I adopted Miko from a sanctuary shelter after she had already been through two others. She was about 12 years old when she came to live with me. She was clearly someone's pampered pet at one time, and it's hard to know how she came to be on the streets, but the adoption agency assumed it was because she had lost her "person" to death...if that's true, then I know she is with her original owner at the Bridge now. Emiko means "beautiful blessing". I chose this name once she was committed to moving in with us - the shelter was calling her Mitsubishi because the didn't know any other Japanese names. She was indeed a beautiful blessing and I am so glad that I got to share part of her life. Miko was always a sweet and gentle girl. She had problems with a hip that worsened this year....she was deaf and probably had Alzheimer's but she was always loving. I will miss her. 2/3/17 5/5/17 - Miko, your aunt Kathleen's dog, Beaux, crossed the Bridge this morning. Not sure that you ever met, but Daisy and Penney will keep an eye out. I miss your calm demeanor and comforting presence, love. 2/3/18 - Today is the anniversary of Penney's passing over the bridge and I know that you two are having fun together - she was the only one who actually got you to play! You were such a sweet girt and you are so missed. I've left you a Valentine's present so you will know that I'm thinking of you and will always remember your gentle soul. 8/15/18 - Hey, Mikes - I am sure you were happy to see Mia last week, although we miss her terribly on this side of the Bridge. Please take good care of her. You are such a gentle soul and I know you will be a comfort to her - she probably misses us just as much as we miss her. I'm looking forward to seeing all of you again someday, my love. 1/1/19 - Happy New Year, sweet girl! I will miss and love you always. 4/25/19 - Miki, keep an eye out for Booster. He crossed the Bridge this morning around 6:30. I know how much you guys enjoyed barking at everything and everyone and I'm sure you'll be howling at the sun together before the day is out. Love you, sweet girl. 9/11/19 - Miss Miko, Joey crossed the bridge this morning and I know he is so happy to see all of you. I miss you, my strong and brave girl! 1/3/22 - I miss you, love, and hope you are running and playing to your heart's content! 3/7/22 - Mikis, I think if you so often and remember what a calm and majestic girl you were - what on earth would you think of this little hellion, Chloe, who joined our family? I hope you are enjoying a lovely day on your side of they Bridge - I love you and look forward to seeing you again one day. 12/29/24 -what a dreadful day to commentate! You were such a calm presence in my life and I love you so much! Hope you have met up with Daisy, at least, and are living your best afterlife. Love you, pretty girl! Please also visit Daisy and Penney (Little One). |
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