I will never love anything or anyone as much as I loved you sweet Ernest Alan. Everything I did was for you always. My first thought in anything I did was if it was best for you. I thought you needed us...but we needed you so much more. You rescued us. My heart hurts so much. Mommy misses you every second of every single day.Our lives are forever broken without you. I'll never ever know what I did to deserve your unconditional love.I am so sorry that I stood next to you but didn't hold you at the doctor in your final moment. I didn't know I could and I should have insisted on it. It was the worst day of my life and I was so grief stricken and in a daze. I'll forever regret that and I hope you know that. I hope you are having so much fun with other puppies and feeling no pain and eating all the Arby's roast beef sandwiches that you can. My trips to Walgreens are sad without you too. You were never a dog to me...just my baby. Please look down on your daddy and I sometimes. We love you forever and always. 04/19/22-Easter was just not the same without you sweet prince. I know you hated Mommy dressing you up in your Easter best, but you just looked so adorable! I missed the egg hunts the most. Mommy and Daddy loved hiding eggs inside and outside for you to find. You always found all of the eggs so fast! Your beagle nose smelled the treaties inside the eggs a mile away. I hope you know how much we miss you. I still cry daily...I will never ever stop missing you and my life will never be the same without you. My heart has a huge hole in it. I sleep with your favorite toy and travel with it too. I still have your pillow by me while I work. I hope you are playing and having so much fun up there. Miss you lil angel... 04/22/22-Today is National Beagle day little prince. Mommy and daddy are so sad that you aren't here to celebrate your day. Ernest Alan..you were the most special, sweetest, loving, cutest boy ever. I miss you forever and always. Mommy loves you baby boy. 04/29/22- Hi Sweetie...mommy's having a rough day. You were always the best at making mommy's day better. I looked at a few pictures of you but I couldn't stop crying. I hope someday I can look at your pictures again. I have over 20,000 pics stored on my phone. All of you...sweet prince. Miss your sweet face and frito feet so much.Those big brown eyes and velvety floppers were the bright part of our world. Hugs angel baby. Hope you are getting lots of Arby's and making so many friends. Can't wait to be together with you again someday! I miss you so much Angel. Love you, Mommy 05/08/2022-Hi Angel, it's a hard Mommy's Day without you. You made me a mommy and it will forever be the most important job of my life. I miss you so much my pumpkin boy. I miss not having a baby to take care of.You were my life, my everything. My life just doesn't have much meaning without you. Praying you are looking down on me today. I love you so much Ernest Alan. 05/11/2022-Hi Angel...mommy just wanted to say hi. I think about you every day...all day. I changed your picture. We always loved it when we caught you smiling. I miss you sweet baby. 06/21/22-Hi Sweetie, Daddy had his first Daddy's day without you. It was hard and we just miss you so. Mommy contacted someone to talk--because I miss you and I still struggle every day. I don't ever want you to worry, I just always want you to know how much you are missed. I still sleep with your favorite toy and you are on my nightstand, where I can always see you. Your birthday is coming up--and I know it will be hard. We loved having a party and spoiling you rotten-basically the same as every other day but with an Arby's sandwich and the 100 mini puppycakes that Mommy made for the whole neighborhood. We are in our new house now. You would really love it here sweetie. Lots of room, but it feels so empty. I miss hearing your clickers on the floor. I miss seeing you bound up the steps to my bed and opening the door with your snoot to see if i am in the tub. Most of all I just miss your sweet face. You were the best boy a girl could ever have. Daddy and I miss you every second of every day. I hope you are playing and digging in the dirt all day long! Love you, Mommy 06/28/22-Hi Angel,Mommy is really having a hard time...your 15th birthday is coming up and our first year without you is coming up soon too. Life is so empty without you baby boy.i just think about you all the time. You were attached to my hip 24/7 and I miss my work buddy...everyone misses your pictures at work.i start counseling this week because I miss you so much I just can't stand it. Mommy needs to find a way to cope better...but I'll never stop missing or loving you sweetie. I hope you are playing up there.Please send mommy a sign that you are having fun beyond the rainbow bridge. I love you forever Ernest Alan. Love, Mommy. 