Welcome to Elvis's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Elvis
I remember the first time, I saw you. You were standing on the front deck of the breeders home. You never moved a muscle. You were 8 weeks old. I fell in love with you instantly. 4 long weeks later we got to take you home. One of the first things you did was throw up on my bed three times. I'll never forget that. You were meant to be a companion for Riley & you were. You calmed his temperament down. The two of you became inseparable. You & Riley would lie on my bed together, butt to butt. You & Riley would play for hours. When Riley passed unexpectedly, you were only 2 years old. You let Mayou give you kitty washes. You & I became inseparable. The kissiest furbaby I have ever known. You were always kissing me. Whether it was my face, ears, arms or legs. You loved me so much. You were my Little Rock. You got me through the roughest times of my life. Losing my mom & your grand mom, you were right there with me & got me through it. It was just us now. You became my service animal. It was fitting. Since, you already were my best friend & the love of my life. When we had to move out of the house, you grew up in, it was difficult. But we made the best of it, in a smaller house. You were there for me through my depression, anxiety, health crises & two surgeries. Moving was hard & you got me through it. We made a new life in the house & got even more closer, if that was even possible. You would do your little sassy pants dance & it always made me laugh. You starting sitting up like a little squirrel. Meaning you wanted your platinum blonde chesty scratched. You also started to hit my phone or tablet with your paw whenever you wanted my attention. I just to laugh at that. You used to like to lick the water off of after taking a shower. Kiss me after brushing my teeth. One thing you started was, you started licking the towels I would use to cover my pillow. You loved chewing up on Q-tips & pulling the sides off. Rip up paper towels & leave a mess all over the floor. I couldn't help but to laugh. Riley, taught you that. Lol. You didn't like toys. Instead, you would chew on empty plastic butter containers. You were the sweetest & everyone loved you. You never had a bad bone in your little body. You were as quirky as you could be. Waiting for me to walking away before you ate was one trait. Loud noises & fast movements scared you. You were even afraid of your own shadow. Lol. When we had to move the small house & move up north, it was difficult. You were there for me as usual.
We were going to fly up. But because of my blood pressure got high from the stress of moving, we had to take the train. We got a bedroom, so you could have space to potty on your pads. That was a blast & you were so well behaved. The best boy. Yes, you barked a few times. But after that you settled down & enjoyed our little adventure. You got to see your first snow & you loved it. You never wanted to go back inside the house. Then a few months later, you got sick. The bladder stones, that you had twice before were back & you had to have surgery again. But this time it was risky. You developed what was thought to be congestive heart failure & you had a partial collapsed trachea. You made through the surgery with flying colors. Then we had to move again & it's the move I regret the most. Your life & my life was never the same after that. The meds you were on, didn't seem to be helping much. Off to the vet we went. You had to have an echocardiogram. So an hour away we went & had it done. It wasn't the news I was expecting. The vet diagnosed you with Pulmonary Hypertension & chronic bronchitis. You were put on new medication. We started you pills, but had to give the liquid versions instead. You hated pills. Except your bladder stone prevention pill & your Vetmedin. Both chewables. Which in the end, you refused to take the Vetmedin. You got sick again in April & I knew your time with me was short. You refused to eat your prescription food. So I gave you chicken & then lean hamburger. Anything to get you to eat. I know you enjoyed it. The last couple days of your life was the hardest for me. You wouldn't eat at all. You still drank your water. But not as much as you usually do. But you still went wee wee on your pads. But I could tell you were quickly failing. But I had some signs of hope. You hit the phone with your paw, for me to pay attention to you. I quickly did. Then you sat up like a little squirrel for chesty scratches. You did that too a couple days prior. Then you sniffed my right ear & kissed the inside & the back of it. Now I think it was a way of you saying goodbye. The last day, you wee weed on your pad & you went down hill from there. I was syringe giving water to keep you hydrated. But my head told me the end was close. Then the worst moment in my whole entire life happened. You took last breath & you were gone. I held you in your favorite red plush blanket, until we had to take you to the vet. I kissed your little heady & your little paw. I hoped for a miracle those last few weeks. But it never came. One week shy of your 14th Birthday. I plan on having your favorite foods on birthday & a Carvel ice cream cake too. "If love could have saved you, you would have lived 4ever." I have some of your hair & your favorite red plush blankie/binkie has been put away. I know you will always be with me. I will never forget you. Mommy is going through such a rough time right now. I'm depressed & anxious. My life is nothing without you. I loved taking care of you, like you did for me all those years. I will see you again & we will never be separated ever again. I pray that day comes soon. Because my life is meaningless with you. Elvie boy, you were the only reason I got up everyday. Seeing your sweet face & being with you was the truest joy of my life. I'm just so sorry I couldn't do more for you. I wish we would have stayed in Florida. You were the happiest there. I have plenty of memories & so many pictures & videos to keep me going, until we are reunited one day soon. Love you 4ever. My Sweet Lamby Boy. 500 Trillion Hugs & Kisses.

