Welcome to Felix's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Felix
Oh our sweet little Felix. You have left us far too soon.

It is so unimaginable, how just 6 months ago, we had your annual check up and we were told that "for the old boy, he has the best bloodwork!". How life would change for us in a very short time.

But let's start at the beginning. Back in 1999, Mommy and Daddy were getting ready to get married. We decided to get our lone kitty, Beezer, a friend for when we were at work to keep her company. We went to a rescue group and met you when you were just 4 weeks old. Mommy fell in love with you immediately. Daddy took a little convincing. He thought you looked to sickly. But two short weeks later, we were told you were ready to be adopted. We drove out to a home near Northmoreland Park and made you part of our little family. When we brought you home, Beezer was not one bit happy to meet you.....and that would take several years to change.

You were so tiny when we brought you home - and so homely! You had patchy fur and looked like a baby bat more than a kitty. We wouldn't know for a few weeks just how sickly you were, but we found out that if not for our intervention, you would have died within a few days. Luckily, for us, that wasn't the case.

It didn't take long for you to become the "King" in our household. It was clear you were the alpha cat around here. Although never our biggest boy, all of the other kitties fell into line and showed you respect. Except for that one time when Domenick seemed to take over as the leader. Within a few days, you taught him an embarrassing lesson - and you were King once again! Never to be challenged.

When Mommy and Daddy talk about you all we can ever say is "he was SUCH a GOOD kitty". And you were. You never gave us trouble, you were always well behaved. And you had your Dad wrapped around your little paw. Never far from your Daddy's side, ever, you slept with him every single night - even if that meant Daddy would never get a good night's sleep. He never complained. Making you happy was always the most important thing to us.

We will forever miss how you would meow like crazy every time we were ready to leave the house and meow like crazy when you wanted something! Whether it be food or a toy. And Mommy and Daddy always knew you missed us the most out of all of our kitties when we were away.

You loved your kong wabbas and your kong kickaroos and oh how you loved to eat catnip and grass!!

One time, when we were remodeling our kitchen, you even managed to sneak outside!! But the good kitty that you were, you didn't go far. There you stood, eating fresh grass right by the door.

You got yourself into a lot of strange situations.....how on earth did you ever manage to get stuck in our furnace, anyhow? Thankfully, it was turned off! You always did have a mischievous little side to you, sweet boy.

A few months ago, you were diagnosed with Diabetes. That wasn't so bad. Mommy and Daddy were good at dealing with that disease. But then, it got much worse, very quickly. On September 13th, you were diagnosed with Renal Lymphoma. We were told you only would survive for 2-3 days. You sure did show them how strong you were because you hung on for the next 6 weeks. Mommy and Daddy hope we did right by you...syringe feeding you and giving you subqs. We think we did, we hope we did. We just wanted to keep you with us as long as we possibly could. We knew our time was short but we cherished every moment of it. And taking care of you was our honor. Sadly, this past Saturday night, you had a seizure and lost your sight. Mommy and Daddy knew we had to let our beloved kitty go - but we didn't want to say goodbye. We still don't. There is an emptiness in our hearts you could never imagine.

Mommy and Daddy said goodbye to you around 12:30 am - and you became another one of our angels. We hope you are making lots of friends at the Rainbow Bridge. We promise to keep feeding all the kitties here, Fefe cat treats in your honor, too! We are curious to see who will become the next Alpha cat. Whoever it is, we know they won't do it as well as you.

Go be free and healthy and roam the Rainbow Bridge with Beezer and Brody. Brody was always your best friend and we figured maybe you had to go because you missed him. We are sure the first thing you did when you arrived was clean his little head for him like you always did. You were such a good daddy to all of the kitties here.

Mommy and Daddy will spend their first day today married without our beloved Felix. And it hurts more than you could ever know. We hope you know just how much we loved you and how honored we were to be your Mommy and Daddy. We hope we were good parents and you were happy with your time here with us. We would give anything to have just one more day with our healthy, 14 pound "King Fefe" - and for Daddy to have one more night of sleeping in his bed with you.

You may be physically gone our sweet little angel, but your memory will live on forever in our hearts. We love you more than you could have ever known.

Please also visit BEEZER, Brody, Dafoe, Domenick Bertetto, Hexy and Nikki.

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