Welcome to Frasier's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Frasier's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Frasier
12/28/06. date of passing 12/23/06
Sweet Frasier
My sweet Frasier, I still can't believe you are gone.I hope you heard me whispering, "I love you" in your ear you, when it was time for you go to Rainbow Bridge. My heart aches for my sweet boy. You gave me the best life. I can't imagine life without you. I hope you are happily playing with all the furry babies. Remember, we will be together one day soon.
Love, Mom xoxo
My sweet Frasier, I can't stop thinking of you. I miss you so. No one could have asked for a more wonderful dog. My 12 years with you hold the happiest moments of my life. You took care of me thru all my surgeries..... you lying quietly next to me was so comforting. Your temperament was the best!! You were wonderful with all children as well as other dogs and cats. Remember when we brought Oreo kitty home and she would cuddle up next to you? Dr. Violette and Dr. Davis said you were a "great dog"!! To me you were the greatest dog. I Remember our long walks on the red trail, swimming with all your friends at Nod Brook and Salmon Brook..your tail wagging every minute like a litte motorboat and you nudging at my pocket for more treats..if I could only have those dirty pockets back again. Life was good for both of us. Now we have our beautiful memories. My sweetest Frasier My precious Frasier, Remember that painfull day you left me and went to Rainbow Bridge Dec, 23 2006, tommorow will be a very painful memory. I made so many mistakes. I am questioning my judgement.Should I
have kept you a little longer. You were in pain and could not walk..
Until tomorrow ....Love, Mom I hope you had lots of Turkey my sweet boy. Missing you on our Thanksgiving walk at Nod Brook!

1/1/2007 12:30am
Happy New Year Frasier... Lisa, Angel, Alexa & Nicholas are here.They send love and kisses. We all miss Our sweet "Fraisee". New Year is very sad without you.
I will see you in the morning.
Sweet Dreams,
1/1/07 9:25am
Good Morning Sweet Boy,
Happy New Year. Hope you slept well. I will take a walk at Nod Brook today and think of all the great times we had there...You Playing and swimming with all your friends and walking beside me, nudging my pocket for treats. You will still be with in my heart.
Love you, Mom
1/2/06 Good Morning Sweet Boy,
My heart aches for you, but we will be together someday. I hope you are having a good time with all the furry babies. I know you are playing again like you used to (without pain.) but DON'T mount too many pups.....
Cajon,Monty, Sam,Xahra and Toby send you wet kisses from the dog park.They all miss you.
Hugs and kisses from Lisa, Alexa& Nicholas12:00 Midnight
Good Night Sweet Boy...Sweet Dreams
Love you,Mom 1/3/06
How are you tonight sweet boy?? I am happy to see you had many visitors. I walked with Hans,Elaine&Willow today..They all send their love. I miss you so,my Frasier..life is tough without you.
Sweet Dreams,
Love, Mom xoxoxo
Good Morning, My Frasier. I hope you slept well. I bet you were tired from playing with all your new friends. Remember when you were a young pup, playing with your girl friend, Kelly, the Airedale at Fisher Meadows. She is at Rainbow...She would love to see you. Good Night Sweet boy, Love and Miss you, Mom
Hi Big boy, What are you up to today. I miss our long rides and walks. We were constantly together..this is why this is so difficult for me, but as long as you're happy, thats all that matters. Good night.. Sweet Dreams. Love, Mom
1/6 Hi Sweet boy. I am so happy Roscoe visited you today. He is such a sweet pup. I seem to miss you more today than yesterday. I can't seem to keep the tears back. I put your beautiful face on my puter so I can see it all the time. Ill bbl, go have a good time..Please look for Cassius, Bingo and Pony..They would love to play with you. Good Night my man. Sleep well. See u tomorrow. xoxoxMom
1/7 Hello my sweet Frasier. Went to church today and lit a candle for you. I miss you more as each day goes by. I brought you a bunch of liver snaps...don't eat too many. I will bring them everyday. I know how much you love them.
