Welcome to Eric's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Eric's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Eric
Dear Eric
We've missed you so.
I remember taking you home when you were 8 weeks old. You were a 24 pound ball of fluff. Your fur was so soft we could barely feel it.
You grew to 138 pounds of love.
Thru the years we have given you so many names. Sweetie, Sweetie Pie, Baby Boy, Dude, Mr. Dude, Moose, and I'm sure there's a couple more. You knew them all.
You were so shy around other people. Remember when you pulled your daddy over some trash cans when someone startled you, while he was taking you for a walk? lol.
You also pulled mommy off her feet when I took you for a walk too, lol.
You loved your human Mommy and Daddy. You loved your your Grandma's and Grampa's. You also loved your Auntie Marie. She loved you too.
You loved to lay with daddy on the couch. Somehow, you both fit on it.
You were so cute when you sit your butt on the couch with both of your front feet on the floor, like a human.
When you got sick we tried everything to save you. It hurts us deeply to lose you. When I think of those last days, it makes me cry.
At least your last night at home you got to do what you loved to do best, guard your territory. While I was shoveling out the driveway you patroled the perimeters, I am so happy that I could at least give you that before you left us.
I know it was you who sent Mabel (my kitty) to me this past January. Thank you for that Dude. She's a little lovie.
We weren't looking for any new babies and Mabel ended up coming to me. Thank you Eric.
Say Hi to Margo, Rex, Arnie, Cleo and Molly and Lucy for us.
We love you.
Mommy and Daddy.
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