Welcome to Flame's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Flame
I don't know why God took you. It came as a total shock and I still don't understand what happened. You were so healthy and vibrant and I never expected this to happen so soon. I can only hope you left this earth as quietly and calmly as you lived your life. You were a class act and you were a special part of my life. You displayed your uniqueness in everything you did. You were very particular about who you allowed into your circle of friends and I am so glad I was able take you home after your first owner didn't want you anymore when you were one year old. I just can't imagine someone not wanting to keep you. I miss you so much, I can't put into words how much. I miss seeing those piercing blue eyes that everyone who met you commented about. I miss seeing you laying in the living room with your front paws crossed in the royal way you did that, or laying in your pool relaxing the way you did. You loved going to the dog park with your brother and sisters. You ran free, played with the other dogs and entertained the people with the way you carried yourself and your quiet demeanor. You had a devious side too. After everyone had eaten, you would take a bowl and hide it in the yard. I'd hunt it down while you watched from your couch, planning the next hiding place. Play with Sybil and wait for me. You were my Flame, my special companion and friend. (Sept. 11, 2011) I know on this day many people are honoring an event that happened in NY 10 years ago. Losing you two months ago today was as painful to me as those folks are feeling. I wish there was some magic that could bring you back. Your loss has left a huge void in my life. I miss you, my eternal Flame. (Dec. 29) This is the first Christmas in 10 years without you, Flame. Even Santa Claus can't grant my wish to have you back again. The void is huge and I miss you so much.

To Flame, I can't believe you're gone.

(July 11, 2012) This one year anniversary of your leaving me is as sad now as it was a year ago. I took your collar and leash on the walk we took with Satch and Sasha around the neighborhood. You were such a good walker. We had many good years together and I miss those days. I think about you everyday. You were so athletic but a gentle dog. Your spirit will always be with me.

(July 11, 2013) The void your passing left with me is huge. Hard to believe two years have passed. I still believe you should still be here with me. You were too young and active to leave this earth. It's difficult to think about how you left me way too soon. I can still see you laying in the living room, running around the dog park or listening to your howling with Satch when he did his job waking me in the morning or anytime you wanted to be heard. I miss you my Flame and your light will never go out for me.

(July 11, 2014) I am sad on this 3rd anniversary of my losing you. I will take our walk around the block as we did many times. Sasha is now with you at The Bridge. I hope you two and Sybil are having fun while you wait for me. I miss your quiet demeanor and strength you carried. You deserved more years here and I wish you were here next to me now. You are still my Flame.

(Aug. 11, 2015) Four years ago I lost a great friend. I still think of you all the time and talk about what an amazing dog you were. I still remember the first time I saw you at Virginia's. I had to approach and say hello. You were excited to have the attention and I knew then I had to bring you home to be with Sasha and Satch. The three of you turned out to be best friends and quite a dynamic trio. I miss you, Flame. You were taken too soon, but now you can wait at the Bridge for me. You are always my Flame.

(July 11, 2016) My memories of you are still as fresh as ever. You were, and still are, a unique Husky friend I can never replace. I will take the walk we took so many times with Sasha and Satch. I hope you, Satch and Sasha are playing again. I miss those times. You're my angel now, my beautiful Flame. This is always a sad day for me.

(July 11, 2017) I miss you, Flame. I am still so confused why you were taken so early, when you were so healthy at 10 years old I took our walk today, the same one you, Satch and Sasha took so many times. Strangely, one of our pups, Mishka, is battling cancer at 4 years old....much too young, as you were. Please watch over her and give her the strength to fight. Thank you for your years of companionship. Whenever we see a dog sitting the way you used to, we always say the dog is doing "The Flame". Wait for me at The Bridge. I want to see those big blue eyes again.

(July 11, 2018) This day arrives again and, again, I ask why you were taken from me so early. You deserved a longer life. I know by now you would probably be gone but I wanted 3 or 4 more years with you, at least. I hope you were happy here with me because I enjoyed everything about you. I'm glad I saw you that one day at Virginia's when I brought Satch and Sasha there to board them. You were an amazing companion. Amazing. I think of you ALL the time. I took the walk this morning that you, I, Satch and Sasha took so many times. You have my Mishka there with you now. Please show her the ropes while we wait to be together again. She is a good girl who, like you, left me far too soon. You are truly my Flame. I miss you terribly.

(July 11, 2019) This, still, is always a sad day for me. I look at your photo and I see those eyes I will never forget. You were always so regal yet you could be as goofy as all the others. I would have done anything to keep you with me and Satch, Sasha and Maddie. You left us in a mystery we'll never know the answer to and that makes it hurt all the more. We all fed off of your calm strength. You will always be very special and I miss you so much. I hope you are running free and happy at The Bridge. Take care my Flame.

(July 11, 2020) It is still a sad mystery for me, Flame why you were taken away. You were so healthy and so unique and it makes the pain of loss even greater. I didn't have the chance to say a proper good-bye and that hurts even more. I remember you like it was yesterday. We really needed more time together and I can't get that back. Please keep watch over all of us, especially your buddy Maddie who is still here with us. I miss you, Flame and you will never be forgotten. As the song goes, I can't believe you're gone.

(July 11, 2021) Ten years ago you were taken from me for reasons I will never know. It haunts me forever. I wish there was some way I could go back in time and save you from whatever happened to you. I feel so guilty I was not there for you when you needed me the most. I wish I could change that past somehow..... You're gone now and I miss you. You were so unique and amazing, yet so calm and aware of everything. Your blazing blue eyes were hypnotizing. I hope you are playing with Satch, Sasha, Sybil and all the others who are there with you. Wait for me and we'll make up for lost time, my Flame.

(July 11.2023) I can't believe it's been 12 years since we were together. It wasn't just your amazing blue eyes that everyone was so attracted to, but the way you carried yourself was unique. You didn't allow everyone in your circle and I was honored to be so close to you. You didn't deserve to leave us so soon. I selfishly wanted more than 10 years. I'm so sorry I wasn't there to keep you safe and away from whatever took you from me. It will be a mystery that will haunt me forever. I took the walk around the old neighborhood we did so often with Satch, Sasha and Maddie today. I miss those days so much. Wait for me in heaven with the whole gang. Send your karma down to our new pup Cooper so he can be as great as you.

(July 11, 2024) I think of you more than just on the anniversary of losing you. You were just so amazing and unique. I still remember like it was yesterday when I first saw you at Virginia's house. I knew we had to see if you and Satch and Sasha would get along. I took you home immediately. If dogs can be "cool" it was you. You and Satch had to iron out a few issues but in a short time, you were part of our pack. I know I always say this, but your eyes were the most blue eyes I've ever seen on a dog. Mesmerizing. You got so many compliments on your looks and the way you carried yourself. I miss you so much. I wish I could say one more good-bye, but it wouldn't be enough. Take care and wait at the Bridge big guy!

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