Good night my Big Boy..Love u Mom
1/8 Good Night Sweet Frasier..You are always in my thoughts and Prayers xoxx
1/9/ Hi My sweet Frasier
How are you today?? Have you met Pebbles,Chloe& Harry (your brother and sisters). You will have fun playing with them. Tell them how much I love them and miss them. Walked at Nod Brook today and thought of u every minute. Remember, We will be together some day. Dad&Oreo miss you very much. Another lonely nite without you Frasier, Hope you had a good day. GN big boy ..sweet dreams.
1/10 GM Sweet Frasier,
Love you so much. I'm going for my walk now. You go play with all your friends,I'll see you when I get back. Maybe you can find Yiayia and give her lots of kisses.Hope you had a wonderful day. GN & Sweet Dreams
1/11 Hi big boy. I just came back from my walk at Nod Brook. Big Clyde was there with Ellen and Bob,Willow with Hans& Bell with Lynn. They all miss you very much and wish you could come and play.BBL 10:00pm Good night my boy.
Love You, Mom
1/12 My Sweet Frasier,
Just stopped by to tell you how much I love and Miss you. Good Night my sweet boy. Sweet Dreams.
Love you, Mom xoxx
1/13 Love and miss you my sweet Frasier. Hope you had fun today.
I visit you in the garden everyday& bring you liver snaps. GN sweet boy.
Love, Mom xoxx
1/14 Dear Frasier,
It's been 2 weeks since I lost you.I miss you so and feel totally lost without you.
Please be happy sweet boy.
Love you, GN
Mom xoxo
1/15 Hello sweet boy. I hope u had a good time today. I put you near a lake so you can swim everyday. You loved the water so much. "Noble" stands at your grave with his lit lantern..He protects you at all times.
GN sweet man..Mom loves you and misses you.
1/16 Hi Sweet boy,
It is getting very cold here. I never minded walking in the cold when we walked together, but it is so much harder now. I never minded the cold when you were with me. We had so much fun..Didn't we ..
GN. My Sweet boy
1/17 Hi Frasier,
I Hope you don't mind if I shared my Ice cream with Oreo tonite. I know that was OUR thing to do after dinner. I miss our time together so very much!
GN My Good Boy..Love you, Mom xoxo
1/18 GN My Frasier cu tomorrow.
Love You with all my heart..
1/19 Tanzi sends kisses
GN Frasier..I will love you forever.
Love Mom.
1/20 Rubie Tuesday sends wet kisses..
GN my Frasier Love Mom
!/21Frasier, you are always on my mind. I can't stop crying for you. I love you so much. I want to hug and hold you. I kiss your beautiful face everyday.
1/22 Hi Sweet Frasier, Did you have a good day? I met a sweet dog named Kramer. He is a Goldendoodle. I know you would like him very much. I hope you don't mind if I bring him to the dog park. He is lonely too.
GN Sweet boy.Sweet dreams Love Mom.
1/23 Hello my sweet boy. It's been a month since you left to play at Rainbow Bridge. The pain of your abcence is still so strong. It is so hard for me to be happy without you. Please be happy, Dear Fraiser,until we meet again and go over the Rainbow Bridge together. I love you so very much.
GN and Sweet Dreams, Love Mom xoxox
Hi sweet boy, I came to say good night. I hope you had a wonderful day. Hope all your furry friends r taking care of my baby. Sweet dreams. Love you with all my heart. Mom xoxo
1/26 Hi Sweet boy.It was very very cold today..10degrees. I took Kramer to the dog park. He had a good time playing with a Husky pup.Just know NO ONE will ever replace you. Good night, Frasier Miss you, Love Mom xoxox
1/27 Just came to kiss your face and say goodnight, my sweet boy. Even though it was very cold, the dog park was very busy.cu tomorrow. Love, Mom
1/28.I am very sad without you today, my sweet Frasier. Sometimes I think I hear your soft whimper when I am sitting at the computer, but when I turn around you are not there.
Good night my sweet boy. Love, Mom.
1/29 Dear Frasier. A very sweet horse, named Barbaro,has come to Rainbow Bridge.Please welcome him and show him around.
