Welcome to Feather's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Feather
You were one of a kind. You were a little cat with a loud purr and a big heart. You're little 5 lb. body held so much love and affection. You were my baby girl. You had your cute special ways. You slept on the pillow around my head or on half of it or cuddled in my arm under the covers. You slept across my throat when I was sick to help make me well. You laid on the couch with me cuddled in my arm stretching your little paw up to touch my face and you could always cheer me up when I was depressed. You were the only cat I ever knew of that had to have newspapers in the kitty box instead of kitty litter. You chased shadows on the wall and had to have the plastic wrapper from around any bottle top or milk jug I opened to play with. You would play with the strings on my shoes and loved to attack my laundry I put on the bed to fold and attack the clean sheets I was putting on the bed. You had the little grunt when touched that almost said 'what'. I miss your sweet little ways. The house has no life since you passed. You were the spark, the light in my life and there for me when I needed you. You saved my life because you needed me and Mommy loves my Baby Girl. I still needed you but you will be in my heart, thoughts and prayers until we will meet at Rainbow Bridge.

(continued from 02/19/11)

Sorry I haven't been here in awhile. I still light your candle faithfully but I have had more sadness. Your daddy left me and moved out after almost 7 years. We both cried together when you passed. I love you Fuzzy Butt.

Sorry I haven't visited you recently. There has been a lot of sadness but looks like mommy has a permanent job again so something good finally happened this year. I have always lit your candle faithfully every night. Mommy loves and still misses her baby girl so much.

I still love you Feather and light your candle every night even though I haven't been here much. I still cry since your daddy left and visiting you makes me cry more but I think of you every day and your sweetness. I still miss my sweetie face so much.

Happy 4th of July Baby girl. Sorry I haven't been here much. I try to keep from crying. I went and watched fireworks alone since your daddy isn't with me anymore but I lit your candle when I got home like I do every night. I miss and love you so much.

It has been 3 years since you went to Rainbow Bridge. It is not the exact time at 11:09 pm on the 26th but this is the only time on this sad day that I would be able to talk to you because I would barely be getting off work. I have your kitty candle lit with a couple of others. I hope my dad is giving you lots of cuddling along with the angels and I will meet with you one day at Rainbow Bridge. I miss my little Feather. I love you Fuzzy Butt.

Mommy is still so sad. There is not happiness for me. I miss you so much and miss daddy too so I cry a lot. I still light your candle faithfully and look at you picture by it. Even with the companion of the other fur babies I miss my baby girl so much.

It was another birthday little Feather without you by my side. I still light your candle every night when I get home form work. I still cry a lot so I don't visit here much and I'm sorry but you are always in my heart and in my thoughts. I miss you and love you sweetie face.

I feel so bad I haven't visited you here recently. I am still so sad that you are gone and your daddy left me so I try not to cry. I still miss you so much and light your candle every night when I get home. You are still so much in my heart and missed. I love you my little Feather.

I am visiting you again because I miss you but also to tell you that some family has lost their dear pet to Rainbow Bridge. Her name is Sissy. Make her welcome and introduce her to some friends to play with. I love and miss you Fuzzy Butt.

It's another Christmas without you. I have the other fur babies to keep me company but I still miss you so much. I hope the angels got you another toy and keep you warm. Merry Christmas my little Feather.

I am so sorry I haven't been here in a while sweetie. I still cry every time I do. You are always in my heart, on my mind and I still light your candle every night when I get home. I took in another fur baby in that someone had deserted, was starving and ended up having 3 babies but you probably see them all watching from Rainbow Bridge. Too many are in shelters that are not adopted and I could not let them go to Rainbow Bridge so I kept them all. You are still so missed even though I have them. I miss you Baby Girl.

It's been 4 years Baby Girl since you went to Rainbow Bridge and I still light your candle every night. I have other fur babies I can't forget you. You were one of a kind and you were my buddy that helped me through a lot. I love and miss you Feather.

It's been 5 years since you went to Rainbow Bridge and I'm sorry it's been too long since I have been here Baby Girl. I am crying now and that's why. I still light your candle by your picture every night even though I have 6 fur babies now. None can take your place with all we had been through. There is a special connection and place in my heart always for you. I miss you Fuzzy Butt.

Sorry I haven't been here. It is still too hard and I still cry. It's now been 6 years and it still hurts. I haven't even wore the same clothes that I held you in for the last time since your passing. I still light you candle by your picture every night and kiss you even though it's not the same since you are not on my pillow by my head. Willow tries to be a lot like you and she comforts me like she knows. I love you and miss you my little Fuzzy Butt. Mommy loves you my Sweetie Face.

It's been 7 years since you went to Rainbow Bridge. I still cry like now when I visit you here. I feel like it was just yesterday because the sorrow and bond is still the same. I still light your candle every night and think about you every day even though I have 6 others fur babies. I can't help but thinking that I brought somebody into my life that may have hurt you because you were healthy until then and I can't forgive myself. I know you are watching over me and the 6 fur babies because they seem to know when I am sick and or danger and saved me like you did from scorpions. They alert me like you told them to. I miss you my little Fuzzy Butt so much.

It has been 8 years now since you went to Rainbow Bridge. Sorry I haven't been here much but even now I still cry. I still have all your things. I just can't seem to let go of them. I still light your candle every night when I get home. Willow lays by your ashes near the pillow you use to lay on by my head. I hope you are watching. The angels you are with will take care of you until I cross over the bridge and we see each other again. I love and miss you Fuzzy Butt.

It has now been 9 years since you left my side and went to Rainbow Bridge. I am crying now because the pain is still there. I have lit a candle for you every night in a sleeping kitty candle holder and still have all your things. I always will because I can't let go of you being here with me. The other fur babies keep me busy but I always think about you. Your purr, you little meow and cuddling by my head and laying cuddled up in my arm. I miss you my Sweetie Face.

It's been 10 years since you left my side. I still light your candle every night and think about you. I can't help myself but cry. You saved me so many times and loved me unconditionally. I have more fur babies now as I feed ones outside that are homeless. One looks and acts like you. She's so little like you. I hope you watch over all of them and tell them how loving and caring I am. I miss your purr and your touch so much. We will see each other again at Rainbow Bridge. I miss you Feather.

It's now been 11 years since you left my arms. I still light your kitty candle every night after I get home from work. I miss you chasing finger shadows, laying on me to keep warm and your sweet face and meow. I have other fur babies and ask you every night before I go to bed to watch over them. I love you Fuzzy Butt.

It's been 12 years since you left my side but you are always in my heart. I still light your candle every night after I get home. Some times I feel like I can feel your presence here or see a shadow of you. I think the other fur babies do too. I ask you every night to watch over them all inside and out. You are always in my mind and in my heart. I love and miss you my Sweetie Face.

One of the other fur babies has joined you at Rainbow Bridge. Onyx was a silly active boy who was just 8 years old. Make friends play with him. He loved to play. Love and miss you Fuzzy Butt.

It's been 13 years since you went to Rainbow Bridge and I still light your candle every night. I never forget about you. Another has joined you. His name was Perry but you probably know that. Another will be joining you soon. I adopted Black Jack 2 months after you left when he was 6 months old. He's not doing well. I miss you and love you Feather.

It's been 14 years since you left my side. I still light a candle for you very night. I have others that have joined you and 3 were only 3 weeks old. Black Jack has joined you also since I last talked to you. Play with all of them. I love you Fuzzy Butt.

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