Welcome to Figaro's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Figaro
Figaro was a wonderful, special, beautiful mahogany-sable sheltie. I adopted him exactly two years prior to his death. His family of 8 years had grown tired of him. He was a rescue with numerous health problems (thyroid, hyperlipidemia, a detached retina) and he spent his first Easter weekend with me at the vet hospital, recovering from surgery to remove a blockage in his urethra and a subsequent infection. Once home, however, he became the healthiest, happiest dog in the world. Figgy played like a two-year old, leaping for snowballs, chasing sticks, rolling in the grass, and swimming (yes!.. swimming) whenever he had a chance. He was a serious "garbage hound", constantly scanning the ground on walks for old gum or other treasures. The most affectionate dog I've met, he threw himself at the feet of visitors for affection, and would "paw" anyone who wasn't giving him pats. He taught his sheltie friend Bingo to be more outgoing, and playful. A joy to know, and a loving, faithful companion, his sudden death was such a shock. Literally overnight, things ended. He became ill. X-rays at the vet showed an enormous tumour in his spleen (likely cancer). During exploratory surgery, it became clear it was spreading to the pancreas and the humane choice would be to let him go. Figaro died at 5:30 pm. on April 9, 2007. It was so sudden, so unexpected, so tragic. I was looking forward to a summer of camping and canoeing with the amazing swimming sheltie who loved to camp and hike, and would leap over tall objects in a single bound. Figgy's rescued sheltie buddy Bingo has kidney failure, and Figgy was to be Bingo's and my comfort as his disease progresses. I only knew Figgy for 2 years and was looking forward to many more with the dog who acted like a teenager. I just cannot believe that yesterday he was here and today he is gone. There are no words to describe the sadness in my heart.

My dear Figgy, how I will miss you - the way you always chewed sticks, your gentle nudging for attention, your enthusiasm for nature and life. Gracey and Sampson, who have passed before you, will love you and play with you, and keep you company. But Figgy, I will always love you, miss you, and remember you... for the rest of my life.

"This world is not conclusion:
A sequel stands beyond,
Invisible, as music,
But positive,
as sound."
- Emily Dickinson

Please also visit Bingo, Gracey and Sampson.

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