do better....but you are always in my thoughts, no matter what. I hope you and all your little friends (and big ones) and the rest of our family in RB have a very merry christmas...I'm sure santa will treat you very nicely, because you've always been such a good little girl. I'm going to go now, leaving you with lots of love and big hugs...I will visit you again very soon my baby. I love you, now & always xoxoxoxxo Mommy
12/29/12: Hello my baby girl...another year has passed and my love for you and my feeling of loss has not diminished in any way....I miss you just as much today as when you first left me and entered RB. At least I know you are in a good place, happy & healthy. I hope you had a beautiful christmas with all your friends and your brothers & sisters who are there with you. Give them all a hug for me. Rest easy my little girl, mommy will visit you again soon. I love you and miss you. xoxoxo Always & Forever, Mommy.
3/4/13: Hello again my dearest baby girl and Happy 15th Birthday!! I hope all your family & friends at RB throw you a big party and you have lots of fun. I love you baby and had to visit you today,your special day. I think of you every day and continue to miss you so much. All your brothers and sisters here at home miss you and love you too. Please know that you are gone from us, but never ever forgotten. Love you so much and will visit you again soon. Rest peacefully and happily my little angel. xoxoxoxox Mommy
7/13/13: Hello my baby girl...I'm happy to see you, but sad to have to say that your brother, Buster, has left us. He will be joining you at Rainbow's Bridge today, so please take good care of him and make him feel at home. I love you baby girl and miss you...you are always in my heart.I will visit you again soon. xoxoxoxox Mommy
7/19/13: Hello my little angel girl...I hope you're running and playing with your brother, Buster. I'm sure you were both very happy to see each other again, you two loved each other so much and now are together once again. The years pass, little girl, but missing you is as strong as ever, and loving you is a given...that never stops. Rest easy my little princess, and take care of your brother. My two babies, I miss you both so much. With love always, xoxoxoxoxo Mommy
8/1/13: Hello my baby girl...How is my little smiling princess today? I hope you are taking good care of your brother, Buster, and helping him find the rest of our furbabies, and introducing him to all your friends. You both were inseperable at home, and now you're together once again. That thought gives me some peace of mind. I miss you my little girl...I love you...always have, always will. Take care of each other...mommy will visit soon. I love you now & always baby girl...and still miss you so much. You are always in my heart. xoxoxoxox Mommy <3
8/11/13: hello baby girl...how's my little sweetheart today? Mommy's been thinking of you a lot and hoping you're taking good care of your brother, Buster. Today makes a month that he's come to be with you. I hope my babies are having fun and that you've found the rest of your brothers and sisters. Mommy is sad, she's missing her babies, but I know you are in a good place and are feeling all better. I love you baby girl, very much & will always miss you. See you soon...Love always, Mommy xoxoxoxo
2/2/14: Hello My Little Angel, it's been a while since Mommy has come to visit and I'm really sorry. I've just been unable to deal with the losses of you and Buster and I've just been very upset. I know that's no excuse, so let me wish you a belated Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. But, in addition to these holidays, we've passed another year "anniversary" of when you went to RB. I still look at your picture every day, it's right here in plain sight....and I still cry for missing you. I know you've got your brother, Buster, there with you now and you two are happily playing. At least that thought makes me smile. We adopted a furbaby in September. His name is Ranger, and he kind of resembles Buster. You would love him...I tell him about his big sister all the time. I hope you also greeted Danielle's furbaby Fritz when he came to RB last month. I will visit again soon my baby girl, your 16th Birthday is coming in March...I won't miss that.It's been snowy out, remember how much you liked playing in the snow? See you soon angel baby; Mommy loves you now and always xoxoxo
3/4/14: Happy 16th Birthday my little sweetheart. I hope you and our furbabies at RB as well as all your friends celebrated your birthday with a big party. I thought about how much you loved being the center of attention, and I know you were a shining star today. I love you my baby girl and miss you constantly. I will visit you soon again...Give your brother, Buster, and the rest of our furbabies lots of licks and snuggles for mommy. Always in my heart my baby girl...xoxoxoxo Mommy.