07/04/22-Happy Birthday Angel. Today you are 15. Hard to believe my baby is a little man now. I want to celebrate you today but it's so hard. I miss those big brown eyes so much. I hope you get an Arby's sandwich today my sweet boy. I know you can have anything you want at the bridge, just like at home. My heart misses you my baby. I hope your pup friends are celebrating you up there. I love you Angel. Happy Birthday Sweetie! Love, Mommy 07/20/22-Hi Sweet Angel. Mommy is missing you so much tonight.I just want to hold abd kiss you so bad and even smell your corn chip feeters. Our new house is so nice sweetie. We built it so you wouldn't have too many stairs. It's sad that you never got to live here. I miss you around every corner and listening to you snore in bed. Pop misses you so much too. I hope you are making lots of friends up there. I love you forever. Mommy 08/06/22-I think about you so much everyday my lil prince. I miss you so much. Just wanted to wish you a fun day woth your pals. I want to hug you so bad sweetie pie. Mommy loves you! Daddy had a real rough day this week missing you. You left a huge hole that can never be replaced. We miss you so! Love, Mommy 08/23/22-Hi Sweetie, Mommy and Daddy have been thinking about you so much. Tomorrow will be one year. The anniversary of the worst day of our lives. It is so hard living without our special boy. I struggle without you every day. We miss you and always will. My heart hurts and the guilt of nit holding you while you passed will forever bother me. I love you so much and I know you are Watchung over us. Pain free and running like a young boy again. I love you forever. Please send a sign sweetie. We need you. Mommy 08/24/22-Today is tough my sweet boy. One year ago. One year ago you left us. Daddy and I have been thinking of you all day. We want you to always remember you are always loved and are never far from our minds. You were and are still EVERYTHING to us. Play hard my sweet angel puppy. Love you forever, Mommy & Daddy 09/12/22-Hi Angel..just wanted to say hi to you. I just miss you so much. Still waiting for a sign sweetie. I love you! 09/30/22- Daddy and I are missing you so much Angel boy. My heart just aches...mommy needs her baby back. Life isn't the same without you. Send me a sign sweetie. We love you forever. Mommy 10/23/22- Hi Angel. Thinking about you so, so much. I love you always. Mommy <3 11/02/22-Hi Sweetie, Mommy sure misses you. It was rough having our second Halloween without you. I loved dressing you up, even though you didn't like it! You always looked so cute and everyone looked forward to seeing how you would be dressed year after year. We miss you so much, every single day. Mommy and Daddy's life will never be the same. You left a huge hole in our family. You will always be loved and cherished. I sure hope you are playing and getting all the Arby's roast beef sandwiches your sweet lil heart desires. I love you angel boy. Mommy <3 11/21/22-It's Daddy's birthday and we miss you so much. We were curling up on the couch and it is so hard not having you here. I miss you every day sweet angel. It snowed and I was thinking about you bounding through the snow and getting off the path daddy shoveled for you to do your lil poops. You had to find just the right spot. Mommy's heart just aches. I love you sweet boy! Mommy 11/24/22-Missing you soooo much baby boy. I always loved making you a turkey plate. Thankful for you always sweetie but I miss you so. Hope you got a good meal up there today. I love you forever angel. Mommy 12/24/22-Merry Christmas Eve sweet angel boy. Mommy is having a tearful morning and missing you so very much. I am remembering you in your Santa pj's and more than anything, I just wish you were here. Daddy and I miss you every single day. Merry Christmas sweetie. Hope you are playing with your friends and having fun in the snow. I hope you get an Arby's sandwich too...because you are a very nice boy. I love you. Mommy 01/19/23-Happy New Year sweet boy! Mommy is having a hard time today. It's snowing and I was just thinking of how you used to prance around in the snow! You loved sticking your lil snoot in it. Gosh I miss you. I always miss you. You are the best lil boy. I miss your frito feet and your sweet face more than you will ever know. I love you sweet angel. Mommy 02/14/23-Happy Valentines Day angel boy. Mommy and daddy love you do, so much. We miss you every single minute of every day. I'm heartbroken without you. I love you forever. ❤️ Mommy 02/21/23-12 years ago, we brought you home. You rescued us then sweet boy. We had no experience with doggies,but we're so excited to pick you up at the Humane Society. Ace was what they had named you...but you were our Ernest Alan right away.They estimated you were 3 or 4. You were a perfect baby and took to us abd our home immediately. Our lives were better because of you. I miss you so much. It's a hard day without you my angel. I'm forever missing my boy. Hope you are playing and eating Arby's today. I love you, Mommy ❤️ 04/14/23-my dearest lil angel. My heart aches fir you tonight. Daddy's gone tonight and I miss our special cuddle time together. I think about you every single day. I love you Boobaroo. ❤️ 07/04/23-Happy Birthday Sweet Angel. Mommy thinks about you every day...Daddy does too. I'm nothing without you my baby. Words can't describe how much you are missed. I hope you get all the walkies and Arby's roast beef today. I love you forever my sweet