Welcome to Emilee's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Emilee
Emilee - you touched my heart, and I will never be the same. Love you forever and ever ~ Mommy oxoxo

May 2024 - Happy Birthday, Sweet Girl! I just celebrated a milestone birthday and Dad was wonderful...it was the birthday that never ended - so many parties and fun. I hope you will be celebrating your day with Leo and Sampson and Aidan and Jovey. Sending you much love and kisses, Doodle-Bug. I still miss you so much and look forward to when I can snuggle with you again. Mommy

May 2023 - Happy Birthday month, Baby Girl! Hope you are having fun celebrating with your fur brothers and sister. I miss you all so very much. Kisses and snuggles to you all - until we meet again. Love you, my little Emilee angel ♥ Love, Mommy

November 2022 Hi Sweet Girl -- I can't believe it's been 12 years since you left us. Sometimes it seems like it was just yesterday; I still think about you every day. We took a bit of time off from fur parenthood after Jovey joined you at the Bridge. This summer we read a story about a sweet little kitty who needed a family. Tinkerbell was abandoned outside her home and she lived alone outside for 4 to 5 months before she was rescued. We saw her beautiful little face on Facebook one day and decided to meet her. We fell in love immediately and she came home with us at the end of July. She's such a delight -- she has your sweet, loving manner and a bit of Jovey's feistiness. Tink is settling in well and is enjoying her first holiday season with us. We miss you, Jovey, Aidan and Leo-boy very much. Meowy Holidays to our babies at the Bridge -- please give them all kitty kisses from me and Daddy. Love you, Emilee ♥

June 2022 Hi, Baby Girl. I hope you had a happy, heavenly birthday. You have a new friend there this year to help you celebrate. Little Jovey got sick earlier this year and we kept her healthy and happy for as long as we could. We knew when it was time to say goodbye and we sent her to the Bridge to live with you and the boys for a while until we all are together again. Please give Jovey a kiss for me. Tell her I miss her, and I will see her again. She doesn't visit me as much as you did when you first left. I think she's a bit afraid and unsure, so please help guide her. She's a bit feisty, so be patient with her. I know that your gentle soul will be just what she needs to help her feel comfortable in her new life. We are cat-less for the first time in almost 30 years and we're taking a bit of time before we bring a new fur baby into our lives. I know you will let me know when it's the right time...like you did when you picked out Jovey for me. I love you and miss you, my sweet Doodlebug.
Always and Forever, Mommy

May 2021 Good Morning, Baby Girl. I was just renewing your residency at The Rainbow Bridge and picking out some new toys for you and I got some sad news. Daddy's mom passed away just now. You remember her-we stayed at her house for a while before we moved to Florida. You loved her living room and you looked so pretty sitting on the ottoman. You might be seeing her at the bridge - she didn't have any pets, but her husband George loved animals; so I'm pretty sure he's been visiting with you and Leo and Aidan and Sampson. Please give Maya a kitty kiss for me and Daddy. I love you my sweet Emilee. Have a wonderful, heavenly birthday oxoxo

May 2020 Hi, my sweet girl. Not a day goes by that I don't think about my little angel and smile. I still feel you jumping on the bed at night - thank you for visiting me still. I know you are always close to me and watching over me. Love you ~ Mommy

5/30/19 Happy Birthday in Heaven, Doodlebug! Love, Mommy

11/28/18 Emdoodle, my sweet baby girl: 8 years ago we said goodbye to you...and you have remained close in my heart every single day since then. And you still visit me now and then and I thank you for that. I miss your sweet little face, but I know you are happy and healthy and we will be together again one day. Happy Holidays, Emilee. Love, Mommy

12/7/16 Hi Baby Girl. The house is decorated for the holidays and it's still not the same without your sweet little face peeking out from beneath the tree. Thank you for continuing to visit me at night. I know you are always with me. Merry Christmas my angel. Please give Leo and Aidan kisses from me. Love you so much. Mommy oxoxo

11/28/15 5 years. Seems like a long time, but yet it seems like just yesterday. We shared a toast to you today as we set up the tree. As we brought all the Christmas decoration boxes down from the attic, I smiled remembering how you would sit on top of the boxes and try to pry them open...and sometimes you would fall inside. Sweet baby girl, I miss you. I miss seeing your cute little face peeking out from under the tree where you loved to lounge. Give Leo and Aidey boy kisses from me. Love you and miss you always, Emilee. Love, Mommy

