You came to me on 7/14/2009 during the All-Star Game in St. Louis, MO. I saved you from a terrible life on the streets and as soon as you got into my truck, you curled up and fell asleep. Once we got home, the moment you entered your new home, you immediately ran to the mom because you knew she was your new momma. There were some rough times at first, like the time you destroyed a comforter, a chair and the couch! I was so mad at you that I made you stay outside all night long, all by yourself. That next morning,. Satin Marie could not wait to get outside because she knew you were out there and you were HER boy, her first boy. Upon opening the back door, I saw that you were standing in the far corner of the yard and Satin Marie immediately ran right to you. I swore that I would NEVER do that to you again. I never did. You were my best boy! You ended up with the same Mast Cell Tumor cancer that your girl Satin Marie got and I knew the outcome. When you were no longer able to stand up or squat to go poop, I knew you were in pain. Momma and I took you to the same vet that Satin Marie and Apollo went to for their final journeys to be wit the Angels. Not a day goes by that I am not missing you. I am so sorry for all the times I yelled at you. You deserved so much better from me but you knew that I loved you so much. I miss you terribly my boyo. You left me on September 12, 2018. It's been 3 years now since you left me. I am sorry it took me so long to create this place I still need to get your marker for outside with the other kids. Not a day goes by that I am not crying over you and Satin Marie and Apollo. I saw you were in pain and I had to send you home my sweet sweet boyo. 12/25/18 Merry Christmas boyo 9/1/19 Happy Birthday bubbers 9/12/19 1 year since you left me bubbers 12/25/19 Merry Christmas bubbes 1/1/20 Happy New Year 9/1/20 Happy Birthday bubbers 9/12/20 2 years now and miss you terribly 12/25/20 Merry Christmas boyo 1/1/21 Happy New Year my rolly polly bubbers 9/1/21 Happy Birthday bubbers 9/12/21 3 years and I still cry bubbers 12/25/21:Merry Christmas to my first Boyo! 1/1/22: Happy New Year Bubber Boy 9/1/22 Happy birthday bubbers 9/12/22: Another year without you my Boyo. I miss you so terribly and your kisses too. 12/25/22: Merry Christmas my bubbers 1/1/23 Happy New years 9/1/23 Happy Birthday bubbers 9/12/23 I still miss you so much my boyo. Yu were my first boy and my best boy. I love you and until we all meet again in The Meadow my bubbers 9/26/03 Jesse left me to join all of you today say hello and I love all of you. Happy Thanksgiving 2023 12/25/23 Merry Christmas bubbers 1/1/24 Happy New Year bubbers 9/12/24 Another year has passed and the pain is still here my sweet bubber boy.I know Jesse is there with you and Satin Marie and Apollo so until we meet in the Meadow I love and miss you my boyo. 12/25/24 Merry Christmas boyo |
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