1/31 Hi sweet boy,
I was thinking today about what a trooper you are. Rememeber when you ruptured your ACL at Nod Brook and you had to walk over 1/2 mile to the car and how good you were after your surgery.... Then in less than 5 weeks you ruputured the other ACL. You were not even recovered from the first. Weight bearing was so painful for you, but you still had a tail wag for me. I love you boy. Good Night., Love, Mom xoxox 2/2
Hi sweet Frasier,
I forgot to tell you... your picture is posted at the dog park, so I can see you when I go visit there. I tell E1 who hadn't met you how sweet and brave you are. Sweet dreams my boy. I will see u tomorrow. Love, Mom xoxo
Hi my sweet Frasier,
Tomorrow is Yiayia's BD. Please go wish her a happy birthday from all of us.. give her hugs and wet kisses from all of us.
GN my Frasier..miss you so much. Love, Mom
Hi my Frasier,
Today is Yiayia's BD. I sent a BD card with pretty balloons up to her in Heaven. Did you see them?? GN. Sweet Boy Love, Mom
2/5 Hi my sweet boy,
How are you today?I hope you had lots of fun. It is bitter cold here so I didn't go for my walk. Thinking of you all the time.
G.N. Sweet Frasier
2/7 Hi my sweet Frasier, Daddy& Uncle Douglas left for Fl. to visit Lisa& the kids. It is so lonely without you. Hope you found Nutmeg to swim with.
GN. Love you, Mom
2/9 Love you with all my heart
GN Sweet Boy.
2/11 Hi Sweet Frasier, I see you had a Special friend, by the name of SAM, visit you today. Did he leave you one of his drive by kisses?? I know he misses you very much.
GN, Love, Mom xoxo
2/14 HAPPY VALENTINES DAY SWEET BOY..sending you lots of hugs&kisses. A beautiful springer, just like you, won the Westminster dog show today. His name is James and he reminds me so much of you. GN my boy, Love Mom
2/17 Good Evening sweet man. I had quite a day today!! I took Kramer to Nod Brook and he broke thru a section of ice on the pond. He kept trying to get back up onto the ice instead of turning around and swimming aprox. 20 feet to shore.He had never swam before and was afraid.. so I had to go in the Freezing water with all my cloths on and coax him back to sure. I stupidly didn't take my coat off and it weighed me down. Dumb huh!! Well it all ended well with the help of some very nice people. Sweet Dreams, Love Mom
2/19 Dear Frasier, Just stopped bye to say good night and tell you how much I miss you.
Love, Mom xoxox
2/21 Dearest Frasier,
Dad came home from visiting Lisa today. All my peace and quite is gone!! LOL Miss you sweet boy. GN Love, Mom xoxox
2/25 Hi sweet Boy,
Sorry I haven't stop to see you the last couple of days. Took Kramer to the dog park today and yesterday, I take him because it helps fill the void in my heart, missing you so much. Sometimes, I think it is you in Kramers body. He is sweet like you. Gn Love, Mom xoxo
2/2 Hello sweet Frasier,
Sorry I haven't been to see you. I am at Lisa's for a visit. Dicken's, Lisa, Alexa &Nick send Hugs and Kisses. I miss you so very Much. Love you, Mom xoxo
3/9 Hi my sweet Frasier..I just returned from Lisa's. Dickens reminds me so much of you. He even likes cinnamon toast dipped in coffee every morning. Love you and miss you so much sweet boy.xoxo
3/12 Hi sweet boy, Your breeder, Bob Proctor, says he will have puppies at the end of March. I would love getting a new pup from him, since it will come from Your family I will feel a little part of you will be in that pup. Remember, no dog will ever replace you. You will always be Special!! Love you with all my heart. Love, Mom xoxo
Happy St. Patty's day sweet boy. I miss u so, my Frasier. I miss your soft fur, your big floppy ears, the way you cudddled next to me and yr sweet litte whine,yr wagging tail, when you wanted attention. It is still very hard for me, but I find comfort that we will be together again.
Love, Mom xoxox
Hi Sweet Boy,
We are having problems at Nod Brook..Your favorite place. It's the old leash coming to haunt us. We are getting a committee together. Hopefully we can stop it, but I will still go there, because I remember the wonderful times we had there.
