Welcome to Ella Enchanted's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Ella Enchanted's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Ella Enchanted
Ella, you gave Mema and Dad 15+ years of happiness, with all your energy, curiosity, and always smiling face. Margo, Brandy, Tracy and Lee, The Kids, will miss you a lot also.
Born in the Tehachapi mountains, raised in the Mojave desert, retired in Wilder, Idaho. Your love of snow was fascinating here in Idaho, Ella would lay on top of snow piles to cool off in the winter and dig in the mug in the summer to do the same. Her little howl was like a yodel when she was excided to see us come home or go out somewhere. Ella traveled many miles with Mom and Dad in our RV's and car traveling around the West.
We hope you will now meet up with many of your doggy friends; Ducky, Murphy, Sally, and many more. Maybe even Wes will find you and take care of you until we join you.
We will visit you once in a while and you will never be forgotten. Be a good dog like you always have been. We love you very much.... Mom and Dad

Ella, it has been a year since you have passed over the rainbow bridge and we miss you so much. Once in a while, I still see you sitting next to me waiting for your share of my sandwich or cookies or your wiggle butt going out the door to the hall if I waited too long to share. Hope you have found many friends and are playing and sleeping as much as you want. I know the last few months with us was a tough time for you moving around, but you did what you wanted too and took your time to find the right spot to lay in the sun on the porch or in taller shady grass under your tree. Thank you Ella for being a best friend we could ever have. Love you and miss you... Dad & Mema

Beautiful Ella it has been two years now since you closed your eyes and traveled over the Rainbow Bridge, and we miss you so much. We got a new bed today and when we moved the old bed a fluff ball of your hair rolled out from under it. I picked it up and held it, squeezed it and felt you were there, trying to get up on the bed, bouncing up and down trying to get our attention. Well you did today! Love and miss you very much.... Dad & Mema

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