Welcome to Elsye Renee's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Elsye Renee
I had my sweet Elsye Renee for 8 years, 7 months and 8 days. Before she came to me she lived with my niece and before that with my sister. She started her journey in St. Louis, MO, then moved to Springfield, MO. She then moved to Florida for a year then back to Springfield, MO and then lived in Ozark, MO for several years. When my niece was going to have her baby in December, 2015, she believed that the cat would smother the baby so I took her where she resided in St. Louis, MO for the remainder of her life. I brought her home on Thanksgiving night, 2015.
Elsye loved to go outside in the backyard and brought me gifts from time to time, a baby mouse and a baby bird. She also loved to sit on the front porch and rarely wondered off. If she did, she didn't go far. Over the last two years she began to lose weight. I thought it was hyperthyroid because she was ravenous. Just this past March I learned that she had kidney disease and she lost weight quickly. By June she has less than 25% kidney function. At that time the doctor decided to do everything we could to help her gain weight and to be as comfortable as possible. On our last visit on July 1 the doctor told me I should consider letting her go soon. We had another appointment a week later but I decided I didn't want to wait that long to make a decision so I let her go on July 3, 2024 at approximately 9:50 am. That morning was so difficult for me. I cried and cried and didn't want to go through with letting her go even though I knew it was the best thing to do for her. The vet tech said she was feisty even when they tried to put the catheter in her leg. I had just started taking her to this vet in March but the doctor told me she had become sort of a celebrity at the vet. Everyone that encountered her loved her because she was so sweet.
Now I wonder if I held on to her too long and should have let her go sooner. She never seemed to be in pain or suffering. She was still eating, drinking and going outside to the end which made it even harder to let her go. I just hope I didn't wait too long and made her suffer her last few months.
I miss her and love her so much! My house feels so empty without her!
Rest in peace my sweet baby!

Hello my sweet baby! It has only been 4 days and it feels like an eternity. I am trying to be strong but I had a huge meltdown the day after we departed. I walked around the house, cuddling your blanket, and cried. I miss you so much! I think about you often and constantly feel the need to get up and look for you to make sure you are okay, which is what I did for the last several months. I know it will take time to get over those feelings. I talk to you all the time and hope that you hear me. I know you are in a better place, free of pain and suffering. I just hope I didn't hold on too long. I love you so much my baby!

Hello my sweet baby! I brought you home on Wednesday, July 10, my birthday! This was the best gift ever, having you home again. I have been adapting but today was hard because I've been out of town the last few days, for work, and it was rather sad coming back home and not having you here to greet me physically. I think about you all the time and miss you so much! I know you are in a better place, free of your illnesses and happy and healthy. I hope you are enjoying your time with your sister Abbagail and brother Fread Until we meet again! I love you so much!
Hello my beautiful baby. It was 3 weeks ago this morning that I had to say goodbye to you. It has only been a short time but it feels like an eternity. I miss you so much every day. I miss you cuddling on my lap every evening, especially when I have a rough day at work like today. I have not gotten rid of anything of yours. Your water fountain is still running, your food bowl is still full, your bed is still next to my bed, your blankies are still on the computer chair and the couch and your potties are still in the kitchen. I just can't let go of anything yet. One day but not any time soon!
I still worry that I held onto you too long and should have said goodbye sooner. I just hope I didn't cause you to be in pain or suffer by not letting you go sooner. I truly believe that you would have told me if that were the case. I miss you so much my Sisa and love you so much! Until we meet again!

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