GN My beloved Frasier xoxo
3/22 Tomorrow I will be going to Nod Brook to talk to other people who love dogs and want to keep our "doggie paradise "unleashed. I will be missing you sweet boy. I will send kisses to yr doggie friends. Love you, Mom xoxo
3/28 Hi my beloved Frasier,
Mr. Proctor has a litter of puppies. He says I can have one. If I pick one of his pups I will bring home in May. However I may wait and take one of Jame's of puppies..You know James won at Westminster and he looks so sweet...just like you. Don't know what to do, because I will have to wait till July to bring one home, but some things are worth waiting for. What do you think??
Love you so very much!!! Mom xoxox
Hi my Frasier, Wanted to say goodnight. Not much to say today, except I love you & Miss you Mom xoxoxo
4/4 Hi sweet boy. Toby had to have ACL surgery this week. All I could think about is you. And the pain you were in, but you were such a trooper.
4/7 Happy Easter my sweet boy. I went to the dog show this weekend. No one was as handsome as you!! Toby seems to be doing fine. I'm glad he is doing ok. I miss him at the dog park. Love you so very much. Don't forget we will be together soon.
4/15 Hi my sweet Frasier, It is rainy, cold&gloomy here.. It is so hard to be without you, especially on days like today. I.m sure you are enjoying beautiful weather in heaven. Love,Mom xoxo
4/21.Hi sweet boy, Its been 4 months since I lost you. Sometimes life seems unbearable without you. I got to the dog parkl everyday and see your friends. This helps me get through the day, but the nights are so very lonely without you. I just want to touch your soft fur and kiss your sweet face.
4/30 Hi Sweet Boy, my beloved friend, How r you today? I want you to know I think of you and miss you more everyday.
Love, Mom xoxo
5/19..My sweet beloved Frasier, it's been 5 mons, since u left for Rainbow Bridge and it is not getting any easier to be here without you. I just returned from visiting Lisa and the kids....
Dickens and Indy were lots of fun. I took them to the dog park here, but it was't as nice as our park at Salmon Brook.
Love, Mom xoxo
6/4 Hello my sweet boy. Spring is here and it is flower plating time. It makes me a so very sad, not having you near me lying on the grass, patiently waiting for me. I miss you so my Frasier. I need to get another pup soon, so I won't be so sad without you. My days are so lonely now. Love, Mom xoxo
6/9 Hi My Frasier,
How are you sweet boy?? Hope you are happy and having lots of fun. I'm sure your heart doesn't ache at Rainbow Bridge. Things are different here for the ones left behind, but we will be together again soon. Kisses to Yiayia, Harry, Chloe, Pebbles,Amber and Sylvester. Love you sooo much, Mom xoxox
6/23 My sweet Frasier,Ithas been 6mn since u left to play with angels and furrys babies at RB. I still love and miss u very much.
7/12 Hi Frasier, We are getting a 16week B&WEng. Springer,named Gavlen on Fri. He is flying from MI. It will be fun having a puppy in the house again, but no one will ever take your place sweet boy.I want you to be happy until we meet again at the bridge. It won't be long sweet boy. love, Mom xoxox
7/18 Dearest Frasier, We have a new Eng. Springer pup in the house. He is B&W and cute as a button. You would LOVE him!! His name is "Gaven". Please know he will never replace you in my heart. I still miss and love each day. I wish you could be here to play with him, but I know you are having fun playing with your furry babies at the Rainbow. Love you and Miss you, Mom xoxox
7/24 Hi My boy, Just letting you know that I still think of you everyday, although we now have Gaven. Gaven is a good boy, a lot like you. Please know I still love you so. Love,Mom Mom
8/15 Dear Frasier, although Gaven, our new puppy is taking up much of my time. I think of you everyday. It is still very painful knowing your gone, but I have my sweet memories of you. Love, Mom
Sweet Frasier,It has been 8 Mons. since you left us. I still miss you so very much, Gaven does help to fill my lonely nights..He is a good boy, just like you. Love you, Mom xoxox
9/16...Hi Sweet boy,
My heart breaks each time I look at one of your pictures. I miss that wonderful expression..yr beautiful soft eyes. Gaven is a little devil. I don't remember u getting into so much mischief..lol, but he is a good boy, I am grateful I have him. He is beautiful just like you. Love u always, MOM xoxo
10/31 Happy Howl-lo-ween sweet boy. Miss u with all my heart. Gaven keeps me busy. Love u sweet boy Sweet dreams. Mom xoxo
11/12 Hi sweet boy. I put lights one of the trees today. Remember how you would lie down on the lawn patiently waiting for me to finish so we could take a walk. Please visit a lab named "China" I'm sure she would love to play with you. Until next tme. Remember we will be together again...
