Welcome to Fito Oscar Diablo "Fito"'s Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Fito Oscar Diablo "Fito"
Fito was a very quite, and well be have little boy. Though he was a chihuahua, from what the breeder told us, he had floppy ears, but that didn't matter, because we loved him very much. The floppy ears gave him that cute personality that we loved so much. I have had 3 other chihuahuas before him, and when they wanted something they would bark, not Fito. He would stand at attention, and then kick his hind legs up in the air, and kept on kicking them until he got what he wanted which was some kind of treat that he wanted. His hind legs were slightly bow legged, so he had a sort of a waddle when he walked, but it never bothered him. When I sang the song "Baby Be Mine" he knew it was treat time. He did not like going for walks, which was strange. When my partner went to get the dog leash, he would come running to me and try to hind either behind my legs or under the blanket. He hated the leash. He loved his sisters Puma, and Issy (Issy is also on the Rainbow Bridge - she passed away in her sleep at the age of 14). He loved going out side on the side porch. He was & still is my best friend. I love him and love him so much (we all do).

This is so hard for me to write this because he died on August 18, 2022, and I'm now doing this for him because I didn't want to face the fact that he is no longer with me or us - but spiritually he is...Fito lives on in our hearts, and shall never be forgotten.

So his one year passing is coming up on August 18 (he passed away in my arms from liver disease at 4:05pm at the age of 9. He had liver disease for 3 yrs.

About how he had contracted that dreadful liver disease.

It was the spring of 2019, and Fito wanted to sit on my lap. I was in my recliner chair, and I usually pick them up and place them on my lap, but he all of sudden decided without me noticing, and started to jump, but then he fell back and landed on the hard wood floor on his back, and was crying in pain. So we rushed him into the Vets, and they gave him that damn steriod shot - which caused his liver disease.

And then the COVID hit, and it was difficult to get him into the Vets because of COVID, so I had to do a lot research on his food diet because of the enzymes were started to be elevated. He was doing good but eventually the liver disease got worse. Fito started to loose his fur, his beautiful black fur that was so silky to the touch, he was loosing it. Then he started to loose his voice. He could hardly bark, it was like a whisper. Call me selfish, but he was still active, playing with the other 2 girls (Issy & Puma). So I told him, if you are ready to go, let me know. He was still active playing, but then Issy passed away on July 6, 2021, and after she passed - I think depression got to Fito. Issy was like his mother, he loved her.

After Issy passed we got another chihuahua, a long hair girl and we named her Lily Mae Belle (after Issy - her name was Issy Mae Belle) Fito loved Lily, and Lily loved Fito, but the liver disease was started to destroy his muscle tissues in his legs. He had a hard time walking, so at this point it's about 7 mos later when he had the walking issues. So I had to carry him around, to go use the pee pee mat, to his dog food bowel, and water bowl, and then he would lay in his bed, and Lily & Puma would play with him, and he was play back.

August 8, when Olivia Newton-John died, and when Fito could hardly stand or walk, and I knew his time was coming. He was still alert, and he was eating and drinking water he wasn't in pain, never yelped or cried.

Then the morning of August 18th, I noticed that he didn't want to drink water anymore or eat. I knew it was time. He had stopped drinking water. I called my partner at work and told him when he comes him from work, we'll have to make that difficult trip to the Vet.

When Steven came home, I was holding Fito in my arms while sitting in the recliner and he was licking my arm and I was crying, and I told him that I loved him very much. He then went into a seizer and died in my arms at 4:05pm on Thursday August 18th, 2022.

Never ever EVER give your fur baby steriod shots, even if it helps the pain. Fito was 9 yrs old, he died too young.


AUGUST 19 2023. I love you Fito, my biggest boy in town. I'm sorry that I didn't get on here on your anniversary, I wanted too, but I ended up copying 777 videos and pictures of you, Issy, Puma and Lily over to a new xt. hard drive, so I had a back up and I did on August 18th, because I wanted to think of you in a positive way, of being alive and happy, and not think about the horrible liver disease that took you from us. I finally realized why your nose became disformed, it was b/c the liver disease. I wish didn't have the COVID crap that killed many Americans (well many others around the world) but it was hard to get you into the VET office b/c of COVID. I tried my best to help, but any way, Your pappa and I miss you and so does Puma and Lily. They are doing good they have their issues with each other but they are good girls. I talked to Issy and told her that we love her and that you loved her and missed her as well. I love you Fito Bajito. xoxoxox and miss you so terribly much x.x.x.x sleep well.