June 12th, 2023
I hope you had a wonderful birthday at the Bridge, my Sweet Lamby Boy with family & friends. Mom's knows you had your Carvel Ice Cake, Chicken, Hamburger & Cheese. I hope Riley didn't try & steal your food. Lol. Knowing Duran, he made sure Riley behaved himself. We celebrated your birthday too. There were so many things we had planned. But we never had a chance to make those happen. My grief has been so unbearable. I wish I could hold & kiss you. Oh, how much I miss you kissing me. You are my little kissie boy. You kissed me, what seemed like forever. The sweetest baby that I have ever known. I know you are watching over me. I had a dream about you & I heard you bark. I woke up & checked all over for you. I think it was a sign. You were telling me that you're ok. I know you are now. But I wish we could have more time. I wish I could have done more for you. You will always be my best friend & love of my life. I will love you 4ever. I can't wait to see you again. Until then, I will hold onto the happy memories that we shared. So precious. I will treasure them always. I'll write to you soon again. Hugs to everyone at the Bridge. Good Night. Love you 4ever. My Sweet Little Lamby Boy. 500 Trillion Hugs & Kisses.

June 28th, 2023
One month since, you left this earth. I dreamt about you today. You gave me kisses. A day when I really needed you, you came to visit me. You always knew when I needed you the most & you still do. Your ashes & paw prints still have not come back yet. You don't know how upset & angry I am. It's been over 4 weeks. I'm fighting for you & I will fight to my death to bring you home. I wish we had stayed in Florida. You might still be on earth with moms. You were my only reason for living. Now that you're not on earth, what's to live for. I think I'm having a nervous breakdown. Without much support, it was bound to happen. You were all the support that I needed & wanted. Moms has to get her affairs in order & who knows if things keep going as they are, I might be reunited with you a lot sooner. I have the red fairy lights on for you & will be turning on the red candle too. This all still seems like a dream to me. A bad dream. One I wish I could wake up from. I know your here with me. I feel you everyday. Every single second. Please keep the visits coming. I love 4ever my Little Lamby Boy. 500 Trillion Hugs & Kisses.

July 28th, 2023
Two months have passed since you left this earth and I overwhelmed by sadness & grief. The red Flameless candle & red fairy lights shine brightly for you. My sweet little Lamby boy. It's so hard to write. I love you 4evers & Evers. 500 Trillion Hugs & Kisses.

August 28th, 2023
Three months have gone by, since you went to the Rainbow Bridge & it hasn't gotten any better. My depression & anxiety consumes me on a daily basis. Sleeping all the time is the only way, I know how to cope. To escape the pain from losing you. It's still hard for me to write. But I promise you, this time, my post will be longer. I never want to forget you & I promise you that I never will. You are 4ever in my heart & mind. I still feel you with me. You are now my guardian Angel, saving me from myself. Saving me from the darkness that clouds my mind. As always, you have saved me. You came to me in a dream & I got to see you once again. I was beyond happy. I have seen you in my dreams several times now & you always appear, when I need you the most. I know that someday, we will be reunited. Together 4ever. How I wish, we could be reunited right now & my sadness would end. My life isn't worth living without you. You were my whole world, my everything. I cannot get that last day out of my mind. I look at your pictures & videos & think of all the happy times we shared together. But that's only a temporary happiness. Then reality sets back in & the agony, like my heart being shredded into a trillion pieces takes control over me. Please continue to watch over me, my Little Rock. I love yous I dos, 4evers & Evers. My Little Lamby Boy. 500 Trillion Hugs & Kisses. β™₯οΈπŸ’‹β™₯οΈπŸ’‹β™₯οΈπŸ’‹β™₯οΈπŸ’‹β™₯οΈπŸ’‹

May 28th, 2024
A year ago tonight, you went to the Rainbow Bridge. Your body failed you. But deep in your heart, I know you wanted to stay & right by my side. I am deeply broken hearted & will never ever get over losing you. You are THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, MY BEST FRIEND, MY SOULMATE, MY HEART FURBBABY, MY LITTLE ROCK, & MY EVERYTHING. YOU ARE MY WHOLE WORLD & ALWAYS WILL BE. I know us being apart is only temporary & we will be together again. 4evers & Evers. Never to be separated. I look so forward to that day. How I made it through one year without you, I will never know. I think it's without a doubt possible, you are still working your magic & getting me through the roughest time of my whole entire life. I am so blessed to be your moms/mama. You taught me how to love & how to be a responsible, loving & caring parent. Elvie, you made me better human being too. Thank you for all the valuable lessons you taught me. The flameless candles are lit up in your honor, 6to show you how are you are the light of my life & always will be. Today, I am enjoying the some things we did together. Like watching Dr Pol, having some ice cream, listening to the ocean waves in Maui & having your favorite food, chicken, burger tomorrow night. Next Wednesday, will be your 15th birthday & I will honor you again & celebrate your life. Carvel Ice Cream Cake, Chicken Nuggets, Burgers will definitely be on the menu. I LOVE YOU DEEPLY. I MISS YOU BADLY. I LOVE YOUS 4EVERS & EVERS. I LOVE YOUS, I DO'S. LOVIES, HUGGIES, KISSIES. MY SWEET LITTLE LAMBY BOY. 500 Trillion Hugs & Kisses. β™₯οΈπŸΎπŸ’‹πŸŒΉπŸ‘‘β™₯οΈπŸΎπŸ’‹πŸŒΉπŸ‘‘β™₯οΈπŸΎπŸ’‹πŸŒΉπŸ‘‘β™₯οΈπŸΎπŸ’‹πŸŒΉπŸ‘‘β™₯οΈπŸΎπŸ’‹πŸŒΉπŸ‘‘

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