Welcome to Emma's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Emma
After loosing our first Bullmastiff Madison in 2003, we knew that these bullmastiff's were a breed that was wonderful for our family. You see, they are kind and sweet but also a huge protector. So after a few months of mourning for Maddy, we looked for a nice litter. We found a family who had the mother, dad and 3 pups. Two of those pups were females. We went to see them and Emma stood out among the three of them. The other two were rowdy. Emma was quiet and dignified. We chose her. She was a wonderful puppy! She went to obedience school where she won best trained pup! And then she took over the job of being the protector of the house.

Life with Emma was not perfect however, she loved to chew hard backed books, magazines that she could rip off, and especially dustpans. I have no idea how many dustpans she chewed in her 10 years!!! The Christmas she was 5 going on 6, she became very sick. It took a special vet to diagnose Valley Fever. She got it from a vacation trip to Tucson, Arizona. After months of recuperating, she regained her health but would have to take medication for the rest of her life. We were happy to take care of her and have her with us. So there would be trips to the vet for check ups to make sure everything was under control.

She ended up with surgery for tumor removals, infections in incisions. She had a major surgery because she ate copious amounts of bird seed that got stuck in her intestines. All of these events, the vets pulled her through and we took care of getting her health back. And she always did bounce back until this last round. You see she had developed either Lymphoma or some auto immune disease. We managed to arrest this for a while. She was doing fine on her medications until 2 weeks ago. The symptoms grew worse everyday until she became weak and would not eat anymore. For Emma to not want food was devastating. We knew we had lost this round. She had celebrated her 10 birthday on April 7th. We knew God had given her back to us many times and this time was the end. She needed to go back to God, back to Heaven where she would have a healthy body again. And in Heaven there would be her sisters..... Maddy and Gracie and her kitty sister Binx!

We did not realize how much time and energy we spent on taking care of her. We never minded. She was our best friend and fur baby! There is a huge hole in our hearts and in this house. Her sisters are little, Mimi a frenchie and Lucy a wiener dog!!! We did not realize just what a presence she had in this house until her paws did not walk across the hard woods anymore. She was a brave, great companion. We will miss her and always love her. I hope God has plenty of dustpans for her to chew. Nothing bad can happen to her now! We love you big girl!!!

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