Welcome to Erich's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Memories of Erich
Erich, you were our most beautiful baby, our dear child, and we will miss you terribly until the day we die. My life is so empty without you. I look for you everywhere and see you everywhere. My greatest fear was knowing I would some day lose you unless I was fortunate enough to pass away before you. I know I will see you again in heaven, my best boy in the world. GOD SAID... I will lend to you a German Shepard pup, God said, For you to care for him and mourn him when he's dead. Maybe for twelve or fourteen years, maybe for two or three. But will you 'till I call him back, take care of him for me. H'e'll gladden you with his charms and should his stay be brief, You'll always have his memories as solace for your grief. I cannot promise he will stay, since all in life return, But there are lessons taught below I want this pup to learn. I've looked the whole world over in search of teachers true, And from all the folks that crowd the land, I have chosen you. Now will you give him all your love, nor think the labor vain. Nor hate me when I come to take my Shepard back again. Please also visit Golden Nugget.

Erich's People Parent(s), Jennifer, would appreciate knowing you have visited their Erich's Memorial Residency.
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