Welcome to Feisty's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Feisty's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Feisty
12/04/09 - Merry Christmas baby boy!

11/10/09 - Happy 11th Birthday kitty boy!

04/08/09 - Happy Easter kitty boy!

02/08/09 - Happy Valentine's Day Kitty. Say hi to your uncle and make him feel welcome!

12/01/08 - Missing you lots kitty boy!

11/10/08 - Happy 10th birthday baby boy!

Feisty was another gift from my best friend and her mother just as Angel was. He fit and lived up to his name, stubborn and feisty to the very end. He was allergic to the cedar pine cat litter which we found out the hard way. We had bought it for him and when he used it, it caused him to go into seizures. We never were sure what exactly in it caused them. Other than that, Feist was a pretty healthy kitty. A couple of weeks ago, he suddenly stopped eating his normal cat food. We went and bought him canned and he ate a little bit for a couple of days then quit eating again, then quit drinking. When we would try to give him food or water, he would actually get angry about it and either turn his head or his whole body the other way. He basically seemed to give up. He began to get weaker and weaker and on the night of Oct 2nd, he lost the use of his back legs. We took him to the vet yesterday (Oct 3, 2008) and with the vet's recommendation, made the hard choice of putting him to sleep. No one is really sure the reason why he just decided to give up. He and Angel were pretty close so maybe he just wanted to be with his sister once again. We will miss you sweet kitty. Hopefully you are now healthy and happy and have met up with your brothers and sisters once again.

Please also visit Angel, Binx, Freckles, Salem, Samantha and Tuffi.

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