5/30/15 Happy Birthday, Baby Girl! I hope you are celebrating with all of your new friends. And I hope you have been making Aidan feel welcome. We lost our gentle, sweet boy last month. It was very hard, but I know he's no longer in pain and you are taking care of him now. He's a good boy - give him a kiss from me and tell him I miss him so much. Jovey was a bit lost at first but she has adjusted and she's become a much sweeter girl. She's much more vocal now and follows us around the house for attention. Aidan came into our lives for a very short time and he made us much better for knowing him. He's a special kitty as I'm sure you have found out. I love you and miss you everyday. Hugs and kisses from me and Daddy. Love, Mommy

11/28/14 Sweet Emilee - it's been 4 years and I still think of you every day. I know that you are watching over me and I know you visit me often. I hear you softly land on the bed. When I look, I can't see you, but I know you are there. Your presence comforts me. I miss you as much as always, but I cherish the love we shared and I carry your gentle spirit with me everywhere I go. I love you, Doodlebug and I know we will be together again. Kisses from me. Love, Mommy

11/2013 Good Morning Doodlebug, I'm missing you as always. We are getting ready for Thanksgiving - this year it actually falls on the anniversary date of your departure. And, Thanksgiving is the perfect time to celebrate your life. You brought us so much happiness and love and we have so many wonderful memories of our time with you. We are thankful for every day we got to spend time with you. We are having a quiet Thanksgiving - just me, Daddy, Jovey and her new kitty brother, Aidan. We added Aidan to our family in June. He's 11 years old (but acts like a kitten) and Jovey is getting used to him. She's just 3 years old and thinks he is a large toy. She's constantly following him around and trying to get him to play. It reminds me of you and Leo and how you used to chase each other around the house and play fight. So tomorrow we celebrate your life, Baby Girl. And I know you will be with us. Thank you, sweet Emilee for coming into my life and touching my heart. I love you always ~ Mommy oxoxo

11/27/12 Hello my little Emilee angel. Tomorrow will be 2 years since you left and I still can't believe it's been that long. I still expect to see you lying in your favorite spots around the house. Thank you for visiting us from time to time. Dad and I feel you jumping on the bed at night and snuggling up next to us. We are getting ready for the holidays but I'm not sure that we can have a tree this year. Jovey pretty much destroyed our tree last year. She definitely isn't as gentle a soul as you are. She's got a very mischievous soul and she keeps us on our toes. I thank you everyday for sending Jovey our way - I know you selected her for me. You knew I needed to give my broken heart to another fur baby. She's definitely helped to soothe my loneliness. It's Dad's birthday today and I wish you were here to wish him a happy day. I will give him your love. Miss you, Baby Girl. Hugs and Kisses oxoxo ~ Mommy.

Thinking of you as always, my sweet Baby Girl. I miss you still, but I know you are with me - you are a part of me forever. Love and Kisses ~ Mommy oxoxo

11/28/11 - Good Morning, ^Emilee^. It's been 1 year since you left but it still seems like just yesterday that you were here with us. I've kept myself busy this weekend putting up the tree and trying to not be sad. But I wanted to remember -- so I looked through all of the pictures we have of you. They made me cry, but they made me smile too. I finally painted the ceramic memory circle with your paw print and your name that they gave me at the vet a year ago today. I used all the colors of your beautiful fur. It's almost done -- I just need to finish the back. Then I will place it under tree in your "spot" so that we will have our little Christmas present with us through the holidays. After the holidays, I will place it around the house in your favorite "lounging" spots. I'm also going to plant the wildflowers that they gave me when I picked up your ashes. I'm doing all these things in your memory, Baby Girl. But the truth is - you have always been here with me. I know that you will never leave me. You are in my memory, in my heart and in my soul forever. I'll be thinking about you today (as always). I gave you a little Christmas tree at your residency - and a poinsettia - don't worry, it's silk so you can chew away on it if you like :) Be happy, Doodle-Bug. Run around and catch some geckos (but don't hurt them :) Love and kisses forever -- Mommy oxoxo

10/13/11 Hi Baby Girl - It's been a busy summer for us; I don't know where the time went. The weather is finally starting to get "cooler" for Florida. I know you would be spending most of the time out on the lanai at this time of year. Jovey has kept your place in the corner of the lanai under the palm tree warm for you. And she's definitely taken over your role as "monster" of the lanai - the poor little geckos and frogs live in fear of her. I tell her the same thing I always told you - they see her as a big monster who steals their family members....it doesn't seem to matter to her (it never worked on you either). She still picks them up and brings them in the house. Luckily Daddy and I have been able to save most of them. It's making me smile (and cry) thinking about you running around and playing (which I hope you are doing right now). I still miss you so much - the hurt doesn't go away. I keep telling Daddy that. But maybe I don't really want it to go away - it keeps you close in my heart. Happy Fall, Doodle-Bug! All my love and kisses forever ~ Mommy

