Welcome to Fenwyck's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Fenwyck
June 10, 2021
Two nights ago you crossed over, and we are both saddened beyond words. You were simply the best creature to ever walk the Earth. We thought we would have more time (and we are not complaining as for 14.5 years we were graced with your presence. The joy you gave us cannot be measured in anything but love. From the moment we met, until your last seconds of life, you were loved and cherished. You were our little man, and would always listen. Your "schoolmarm" look when you were less than thrilled with a situation was brilliant.
You sure loved your tuna. Steve always gave you more than I did, but please know I was trying to slim you down, although you wore the rotund look well.
And the way you carried your blue fabric fish around in your early days was classic. You probably forgot, but we were your second owners, as your first passed when you were a year old. They had named you "Tiger", but the minute I saw you "Fenwyck" came to mind, also known as Fenny, Fenster, Fenny-Whenny, and Fen. My sister called you Fat-Fenny and Mr. Waddles, as you kind of waddled when you sauntered down the hall.
Do you remember that first day in late December 2006? I had found a cute Tuxedo cat at the shelter and went to get Steve to show him before I took him. We came back, were walking past the cages, and this paw shot out and touched my hand from a cage. I bent down and looked in, and there you were staring back, and that is all it took. I knew I was yours forever.
You fit into our home and family so perfectly. Steve had never had a pet growing up, and even though I always joked that you were MINE...you truly belonged to both of us. He still gets on the floor next to your bed and talks to you as he always did every night, cuddling you, before he went to bed. He is having an especially difficult time since your passing. If you can, now and then, maybe show up in his dreams.
Your way of lying on the ottoman, arms over the corners was so cute as you stared off into space, as was how you would follow me into the bathroom every morning and sit until I left. If we went out, you would always be at the door when we returned, and that's probably how we knew things were not totally right as in later years we had to find you.
Your diabetes, and kidneys finally got the best of you...and while I thought you were losing your sight, I truly did not know how bad it was as you were excellent at hiding when you were in pain.
You loved being brushed. And the day you left I got to hear that wonderful purr one last time as I brushed you that morning.
Your journey over the Bridge was peaceful and beautiful. Steve asked me if you knew who we were as we were petting you for the last time. I told him you did. I hope you did, and am sure you did. We were with you the whole way, and even after the Doctor told us you were gone, I kept petting you as you did not look, gone.
Please find Sweetpea as he is up there waiting for you. He can show you the ropes.
Know that you were loved more than any creature has ever been loved, and we both miss you, and cherish the time we spent with you over all of these years.
We hope we gave you a good life (sorry about the time I stepped on you, my bad).

Your dads, Scott and Steve, and one last time...."Fenny, let's go to beddy"

June 11, 2021
Mornings are the worst for me as that's when you and I had our alone time. You were always good about getting your shot each morning, maybe because after you knew you'd get a treat. Then you'd go sit and stare out the sliding glass door when I went to the gym...always waiting for me there until I came home, and keeping me company until I started work, but every now and then coming into my office and rubbing against my legs, just to let me know you were there.
Did I ever thank you for being there during the dark times after my mother died? You'd sit patiently sit with me and purr, and let me cry...just having you there helped. When there was a crisis you were there for me. Thank you for that. I so miss you, and miss rubbing your ears and scratching your neck as you loved that so much. What I would give for just one more day with you, my little Fenny.

May 31, 2023
I cannot believe it's almost 2 years since you crossed over. You truly were one of a kind, and we miss you so much. I've been frequenting cat cafes...so many look like you, but, of course, they are not you. I hope you and Sweetpea are spending time together. I truly believe you need each other. Still trying to sell the house and move...time for a change.

June 10, 2024
Three years since you left us, and we miss you so much. The house sold, and we are now in San Diego. Earlier this year, we got another cat, Winston. We had him a month, but it was not working out. He was not happy, and we were not happy. We took him back to the cat cafe, and within a week he was adopted and apparently is doing well. We always hold you in our hearts.

Please also visit Sweetpea.

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