Welcome to ERNIE's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of ERNIE
Dear Ernie (Ernest),

I adopted you and your brother Bogey from Lakeland Animal Haven April 7, 2012. They said you were about 2 years old. You were such a sweet boy and always wanted to be on mommy or daddy's lap, You were such a cuddler. You would purr and purr and kneed you nails being so content. You were such a handsome boy with such a beautiful color.

You lost a lot of weight very quickly, so mommy brought you to work and found out you were diabetic and some of you blood work wasn't quite right. Dr. B gave you a convenia injection for any kind of infection you may have had. We started you slowly on insulin, and your BG levels did come down. The last few days, you weren't eating that great and just not your usual self. I was going to bring you back to work but it was too late. We were devastated to come home on Valentine's Day to find you had left for the bridge. I was so sad, hurt, and shocked. Now, I am so mad at myself for not bringing you back to work. I am so sorry sweet boy! You were only about nine (9) years old. Dr. B said something else was going on that we just did not see, and I am so sorry for that. Your brother Bogey was weird the rest of that day.

This is so hard as we just lost your Uncle Ollie not even a week ago. Our hearts hurt so bad. We buried you on this beautiful sunny day next to your other furry brothers and sisters. I hope they greeted you at the bridge and are showing you around your new beautiful home.

Bask in the sun, run in the fields, and chase mice and birds, but please don't hurt them. Please be happy and look down on us every now and then. We will be together again some day. We love you, sweet boy and will miss you!


Mommy, Daddy, and All Your Furry Brothers and Sisters

2/15/20 - One (1) year ago yesterday we lost you, sweet boy. I hope you greeted Chrissy, Toby, Uncle Harry, and Myron at the bridge and are showing them around. Mommy and daddy miss every single one of you. We took in Blanche but re-named her Mya and got a new puppy we can't decide yet on a name. The house is as crazy as ever, but that's what keeps me going. Please enjoy your new beautiful home and play with everyone. We will see you again some day. Until then, look down on us and just enjoy! We love and miss you!


Mommy, Daddy, and all your furry brothers/sisters

2/14/21, Two (2) years ago today we came home and you were gone. We couldn't believe it. I'm so sorry we weren't here for you. I'm also so very sorry that we couldn't help you. We tried, but the doc said something else must have been going on. It happened so fast. I hope you greeted Patch and Noel at the bridge. Noel was a shock too. We came home from mommy's surgery and she had left us. Please know mommy and daddy love and miss every single one of you. Bogey is very vocal and steals everyone's food. Stan Man has become very vocal too. The house is nuts. Boomer is just crazy. Please look down on us every now and then and smile and send positive vibes to all of us. Enjoy your beautiful home and have fun. We will see all of you again some day. We love you!


Mommy, Daddy, Bogey and all your furry brothers/sisters

2/19/22 - Three (3) years on the 14th we lost you. So sorry this is late. Mommy started a new vet job, and I have to get my witts about myself. I hope you greeted Sierra, Hailey, and brother Bogey at the bridge and are showing them everything. Please enjoy and have fun and know that we love and miss every single one of you. There are so many of you there. Please be all together and happy. We love you!


Mommy, Daddy, and all your furry brothers/sisters

2/17/25 - Six (6) years this Valentine's Day mommy lost you. I'm sorry I haven't been on here, it's very hard for me plus for the past few years money was tight. This was a hard year for mommy. I hope you greeted daddy 8/14/24 and gave him lots of kisses. I hope you also greeted Stan-Man 1/13/25, Jesse 1/25/24, Jazzy 9/27/23, Walter 7/3/23, Cheyanne 4/14/23 and others I am missing right now. You were such a handsome sweet boy and left this world way too young. The house is so crazy with Louie, Sophie and Boomer. Giggy had a cancerous lump removed almost two years ago. It grew back and we had it removed again last year. It is now growing back again with another non-cancerous lump on his pee-pee. He is as hyper as ever and I wouldn't have it any other way. ZZ is now partially deaf, arthritic and has dementia. She has been keeping me up for weeks and walks in circles. She has been peeing and drinking so much and accidents in the house. Mommy is exhausted. Holly is the only cat left. She is going on 18 years old. So weird to have one cat when I'm use to 14. She was by daddy's side when he was sick. I hope you are happy and that all of you are together and mommy will see you all soon. Please coming running when you see me. Each of you has taken a piece of my heart that I hardly have anything left. Mommy loves you sweet handsome boy!


Mommy, ZZ, Fred, Boomer, Grit-Grat, Mya, Sophie, Louie, and Holly

Please also visit Baxter, Bogey, Buster, Caley, Charlie, Cheyanne, Dolly, Hannah, Harry, Jasmine, Jesse, Lexy, Mabelline, Moby, Morty, Myron, Noel, OLIVER, Parker, Patch, SCOOTER, Spunky, Stanley, Toby and Walter.

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