5/30/11 Happy Birthday, Em-Doodle! I can't believe it's been 6 months since I last saw you. You still visit me in my dreams and I've been having quite a few dreams about you lately - you must have been reminding me that your birthday was coming up. But I could never forget that, little munchkin. I feel you with me all the time. It's funny, but I sometimes feel you jump up on the bed at night. At first I think it must be Jovey, but then I look around and I realize she isn't there. I smile because I know it's you visiting me and saying hello. Daddy says "Happy Birthday, Baby Girl." He misses rubbing your belly and the sound of your purring - and your jiggly tail, of course. We both miss you every day. Have a wonderful birthday, my sweet angel. Celebrate with all your new friends. I'll be thinking of you all day (I do that every day). Love you, Pumpkin ~ Happy Birthday and hugs and kisses and belly rubs from Mommy and Daddy.

5/21/11 Hi Doodle-Bug - it's almost your birthday! Hope you will be celebrating with Leo - after all it is his birthday too. Sorry it's been I while since I've visited. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. I still can't write here without crying - that's why I've been away so long. I don't want you to see me crying - I know you are happy and healthy now, but I still miss you so much. Jovey has taken over your habit of eating the palm tree on the lanai - it must taste good to cats :) She also enjoys that same back corner where you always hung out. Daddy and I tell each other stories about funny or cute things you used to do. It makes us smile. We are getting ready to watch the Preakness - you always hid under the bed during the race because we're usually loud when we cheer for the horses. Here's a kiss on your head from your mommy and a belly rub from daddy. Love you, Baby Girl. oxoxoxo

3/18/11 Hi Baby Girl - Happy Supermoon Eve! I know that sounds weird...but tomorrow night is supposed to be a full moon that is closer to earth than ever (in a long time). You will probably see it before me, of course. It made me think of you - you would be sitting out on the lanai with us looking at it tomorrow night. And, deep down, I know you will be watching the same moon at the same time and you will be with us. Daddy says "Hi, Doodlebug." He misses rubbing your belly....and watching your "jiggly" tail when you supposedly were rubbing against us. You never really did master the skill of rubbing against us - but we went along with you. It was very cute - and we miss it everyday. We recently got the lanai power washed and it scared all the geckos away....for a bit. Miss Jovey is quite the hunter like you are....somehow she sneaks past us with a gecko and tortures him for a bit in the house until we rescue him (sound familiar?). It makes me think of the night the green gecko (my favorite one) was hanging off your lip and I was chasing you around the house thinking you were biting it. You didn't even realize it was there...and you probably thought Mommy was a mad woman (which I probably am). I felt so bad - I don't know who was traumatized more - you or the poor gecko...or me; I was screaming like a banshee. And I scared you - and you know I'm so sorry for that. Thank you, Emilee - this little trip down memory lane has soothed my soul. It made me chuckle to remember you and your antics. I think about you everyday, Munchkin - and you always make my heart happy. Just remembering you makes me smile. Say hello to everyone for me - be good to Leo (I tell you that all the time, don't I?). And give Dave's dad and Auntie Lee nose rubs from us. Give Mickey a special tail shake - he'll like that :) Until next time, sweet ^Angel Emilee^ - kisses and hugs from Mommy and Daddy.

2/13/11 Happy Valentine's Day, Doodlebug. You had a new visitor at the bridge this weekend. Mickey came to join you. Joe and Trish and the boys are sad, but they know that Mickey is in a better place and is running around and feeling young again. Give him a big welcome nose rub from us all. And, give Leo-Boy a big valentine's love bite from me. I miss you still, Baby Girl...not a day goes by that I don't think about you. But I carry your beautiful fur with me at all times in my pretty locket. I get so many compliments on it and I get to talk about you and remember you. It brings me comfort just knowing that a part of you is close to my heart - where you will always be. I love you, ^Emilee^ forever and ever. oxoxoxo Mommy

1/7/11 Happy New Year, Baby Girl ~ I'm still missing you everyday, Doodle-bug. I've been keeping busy so I don't have a lot of alone-time to think too much. Which is good, because when I have "down time", I get sad. I know I had almost 17 wonderful years with you - and I'm very grateful for that. And I know you had a great life and I know you loved us very much. I just wanted more time with you. Thank you for visiting me in my dreams last night. You were a kitten again and you were playing and having a great time. It made me happy to see you again. I love you, Emilee. Until I see you again in my dreams - here are some hugs and kisses oxoxoxo Love always, Mommy.

