Welcome to Farley's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Farley
January 26, 2011 - I don't know where to begin to express my thoughts about you Farley, my baby, my only child, my best friend, my companion, my protector, and the love of my life. There you were, eight years ago, vulnerable, alone and in need of a home and someone to love and take care of you forever. When I first laid eyes on you on the rescue website, I knew you were special and had to be mine. We first met in North Carolina at your foster home and when you greeted me at the door, I was overwhelmed with your beauty and presence. I hope when you saw me, you new that all I wanted was to love you, care for you and make sure you would be happy forever. Our journey together lasted eight wonderful years, by far the best years of my life. You brought me so much happiness, even when times were tough, just knowing you were there, comforted me and made me remember why life was worth living. It was always for you my dear little soul. I have never experienced the feeling of so much love and what it truly means to give and receive it, until you came into my life. I always remember thinking that I would not be able to live without you, and that you had to live forever with me. Lasting memories of our times at the dog park in Delaware where you ran and played with all your friends as well as Stillwell Woods Nature Preserve here in Syosset, where you were free to roam the woods were some of your happiest moments and I will cherish those memories forever. They were by far my happiest times too, just knowing we were together and you were so free and content. You always stayed a little distance behind me when we walked, so protective and making sure you could see me. I always felt so safe with you Farley. During your last year, it was not easy for you. Your lumbar/sacral syndrome was advancing and you slowly started to have nerve conditions causing you to drop your feet and walk with less strength. You wore your little booties on your hind feet to protect them when we went for our walks but they never slowed your spirit or energy. Our walks became much slower, but you still loved the woods and fields and smelling all that nature had to offer. I am so sorry my dear Farley that you had to experience pain with this condition. You were a totally healthy dog otherwise and people frequently commented on how you did not act or look your age of 13 years. Daddy and you and I went for a walk on the morning of your final day, so I can only hope that you did have some pleasure in the end despite your pain. Well now you are gone, my sweet baby, but only in presence. You are free from pain and free to fly high on wings that soar above. I know you are looking down on me and are always with me in spirit until the day we meet again. The pain of losing you and making the final decision to let you go was totally heart wrenching, but I knew deep down in side I must set you free. We looked in eachothers eyes for the last time and it was peaceful. I was petting your forehead as you said goodbye.I cannot bear to be without out you Farley and miss you more than any words can ever express. You were one hundred percent my entire life, I lived and breathed every waking moment for you, literally. Although life is not the same without you and never ever will be, please know that I look to the day when we will reunite, and this will get me through. Sadness abounds me, for your loss here on earth, but you are happy with your friends in heaven and that is all that matters. You are the most wonderful companion I have ever had and I love you always and forever, your paw print is on my heart, my little pumpkin Farley. Love mommy

March 7,2011
Hi Farley, how are you doing my sweet boy? I miss you every day and think of you always. I have set up your shrine at my bedside so you are always with me. Are you having fun playing, I hope so.

Today, for the very first time since we were together, I went to Stillwell woods to go for a walk. The last time I was there was with you Farley, so it was very sad for me today. I scattered some of your ashes in the big field we used to walk around and also in a couple spots on the trails in the bush. THis was your favourite place to be and I wanted you to be apart of it forever. It was not the same without you and as I walked along, so many memories came back. The times when you would run totally free and play with the other doggies and stop and sniff at every bush along the way. We had so much fun together, I really miss those times my little poo. I wish you were still here with me so we could walk together again. I still have your cookie jar with your cookies on the counter and your bed and bowls I have not put away yet either. Daddy and I still talk like you are with us, I guess because your beautiful spirit lives on within us all the time. I can't wait to see you again Farley. Enjoy yourself and know that mommy is always with you. I love you. Mommy

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