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Memories of Fizz

Fizz you were the most beautiful mare there could ever be! I am sure that you have found Ellie by now and the two of you are running around the meadow near the Bridge. I thought it would get easier but it hasn't. I look out at the pasture and fully expect to see you and Ellie and Cash out there. Every time I come home my eyes go to the pasture looking for you. Please know, Fizz, that I sent you to the Rainbow Bridge because of how much I loved you. I don't have to tell you girl how hard the winters can be here on the Idaho/Wyoming border. It's been cold and snowy and I am glad you don't have to go through an other winter. I miss you so much. I miss your nickering to me when it was feeding time. Have fun at the Bridge and don't push Ellie around too much. Love you, Dad

Hay girl. Just wanted to stop by and tell you how much you were loved and how much you are missed. It's been a weird winter and not much snow and warm. There are bare spots showing in the pasture and I know that you and Ellie and Cash would be out there rooting for any fresh greens. I couldn't have known that it would be such a mild winter or I may have kept you. But my dear Fizz, we both know it was your time to go to better places. The lean-to is empty as is my heart. I still look out to see if you are ok or waiting for hay or a treat. I finally built a saddle stand and hung all of my tack up in the house. I look over at my saddle and remember you under it as well as Ellie. Well girl got to go for now but know that I will always love you and cherish the time we had. See ya soon. Dad

Hay girl. Visited the field where you and Ellie are burried. I know you are not there and are running free with Ellie at the Rainbow Bridge. Hard to believe it's been a year ago today you went to the Bridge. It's cold and rainy today unlike last year. I love you and still miss you. Mom and I are moving back east to be closer to Dad. You remember my dad I am sure. He rode you at the ranch and you took such good care of him seeing as how he had not ridden before. I still have Dad's picture with him on you in the middle of Lake Creek. We are selling a lot of our stuff. I gave Mario some of you things as he bought his first horse. I hope you don't mind. He will put them to good use. Yesterday we had a moving sale and a nice couple came by to see what we had for sale. They have horses also and we talked a bit. I showed then your saddle and tack. I almost sold it but ended up crying in front of these people. I am not sure I will ever own another horse seeing as how I already owned the best two in the world. But I will hold on to your saddle as it reminds me of you and all the miles we traveled together. I will visit you here again soon. Love you Dad.

Hay Fizz and Ellie. Well mom and I are back east now and it saddens me to think I may never see Teton Valley again or the place where I laid the two of you to rest. I still have your saddle and look at it every day. I often look at pictures of you and I and Ellie on trail rides. I am renewing your memorial today so that I can come and visit you every once in while. Love you, Dad

Hay girl. Hope you and Ellie are doing well and not getting to fat on that good grass at the Bridge. It's been a year since I visited you here but know that not a day goes by that I don't think about you both. Mom and I are doing ok and my Dad is as well. Fizz it's hard to let you go in my heart. I know you are in a better place but I sure do miss you. I got a job working at a boarding barn near by and there are lots of good horses. None could ever take your place or Ellie's but it nice to be around horses again. I have put your saddle to use and have been riding a gelding named "Brew". He is a good fellow but nothing compared to you. Any way I have been back in the saddle again although it's nothing like the riding you and I did on open ranges. Brew was injured and I am helping his owner to rehab him. Fizz, you would not believe these pussy horses back here. Every time it rains or the wind blows or it gets cold (25 degrees) they have to get dressed in blankets or sheets. And if it really gets cold and rainy or snowy they get to stay inside. Hard to believe girl. Well girl that's it for now and I will try to get by more often. Just know I love you and Ellie. Love you, Dad

Hay girl,
Hope you and Ellie are doing well at the Bridge. Hope you hooked up with Pop as he went to heaven in March. I know it's been a while since I visited but life here is crazy. Yvonne and I had to move in May. I no longer am working at the stables and that means I am not riding. It's ok cause none of those horses could compare to you or Ellie. Still have your saddle and finally got you saddle pad washed. Winter is coming here but not like out in Wyoming/Idaho. Be glad you are at the Bridge enjoying green grass and warmth. I have all your pictures on the computer and they play all the time. I think of you both often and miss you both. Not much else and I will come back soon. Love you both, Dad


Hay Girl,

Sorry that it's been so long since I have visited you. I think of you every day as I do Ellie. Mom and I moved again and bought a house in Chester County PA. Not like being back west but we like it. I finally had to sell your saddle and it broke my heart. I now have Cancer and have been taking treatments. I often dream of the days you and I would ride for miles and explore new area. I miss you. Well got to run for now but I promise I will be back sooner than before.

Love you both,


Hay Girls,

Where does the time go? I can't believe it's been so long since I visited. I am sure the two of you are getting fat and sassy. Nothing new here to report. Still miss both of you. I made a new friend named Jim and he has three horses. I have been helping him out when he is out of town. One of his horses is a big ole Perchon named Moose. Well one day when I was bringing him out of the barn he spooked and ran me over and did a dance on my back. I got bruised up pretty good but you know me tough old cowboy that I am. I renewed your memoral today so I can come and visit. That's all for now.

Love you both,

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