12/25/10 Merry Christmas, Pumpkin! Daddy and I are thinking about you today and thanking you for bringing Jovey into our lives so that we wouldn't be so lonely on Christmas. We love you and miss you so much. Hope you are celebrating Christmas with Leo-Boy, Sampson, Auntie Lee and Dave's dad - I know they were so glad to have you join them I'm sure they are taking special care of you until we can be together again. (Auntie Lee was allergic to kitties here on earth, but I know that she is cuddling you now at the Bridge, where no one has allergies or illnesses any longer) Have a Merry Christmas, Baby Girl and give everyone with you a nose rub from me and Daddy. With all our love always, Mommy and Daddy oxoxo

12/23/10 It's almost Christmas Doodle-bug. It hasn't been the same without you under the tree this year. I have my little glass locket with your beautiful fur in it and I wear it all the time. It's comforting to have you near my heart. The strangest thing happened to me last week. I went to pick up your ashes at the vet and I just felt that you were watching over me and telling me not to be sad anymore. As I said goodbye to the receptionist at the vet, I mentioned that maybe someday I'd be back with another fur baby. Her eyes lit up and she told me that they had a kitty that needed a home right now. She'd been with them for months and they were hoping someone would take her home. She asked me if I wanted to see her, and I hesitated, but somehow I felt like it would be ok. And when I saw her, I knew that you approved. I feel like you sent me to her that day. She needed a family and I needed someone to take care of. I had to talk it over with Daddy, but I left the vet feeling peaceful. A bit of guilt kept creeping in because I worried that it was too early and I didn't want to ever forget you. But I never can forget you - you are a part of me. Daddy and I still talk to you around the house (yes, we are still as crazy as ever). You are family and will forever be our Baby Girl (or BG as Daddy calls you). We made the decision that the house was too empty and that we should give a forever home to a kitty in need. My heart still hurts, but I feel needed now that I have a little one to look out for again. Jovey is taking care of your toys (that you never really played with, but we kept giving them to you anyway) and keeping us busy (and up at night). And, she must smell you because she tends to sit in your familiar places - especially under the tree. I consider her your Christmas gift to me and Daddy. Merry Christmas, Emilee and thank you for helping me find peace. I love you, Munchkin, forever and ever ~ Mommy oxoxo

12/4/10 Good Morning ^Emilee^ my angel. I hope you are having a wonderful reunion with Leo-Boy. I know he was waiting patiently for you. Be nice to him and don't get him in trouble anymore - poor Boy-Boy never figured out that you played tricks on him and tattled on him all the time. Give him a nose rub from me and Daddy. I forgot to tell you that this week on our way to work, Daddy and I saw you watching over us - a beautiful rainbow stretched from one side of the sky to the other. We know you were telling us you were okay and that you wanted us to be happy with our memories of all the special times with you. You will be in our hearts forever, Baby Girl. We miss you more than words can say. Be happy, little pumpkin and play nice with Leo. All my love always, Mommy

12/2/10 Hi Baby Girl, I miss you. I've received so many nice sentiments from people who knew you and lots of people who didn't - you are very loved. And they've assured me that their angel fur babies are making you feel welcome. The house continues to feel empty without you, but I "saw" you last night when I was in bed - you were heading into the bedroom to visit me in my dreams. I'm trying to keep busy and do things that help me channel my sorrow into something productive. The vet gave me an impression of your paw print and I'm going to paint it and keep it in your favorite sunny spot in the house (or on the lanai). And, I'm also buying an antique glass locket that I can keep some of your beautiful fur in so you will be with me always. I know you are up there with your angel wings and are watching over me, but it's still nice to have a part of you with me at all times. I love you, ^Emilee^ (those are your little angel wings - a wonderful fur baby mom showed me that today). Hugs and Kisses ~ Mommy

11/29/10 Em-Doodle, It's only been 1 day since you've left us and we still cannot believe you aren't here. I keep seeing you out of the corner of my eye. I start to say hello to you, but when I look, you aren't really there. I miss you so much it hurts. I miss you tapping my shoulder as I work on the computer. I miss you lying on your back in the sun. I miss you waiting for us in the middle of the living room when we get home. I miss you lying on your side waiting for a belly scratch. I miss everything about you. My heart hurts. I know that you are in a better place and not in pain anymore. And, I know that I will start to feel less sad over time. But I never want to forget you and your sweet little face. Mommy will love you forever and I will see you again someday. Please visit me in my dreams (like you did last night). I miss you, Doodlebug.
Love, Mommy

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