angel. Mommy ❤️ 08/24/23-Oh lil angel...today is the day that daddy and I dread. The second anniversary that you left us. I'm still trying so hard to remember all the good my angel boy. Mommy is just struggling without you. We will go to your spot to say some words...but I talked to your ashes today...I hope you heard me. My life will always be better because I had you but the hole in my heart and the pain is crippling. I miss your nail clicks, your big beautiful brown eyes, your frito feet, your cuddles, your sweet whiskers...one side black, one side white, and your personality... really just everything about you. Forever your mommy and daddy and we will love and cherish you forever. Mommy ❤️ 10/19/23-Hi Angel...mommy just wants you to know I think about you every single day. I miss you so much sweet boy. Grandma was talking about you today and she loves you sooo much. Our lives are so empty without you. I hope you are running and playing with your friends. Grandpa Arlin passed away last weekend and I know you greeted him for love and lots of pets. He loved you so....but everyone did. Sending my baby a hug from mommy. 10/31/23-I miss dressing my sweetest angel boy up for Halloween. Everyone loved seeing your cute costumes every year. I miss you more than you'll ever know. My heart is still broken. I can't wait until the day I get to see Mt boy again. I'll never let you go. Happy Halloween sweet baby boy. Love,Mommy ❤️ 11/26/23-My sweetest angel boy...I miss you so much. I missed making a plate for you for Thanksgiving and even having you bark throughout the entire meal. I miss your sweet head and your stinky feeters. I'm so thankful that you found us and I look forward to the day that I'll see you again. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. I love you. Mommy 12/25/23-Hi Angel. Merry Christmas! Still think about and miss you every day! We are in Arizona for the holidays and missing you. We went to a light display abd they had a large rubber duck called Ernies Ducky.I hope it was a sign for us.Not a day goes by that I don't miss you. I just love you so much Ernest Alan.💙 Hope you got a nice Xmas dinner with your friends up there. Love, Mommy and Daddy 02/14-Happy Valentines Day Angel. I think of you every single day. We miss you my sweet boy! Mommy and Daddy 02/21/24-Hi Angel, it is your gotcha day today. The best day of my life 13 years ago. We just miss you so much baby boy. We think about you every day!!! I wish I could have you back. I'd give anything to have you here with us again. You were EVERYTHING and you still are. Daddy and I will never forget the day we brought you home. Sending you lots of Arby's roast beef. Love you! Mommy & Daddy 07/04/24-Happy Birthday my sweet boy! We think about you every single day. This day is always hard because we miss you so. But every day is hard living without you.I wish I could kiss your sweet head and smell your popcorn feet. Send mommy a sign today sweetie. You have a new baby cousin- Spencer. You always loved D & Nick. Remember how you slept with them sometimes? They loved that you loved them so much and they loved you right back. They had a lil boy 4 weeks ago. You would have loved to sniff him! I hope you have a special day with your friends and get all the puppy cuppy cakes and Arby's roast beef that you can ear.We love you Angel boy! ♥️ Mommy & Daddy 08/24/24-this is the day I can't barely breathe. I miss you. I think about you every day my angel boy. I miss you more than you will ever know. Give mommy a sign okay my sweet boy? Daddy and I will forever love and miss you. I know you are getting so many sandwiches and I had a roast beef for you sweet boy. We love you FOREVER. Mommy & Daddy 09/18-I sure have been thinking about you so much baby. I miss you so much. Love, Mommy 💙 11/28-Happy Thanksgiving my angel! We just were talking about you and how loved you are. We miss you so much sweetie boy. I wish you were here, I'd make you a special plate like always. Hope you are playing with all your friends today! Love, Mommy 🩵 02/21/25-my sweet boy. Today is your Gotcha Day anniversary--the best day of my entire life. Daddy and I were so happy to be chosen. You sniffed around a bunch at first, then you settled right in. You knew we were your family! We put you in a cute designer pet camper with a zipper for bed, and I kept unzipping it a little--and you jumped right it bed with us and we threw it out. You were meant to sleep with us in bed--do you remember your first day honey? It was so special, just like you. I miss you every day and your aunties Jessica and Danelle loved you too and wanted me to tell you they love you and miss you too. I hope you are having a wonderful day playing and eating Arby's roast beef! Mommy is having a roast beef in your memory tomorrow. WE MISS YOU ALWAYS AND EVERY DAY MY ANGEL BOY. XOXO Mommy and Daddy 05/24/25-I miss you so much sweet angel. Thinking of you all the time. Mommy & Daddy are headed to Mexico and I have your toy packed. We tell your two hot dog toys goodnight..every single night. I love you so much Angel Ernest Alan. Hope you are having lots of fun up there with your friends.💙