--January 23, 2024-- I miss you Fito, my biggest boy in town, we all miss y ou and love you very much!! Today is your birthday, you would of been 11 yrs old today. As I sit in my favorite chair, your memorial sits right in front of me on the coffee table, and today - I cried and thought of you so much - I kissed your Urn and told you how much I Love you & miss you so much. My health has kinda dwindled down hill, being 61 I really don't care if I go in my sleep tonight, b/c I'll be with you for eternity & along with Azul, and Issy. Happy Birthday my sweet boy from your 2 dads, Puma and Lily. xoxoxox

--February 21, 2024 -- It's a very cold morning in Vermont this morning Fito - 19 degrees, and these old houses don't heat up very well. Your 2 sisters, Lily & Puma are sleeping under bunch of fleece blankets in their bed next to me at the computer desk, and pellet stove. I'm listening to meditation music and tears started well up in my eyes, but the thought of you was very strong, and I just wanted to hold you one more time, actually many many times. Papa is thinking of taking an early retirement, the job is getting to him, and it's stressing him out. The fact it worries me, not that he's retiring, is that he doesn't see a doctor at all. I know he has hypertension, I see it. He hates the company that bought out the company that he loved so much. My health, it's the same ... bone infection, on antibiotics for it, and I got a new postatic boot for my left stump, I can walk normally now. The other night, I think it was Sunday - Lily & and I were sleeping in the chair, and I swear I heard your bark, Lily heard it too cause so looked in the direction the bark came from. Audrey, you remember her, my home nurse - well - her precious girl, Gretta died last week, on Feb 12th, the same day that Azul passed 11 yrs ago. I remember when she first got Gretta, she's a German Shepperd, when she was a puppy, just right after Azul died. Now, she's gone. I love you Fito, I wish more than anything that you were still here with us - physically. You will always live in my heart. I bought a new fit -bit watch, and I had placed your beautiful face on my watch, and had set the time at 4:05 pm when you passed in my arms. You're my baby, and will always be. We all love you. xoxoxox

August 18 2024:

I,we all can not believe today at 4:05 PM you left us, and God took you home to be with Him, Issy & Azul. You died in my arms after your seizuer from liver disease -but before you went, you kept kissing my arm (my left arm) as you nestled there. I remember tha morning about 8:30 I laid you in your bed next to me at the computer desk, went to get a drink in the kitchen, came back and you had rolled out of bedd and you lefted your head with your floppy ears erect looking at me say "Well what?" I love you so much & miss you dearly. Puma is doing ok, she has a hacking cough after getting fix, but took her into the vet nothing like Azul had symptoms of heart failure. Lily has been my guardian light since you had left.. She always sleeps with me, and loves me so much, she loves to play, and tell Issy she loves her yellow duckie. Papa retired from Jiffy Mart and now works part-time at Dunkins just to make extra money with his best friend, Wendy who is the Manager that he worked previously at Friendly's as his Manager, and he was Assistant Manager. Fixing up the house, got a Generec Generator, fix and put a new fence, but down our beautiful tree in the front yard because our home owner insurance told us too or they would drop us. The house looks even nicer now with the tree gone, we planted another small tree, and flowers beds where the old tree was. My health is getting pretty bad, I was told Im in Stage 4 Kidney issue but not giving up. All those infections and many antibiotics took me there, so my Renal Spec. told my kidneys should imoprove. We made the coffee table into a memorial for you, Issy & Azul. I have pictures you guys all over the table. I bought a fit watch have you and Issy, Azul on the watch as well. I have a DEXCOME G7 now and my aic dropped from 9.5 to 7.7 in 2 months, lost 17 lbs thanks to Ozempic which makes me dizzy, I don't like the drug of the side effects. I made a stone 3 actually one for you Issy and Azul and are on my desk with your names on them. Steven's dad died, he fought tooth and nail (he was scared) thinking because the way he treated people and the life he lived you know being materialistic & other issues not to mention. I have to go now my sugar is 99 and going down, so I got to go eat, but I get my new chair tomorrow, thand DAMN old chair that almost killed you is going to the junk yard - good ridenance. I love you Fit, we all love you and miss you dearly! xoxoxoxox

****September 1 2024 - Hi Fito ,how is my little boy doing over at the Rainbow Bridge, with Issy & Azul? I was thinking of you when I was listening to THE BABYS "EVERYTIME I THINK OF YOU", boy did the tears flow because I miss you so much, I wish I could hug you and have you lay inside my coat. I got my new chair, the old one is now gone, the new chair is so nice you would love sleeping on it, you and Fito & Azul. I'm at stage 4 kidney disease, it bothers me, but time is ticking and dthe clock is slowly dying out for me. I'm not scared because I can be with you all again. Puma is doing ok, she has this cough which kinda bothers me, well it does bother me, so we are gonna take her to the vet to see what is up/ Lily is doing good, I named her after you. She is so attached me, she sleeps with me every night. She loves your toys, especially the yellow fuzzy duckie. Papa is outside working on the house, scraping the old paint and getting ready to paint certain areas. We got a new generator now so no more power outages. I love you ito, we all love you - Papa especially loves and misses you. We still talk about you. You go and play with Issy & Azul .... and oh .... the sun room is now a flower room. xoxoxo

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