11/19/14: Hello my beautiful baby girl. Guess what! I bought a lviing room set today and the name of it was J.Ebony! I couldn't find one I liked until I saw that one and it was perfect! I knew it would be as soon as I saw the name..I knew you led me right to it.I love it.Thank you :-) Winter is coming again and I know you loved playing in the snow; hopefully you're doing alot of playing with your brothers and sisters and all your friends there at R.B. I like to think of your little face all happy and healthy looking. I miss you my baby girl and think of you alot...but it makes me feel better knowing that you're not in any pain and you're happy. I love you sweet baby and I'll be back to visit you for the holidays. I just wanted to visit you to say hello and tell you I love you very much. xoxoxoxoxoxox Mommy
12/25/14: Merry Christmas My Little Baby Girl !!!! I love you forever, Mommy xoxoxoxoxo
12/29/14: Today is a sad day my little baby...it's the day you left me to go to RB. I still miss you so much. I always wonder what it would have been like to watch you grow old..you'd have been almost 16 years old now ...an old lady !!! At least I know you'll always be young and happy where you are and not suffer with the old-age ailments. I love you baby...forever & always xoxoxo Mommy
3/4/15: Happy 17th Birthday my beautiful girl !!! I hope you're having a fun birthday with your family and friends @ Rainbow's Bridge. I hope they're all making you feel extra special...because you are. I love you sweet little girl and miss you. I'll see you soon...Love you forever, xoxoxoxoxoxo Mommy
6/15/15: Hello my beautiful little girl. Just coming on to say hello to my baby girl. Summer is coming and time for you to run and play and jump in the pool...I'm sure you have all that there at RB. I hope you're playing nice with your brother, Buster, as well as your other brothers and sisters who you should have found there. Mommy still misses you and thinks of you all the time. I'm just picturing your happy little face and I'm glad to know you're feeling well..no pain. I love you baby girl. I'll visit again real soon.
All my love always, Mommy xoxoxo
11/8/15: Hello my beautiful little furbaby. I hope my little girl is enjoying the cooler weather. I know how hot you were during the summer with all that fur. Fall and winter were always your favorite seasons. Thanksgiving will be here in a few weeks and I hope all the furbabies at RB will be enjoying a nice fat turkey. I've been thinking about you and your brother, Buster so much. We all talk about you every day. You are still loved and missed very much. We talk about what a little spitfire you were and what a determined little girl when you wanted your own way. It was so adorable, but you were such a little sweetheart too. We have two new boys now, Ranger and Trooper. Ranger is the same color as Buster was, and Trooper is solid black like you. They're good boys, you'd enjoy playing with them. I think of that all the time, how much fun you would all have together. I love and miss you very much my little girl and I always will, no matter how much time passes. I will come and visit soon. Love you always xoxoxoxo Mommy
11/26/15: Happy Thanksgiving Baby Girl. Hope you had alot of fun today and ate alot of turkey. We were talking about you today...all good, of course. I miss you baby and love you very much. Mommy will come and visit again real soon. Keep that adorable smile on your beautiful face my little princess xoxoxox
12/25/15: Hello my sweet little princess & Merry Christmas to you. This is a bad couple of weeks now...Christmas without you, and the 29th marks the anniversary of when you left us 9 years ago. So many years and it still feels so new and painful. I miss you princess, but I know you're having fun with your brother, Buster, and all your other brothers, sisters & friends there. I also know Santa brought you a great gift because you're such a good girl. Bye for now baby, I'll see you in a few days. Mommy loves you forever and ever xoxoxox
12/29/15: My baby girl, today is a horrible day. This marks 9 years that you've been taken from me and our family. Time continues to pass by, but my love for you remains steady as ever. I miss you as much today as I did the day you left. Rest in Peace my baby girl; play and enjoy yourself with your family and friends at RB. I love you xoxoxoxo mommy
3/3/16: Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to my baby girl, happy birthday to you...Hope you had a wonderful birthday with your brothers, sisters and friends. It's hard to believe another birthday has come and gone and my goodness, you would be 18!!! But there you'll always be young and healthy. I love you baby, and miss you. I think of you every day. I'll love you forever, Mommy xoxoxo
12/25/16: Another Christmas is here without my beautiful girl. Merry Christmas little angel...I hope Santa took good care of you and you had a good time there with all your brothers, sisters & friends. I love you and miss you my sweet little girl...always & forever xoxoxoxo Mommy
12/29/16: this is the date I hate....it is the anniversary of the day you had to leave us. It's etched in my heart, and it still hurts after all this time. I miss you my girl, but I know you're in a better place. I love you so much xoxoxox Mommy
1/1/17: Happy New Year my little baby girl !!!! I love you so very much xoxoxoxo Mommy
2/2/17: Hi my sweet little girl. I hope you're having a good time today celebrating your brother, Buster's, birthday. Hoping all your brothers, sisters and friends are having a really good time. I miss you my little girl and think of you very often. I love you always & forever. I'll visit again real soon. Love you baby, Mommy xoxoxoxo
