Welcome to Frankenstein (Frank)'s Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Frankenstein (Frank)
Yesterday (11/3/17) I had to say goodbye to my best friend of 17+ years. I will miss you so much Frank. I will miss the games we played, the hugs we shared, and the comfort of having a friend who always loved me unconditionally regardless of what kind of day I was having. I am happy to have been with you at the end of your life's journey but know that one day I will see you again and will be able to hold you, scratch your chin, and hear you purr with happiness. Until that day comes, have fun in heaven and keep an eye open for me on the far side of the bridge. I love you very much snugs and always will!

11/3/18 - Well Frank, it's been one year since you crossed the bridge. There are hardly any days that go by when I don't think about you and miss you. We adopted two little kittens about a month after you passed and they are hilarious and funny. Not sure you'd know what to make of them although I'm sure you would figure them out quickly! They are CH cats, so they wobble some and fall some. Too funny! Charlie is rambunctious like you were when you were younger, and Checkers (girl) seems to have inherited your love of grazing. She's already got quite the "Frank" belly. I wish you were here to enjoy their presence but I know you are having a blast with all the new friends you've made this year. I hope you are having a great time and just wanted to remind you how much I love you and miss you. Love you snugs!

11/12/19 - Hi Frank! Sorry I'm late in posting. It was a long week at work and I've been sick a bit. I still miss you every day but Charlie and Checkers are keeping your spirit alive. You taught your stepmom how to like cats and now she loves C&C so thank you for opening her heart up to kitties! Charlie likes to jump on top of the headboard like you used to do and Checkers has certainly developed your love for food. She's quite the chunk....and spicy like you as well. I know you'd find them odd but you'd love them all the same. I bet you have plenty of friends across the bridge and hopefully you've been able to find Dad as well. He used to like playing with you when they visited! Anyways, just wanted to stop in and tell you that I miss you and love you very much snugs. Have a fun year with everyone over there and I'll see you next year!

11/8/20 - Hey Frank! I'm not as late as last year but apologies all the same....time flies these days. I hope you are doing great across the bridge and having lots of fun with all your friends you've met the last few years. Big news in the world of cats as well. This past July, we adopted a little black panther to add to our family. His name is Chulo and he is CRAZY! I'm not sure you'd know what to make of him as Charlie and Chex still haven't really figured him out nearly 6 months in. He has your love of climbing and jumping around on shelfs, headboards, and other high-up places. Maybe y'all would have been friends! We still miss you a whole lot and your name comes up often in conversation and in fond memories. I wish I could give you one more pet, but we will see each other again I know. Anyways, jump up in Dad's lap and give him a snuggle and tell him we said hello. Talk to you again next year. Have a fun Christmas with your friends!

11/4/21 - What's up Frank? I'm even earlier than last year.....pretty good, right? Another year has passed and I hope you've made many new friends across the bridge to add to your best friends you already had. Charlie and Checkers are 4 years old now and doing well. Checkers still loves food just like you did and Charlie likes to stare out windows/doors at the world like you did. Chulo, well he's another story. He is a wild little panther like no other. Always running, always trying to play, and always chomping on anything he can get his mouth around. That includes me and Kelly's arms and legs! We love him though, and Charlie likes playing with him so I think he is keeping Charlie entertained while we are at work each day. Checkers acts like she hates him most of the time but she secretly likes I think, or at the very least tolerates him. I still miss you every day and wish I could give you a hug. That'll happen one day way down the road, but for now give dad a snuggle and purr and have a great year across the bridge. Love you Snugs and hope you have a Merry Christmas!

11/5/22 - Morning Frank! So, I went back to being a bit late. Sorry! It's now been 5 years since you went across the bridge and I still miss you every day. I know you miss us as well, but I'm sure you are having a blast with all your old and new friends. Make sure to share your kibble with the new ones. Charlie and Checkers are now 5 and doing pretty well. Checkers did need to have a kidney removed this past January but she pulled through with no issues and I know you were watching over her. Charlie as always is a scaredy-cat but he still tries to guard the front door. Makes no sense! Chulo is still his crazy self and although he is 2.5 years old now, he shows no signs of slowing down. He is a sweet boy at night though and he loves sleeping between my legs. He and Checkers are getting along a bit better as well. So, yeah....we are all doing well down here. Anyways, just wanted to say hello and tell you that I love you and miss you a bunch. We will see each other again....now, go play!

12/7/23 - Frank....I am so late and so very sorry! It's been a little over 6 years since you ran across the bridge to meet what I hope are now some of your best friends. We miss you still, even your Mom. She will always remember her "beast" and the way you slept on her pillow wrapped around her head. Just thinking about it still makes me laugh. We are doing well here. Charlie, Checkers, and Chulo say hello and thank you for teaching their parents how to do a good job. Checkers is especially thankful that you taught us how to properly overfeed a cat. She loves her portions just like you did. Charlie is still her protective brother and a good playmate for Chulo, although not as often as Chulo would prefer. They really are like three peas in a pod and I really wish you'd been able to meet all three. You'll always be my first cat though and will always have the most special place in my heart. that will never go away. Anyways, I'll wrap things up so you can go back to living your best life. Miss you and love you always, Snugs and I hope you and everyone across the bridge have a very Merry Christmas!

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