Welcome to Fancy's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Fancy
On the 10th day of October 2016 we had to take our little Chihuahua Fancy to the Vet for that dreaded visit. Our beautiful little Fancy had cancer which spread from her mammary glands (where she had tumors removed) to other parts of her little body. She had gotten to the point where she was not happy anymore, she couldn't walk well, she coughed violently, her bowels and bladder were all messed up. I had 2 months to understand that she was going to be leaving me and to get prepared. She thrived 1 1/2 months after surgery. She seemed to feel so good and for two months I was able to just spoil the little darling, knowing it was going to get worse and just trying to memorize everything about her, her smell, her eyes, her soft fur, her cute little strut, the softness of her body, the way she turned round and round and danced on her hind feet for chicken treats and the sight of her sleeping peacefully (the way she looked when her sweet little soul left her body on October 10, 2016). I am thankful I was able to prepare for this, that it was not sudden. I also thank God that we were blessed to have adopted Fancy when she was 8 years old and loved and cared for her for 6 years, making those years even happier. Now she will be joining our little Peanut on Rainbow Bridge.

10/22 We received the tiny, tiny box with your ashes yesterday, Fancy.I thought I might feel better, but I don't. I have them at the head of our bed so I can say goodnight to you. I don't know why I have not sensed your presence, little girl. I feel that you MUST be looking in on us sometimes. We love you so very much! I hope you are romping with the other fur babies. Don't forget us, sweetie.

10/10/17 It has been a year since you went to Rainbow Bridge, little sweetheart. I pray that you are happy and loving your "new life". I miss you so much, little girl. You had a hard start in life, Fancy, just having one litter after another, then they would take your babies and sell them. You never learned to "play" like dogs who have "real" parents. You knew nothing about treats or toys and you were so very, very timid, as though you expected to be scolded or struck. You were never able to just run on up to us when we called you. We had to come pick you up. When you were being held, you never moved, just stayed the way we held you. You were unable to even give kisses! Sweetie, we tried so hard to give you a loving wonderful life in the 6 years we had you, but you suffered from your early years. When we went to see you for the first time, after I fell in love with a photo of you and one of your babies at an adoption service, they told us you were extremely shy and may not even come out to see us. They had us looking at other little dogs. The, pretty soon, they brought you out and you hunched down and tried to hide. I started talking to you and you seemed to respond a little. Pretty soon you started creeping very slowly on your little tummy, heading towards us. I picked you up and hugged you and never put you down again until we got home. It was couple of hours in the car and you didn't wiggle around or anything. You just lay there. It was a little bit scary. But you seemed to accept everything that came along and you really did enjoy going around the perimeters of our huge back yard. I doubt that you ever got outside much at all. You didn't know how to walk on a leash and you were so afraid of cars and other people. But you were our baby and we loved you very much. Then we got a little boy dog for your daddy. When Tiny came home with us, the two of you acted like you were "old buddies". It was wonderful. Now little Tiny is "an only child". Look in on him now and then, okay, Fancy girl? We love you so much, please visit now and then somehow. I will keep watching. Bye now, honey.

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