3/3/17: Happy Birthday mommy's little girl...Wow, you would've been 19 years old today!! I hope you had a wonderful day with your family and friends and they all celebrated your birthday. We would've had a big party for you here, but you know I'm always thinking of you. I miss you and love you baby girl, always & forever. xoxoxoxo Mommy
6/29/17: Hello my beautiful little girl. Summertime is here and it's so hot. I know you're nice and cool and comfortable where you are, feeling good, running and playing on 4 good legs. I smile knowing you are healthy once again and no longer in pain/discomfort. I miss you my sweet little angel and I will love you forever and ever. I'll visit again soon my baby. Always & forever xoxoxoxo, Mommy
7/11/17: Hello my baby girl. Today is Buster's 4th anniversary at RB. I know you're taking good care of him and playing with him. I miss you and love you so much my little girl. I think about you every day. I'll visit you soon my sweet girl. Just know mommy loves you always and forever xoxoxoxo Mommy
12/8/17: Hello my little love, just stopping in to make it all pretty for you for Christmas. I love you baby. Always & forever, mommy xoxoxoxoxo
12/25/17: Merry Xmas my beautiful baby!!! I hope Santa treated my good girl really well and you had lots of goodies. I love you my sweet girl. Always & forever xoxox Mommy
1/1/18: Happy New Year my little love. I hope this year will be a fun year for you running and playing with your friends and family. I love you and miss you so much my girl. I think of you always and will love you forever xoxoxo Mommy
3/3/18: Happy Birthday my very sweet girl. So many years ago we brought our little black furball home. Time sure has passed, but it hasn't lessened how much I miss you. I hope your brothers and sisters treated you to a great birthday. I love you my baby girl, always & forever xoxoxox Mommy4
7/11/18:Hello my precious girl. Just stopping by to see my beautiful baby girl to tell you I miss you and love you forever xoxoxoxo Mommy
3/3/19: Happy birthday baby girl. I wish we were spending your birthday together. I'm so sorry I haven't been here in such a long time. There's been alot going on and I haven't been at the computer. I missed spending Xmas and New Years with you but I hope Santa treated you good and gave you everything you could possibly want. I promise I'll be sure to visit you more often. I think about you all the time and always look at your picture. I miss you my pretty little girl. I'll visit you again real soon. Love you forever xoxoxoxoxo Mommy
7/11/19: Hello my beautiful little girl. Today is the anniversary of the day your brother, Buster, joined you at Rainbow's Bridge. I miss both of you so much. I always talk about you. It's quite a few years since you left me, but I still miss you so much. I know you're healthy and running with your brothers and sisters happily and that's the thought I keep. I love you sweet girl...forever. xoxoxoxo Mommy
4/2020: My beautiful baby girl, I'm so sorry I've not been here to visit you in so long. I've missed birthdays, anniversaries and other important dates. There has been a lot going on, but I have never forgotten you for one minute. I will do better visiting you. I hope you are running, playing and having a nice afterlife with your friends, your brothers & sisters. Some day we will be together again, but for now just know you are always in my heart. I love you forever....Mommy
7/11/20: Hello my baby girl, today marks the 7th year of Buster joining you at Rainbow's Bridge. Also, Calista joined you in May. I hope all my babies are having fun together, happy, playing and feeling good. I miss you my sweetest girl and will love you always and forever..Mommy
7/18/22: Hello my sweet baby girl. So much time has passed and I'm so sorry I wasn't here. No matter what, you are always on my mind, I'm always thinking of you and missing you. At least I have comfort in knowing you no longer are in pain and you can run freely and happily with 4 good legs with your brothers and sisters. I love you my baby girl, now and forever. I'll come back soon...I love you forever xoxoxox Mommy
3/4/23: Happy Birthday my beautiful girl. I hope you are celebrating with your brothers and sisters. You are missed something awful my little sweetheart. Has grandpa come to play with you? He's up in heaven now too. Enjoy lots of birthday cake (you do have that sweet tooth) and I hope you also get lots of steak. I love you my little girl, now and always. I'll come visit again soon. You are always in my heart. xoxoxoxo Mommy
6/23/23: Hello My Beautiful baby girl. Just checking in with you to let you know you're in my thoughts and in my heart always. Have you greeted your little sister, Misty. She left us to come to Rainbow's Bridge. I hope you are all playing together and feeling perfect. I talk about you so much remembering what a smart little girl and all the thing you did. I love you my baby girl, I'll visit you again soon. You are always in my heart and in my mind. Love you forever, Mommy
5/24/24: Hello my precious baby girl. Once again so much time has passed without me visiting and I'm so sorry. I missed your birthday and I'm so sorry; I don't know how time goes by so fast...Believe me, I think about you all the time and miss you still so much. I'll try to do better with visiting. I hope you're a happy little healthy girl playing with all your brothers and sisters. Your brother, Oreo, isn't doing too well and will be joining you soon. Please show him lots of love. I miss you baby girl and will love you always. I'll see you soon. xoxoxoxoxo

Please also visit Buster.

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