Welcome to Emery's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Emery
You brought so much happiness and joy to us for seven wonderful years. You hold a very special
place in our hearts (mi muchachita)and we will never ever forget you. We have nothing but great memories of you and we think of you every single day. I know you thought of yourself as one of the girls and it so seemed that way. Everytime you heard Judy and Jessica laughing you just had to run and be right in the middle of the commotion. We loved the way you played hide and seek with Jessica, pretending you didn't know she was hiding behind the couch. You made us laugh so much and we miss that. We miss your presence and I especially miss you more at night because you always slept with me. Of all of us I think you were more loyal to Judy because you would abandon whoever you were with once Judy walked in the door. I know in my heart that one day we will be together when we cross that Rainbow Bridge. Till then rest my little girl. (I hope you didnt bark at Aro when he crossed the Rainbow Bridge because he was the one that brought you to us. I know you are both together now.) Love, Sally, Jessica and Judy
6/12/14....it's 4 months today that you left us. I miss you so much my heart hurts. I hope that Aro is taking care of you for us. Run free without pain mama. I will always love you. Sally
10/06/14...it is almost 8 months since you left and it seems like it was just yesterday. There isn't a day that we don't think of you or speak of you. I miss you so much mama. Your treat jar is still full, I don't have the heart to empty it. Everything reminds me of you. Your clothes are still in your drawers. I look at them often and smell them just to feel you clos
I know you are running around happy and pain free now. You and Aro are probably playing

together. I love you Emery and miss you so much. Love, Sally
2/18/16 It has been two years since you left us momma and we still miss you every day. There is not a day that goes by that we don't remember one of your little gestures or habits. Jessica cried the other day because she swears she heard your little feet coming down the hall and into her room. I told her that I hear you all the time either walking in the hall or wimpering by the bathroom sink like you usually did when you wanted water. I miss you so much at bed time. I miss you laying next to me with your little legs stretched out. I used to kiss your little feet. Raul got me a little stuffed dog that looks like you with the little feet stretched out. Sometimes I sleep with it to remember you but it isn't the same. I love you so much and miss you immensely. I hope you and Aro play together and take care of each other. One day momma I will cross that rainbow bridge and I know you'll come running to me. You are in our hearts forever. There will never be another you. Love you momma. Go run free of pain. Love always, Sally

2/12/15.....It has been a year since you left us mama and we still miss you every single day. Not a day goes by that we don't remember the way you played, the way you let us know you wanted something or the way you would lay down in bed. I have heard you several times whimpering to let me know you are visiting me. We will always love you and never ever forget you. You live in out hearts forever. So run and play at Rainbow Bridge mama without pain. We will be together again soon. Love you always, Sally, Jessica, Judy and Raul

5/31/17.....It has been three years since you left us mama and it seems like just yesterday. We miss you every single day. There isn't a day that goes by that we don't remember the things you used to do. I hear you every now and then whimper close to the sink asking for water. Jessica heard you out in the hall close to her room the other day. She cried when she told me. I know that you look after all of us still. You will live forever in our hearts. Your memories are our treasure. Love you always mi muchachita, Sally, Jessica, Judy and Raul.

2/12/18.....It has been four years since you went across Rainbow Bridge and it seems like it just happened. We miss you so much. There isn't a day that goes by that we don't think of you. I heard you this morning shaking your ears Mama. I know that your spirit is still with us and we feel you. You really touched our hearts and we will love you always. I know that you are running around and playing with Aro up in heaven. That is the only consolation I have. That both you and Aro are without pain anymore. Keep looking after us Mama. You live in our hearts forever and we treasure all the wonderful memories we have of you. Love you always mi muchachita, Sally, Raul, Jessica and Judy.

5/30/19.....It is now 5 years since you left us to go across Rainbow Bridge and it seems like only yesterday. I miss you so much. You are always on our minds. Jessica was crying the other day because she said she heard your
steps in the hall way by her room. We have pictures of you all over the house. We will never have another furbaby like you. I love you with all my heart. I hope you are having fun across Rainbow Bridge and can run free without pain Mama. Love you always mi muchachita Sally.

2/14/22.....It has now been 8 years since you crossed Rainbow Bridge and it still hurts like it was yesterday. We miss you so much and think of you every single day. What happiness you brought us. There is not one single day that we don't talk about the funny things you used to do to keep us laughing. I wish so much to hold you and kiss you again one more time. My only consolation is that you are not in pain any more mi muchachita. Love you always my beautiful Emery. You live forever in our memories and in our hearts. Love you always, Sally.

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