We hope you are having fun with Ginger and Tuco. Merry Christmas Ellie. We miss yo very much. Daisey misses you too. 2014 Fall is here already Ellie Bellie. We miss you. 2015 Merry Christmas Ellie. Daisey is with you now so you two be good. We miss you. 2015 Fall is here again Ellie. We still miss you everyday. 2016 Merry Christmas. We miss you everyday. 2016 Spring is here Ellie. We miss you so much. 2017 Summer time Ellie. Very hot today. You and the others would be enjoying a/c today. Wish you were still here. 2017 Fall is here Ellie. You would be in your box with lots of straw. Been chilly with some frost. 2017 Merry Christmas Ellie. Wish you were still here. Miss you everyday. 2017
Ole Ellie Bellie. Sure miss you. Fall is here again. I know you was barking too yesterday as I was mowing. I can still see you running along the fence barking your head off. Dr Junk passed away yesterday so he will be there to help take care of you now. 9/19/18 Merry Christmas Ellie. Think of you every day. I hope all is well. 12/17/18 Spring is here again. Time to fire up the mower so you can bark along the fence. Miss you.04/08/19 Summer is here again Ellie. Very hot today. You left us 6 years ago today. It was hot that day too. In the 90,s. Just had a heavy rain down pour. Hope it will cool off. Miss you everyday. 7/15/2019 Hi Ellie, Fall is here once again. Tomatoes are gone for this year. I miss giving you the little tomatoes ,I know you loved them. Miss you. 10/7/2019 Merry Christmas Ellie. We miss you everyday. Hope you get everything on your wish list.12/18/19 Spring finally here. Mowing has started and baby rabbits in your yard.Miss you everyday. 4/9/20 Summer time Ellie. Very hot been in the 90's for several days. Miss you everyday. 7/7/2020 Fall is upon us Ellie. Tomatoes are done for this year. Still miss you. 10/03/2020 Merry Christmas Ellie. It was a white Christmas this year and we miss you very much. Happy New Year 12/25/2020 Happy Spring Ellie. Easter time again and today is Good Friday.Cold spring day today but will warm next week.Miss you everyday. 4/2/21 Summer is here. Been hot this summer. Gave you a little tomato the other day. I know you always liked to eat them.Still think of you everyday. 7/24/21 Merry Christmas Ellie. Rainy day today no snow.Miss you everyday.12/25/21 Spring time again Ellie. You wouldn't like this rainy weather, but it will get better. Miss you everyday. 4/4/2022. Summer is here Ellie been hot. Had bad back problems but doing better now. Little tomatoes are ready.You was the only one that would eat them. Miss you everyday. 7/15/2022 Happy fall Ellie. Had a visitor a Huskie came along and spent the night. We fed her and gave her water. She was very hungry. The shelter picked her up and said they would find her a good home.She was like you very energetic. We miss you every day. 11/08/2022 Merry Christmas Ellie. Lot of snow this Christmas and high winds and very cold temp. Miss you everyday. 12/25/2022 Spring again Ellie. You would be watching me mow along the fence.Lots of rain so far. Miss you everyday.04/04/2023 Summer is here Ellie. Little late getting this changed but been very busy this summer. Mom had knee replaced and been taking care of her. Put out some cherry tomatoes for you. You always liked them.Been hot and lots of grass mowing.Miss you everyday. 8/11/2023 Hi Ellie fall is here again already. Summer sure went fast. Lots of mowing.Put cherry tomatoes out for you. They sure were good this year. Moms birthday today. Miss you everyday. 10/22/2023 Merry Christmas Ellie. No snow this year for Christmas.Think of you everyday. 12/25/2023 Old Ellie Belly Spring has arrived .Been mowing .Think about you and Gingie barking at me on the mower. Miss you everyday.4/10/2024 Hi Ellie missing you today. You have been gone 11 years ago today. Hard to believe. Been really hot this summer. Miss you everyday.07/15/2024 Hi Ellie,Fall is back. will be raking leaves before long.Weather has been really nice but we need more rain. Think of you everyday.10/24/2024 Merry Christmas Ellie. No snow this Christmas. Hasn't been to cold this winter. Very little snow. Miss you everyday. 12/25/2024 |
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