have fun with all yr friends.Love, Mom
Hi my sweet boy,
Even though Gaven, is now part of our family, I still cry for you, my Frasier. It's been almost a year since you went to Rainbow Bridge, and my heart still aches for you. Be happy my boy...thats all I care about. Love you soo very much. MoM xoxox
12/23 Sweet Frasier It is year since you left us, but my heart still aches for you. We will be together again. Love Mom
12/25 Merry Christmas, my sweet boy. I will leave some liver snacks for u in the back yard. I know how much u love them.Please know I love you with all my heart. Love, Momxoxo 1/1/08
Happy New Year my sweet boy. New Years will never be as happy again, without you!! Love you with all my heart. Momxoxox
1/14.Hello, my sweet Frasier. I am missing you so much today. You were such an angel on earth... I'm sure you are and angel in Heaven. Gaven is being a little naughty at the dog park with his toys. I wish you were here to teach him to share. Love you, Mom..
2/14 Happy Valentine's Day Sweet Frasier. I hope you got the card I sent to you. I love you so much my Frasier. Love, Mom xox
3/17 Happy St. Patty,s day sweet boy. It is a very nice day today..I wish you and I were walking at NOD Brook. I miss our walks there. Gaven and I will be walking there soon, but I will be thinking of you and the fun we had. I am so happy to have Gaven. He reminds me of you. Love you Mom xoxo
4/08 Happy Spring my sweet boy. It is very hard to be happy without you...Gaven does help. We just came back from a long walk on the red trail. I so loved my walks with you. Love, Momxo
4/27.."Xristos Anesti" my sweet boy. I love you so much,Frasier, sometimes it is so hard to visit you without crying. Nothing will ever fill the hole in my heart since you left. Please know we will be together someday. Love, Mom xo
6/11..Hello my Frasier, I hope you are having a fun summer ..swimming and playing catch with all yr friends. My heart still aches for you, but I know you are happy in doggie heaven. Gaven says hello. Love you, Mom xo
Happy 4th of July my sweet I was wearing you picture locket at the dog park today..All your friends commented on how adorable you are. Miss you everyday, Frasier. XOXO Love, Mom
8/11 HAPPY BD My sweet Frasier..I hope you are having a fun day with all your furry friends at Rainbow Bridge. You are dearly missed, my best frind. Love you. Mom.
10/20 so sorry I haven't been here to visit...but I think of you and talk about you almost everyday. My life still has a big void without you. Gaven does help, but he will never replace you. Love you so muc Mom
11/26 Happy Thanksgiving, my sweet Frasier. I hope you had lots of turkey. Missing you each day. Love you so much, Mom
12/25/08 Merry Christmas my sweet Frasier..Christmas is so sad without you, but Gaven sure helps to put a smile on my face. I am going to send you a picture of Gaven so you can see him. Love you with all my heart. Love, Mom
1/1/09 Happy New Year my sweet boy...I hope you are having fun with all yr furry friends. Please go visit Oliver...He is is rainbow Heaven now with Lilly and Woody. Love u so very much. Mom xoxox
2/1/09 Hi sweet Frasier..miss you everyday. Nod Brook will never be the same without you. Love youwith all my heart. Mom xoxox
5/16/09Hi my sweet boy...I hope you didnt miss me too much and are having a wonderful time in Doggie heaven. I wasn't feeling well., but I am fine now. I can't wait till I can be with you again. Love you with all my heart. Mom xoxo
7/4 Happy Independence Day, My Sweet boy. Do they have fireworks in Doggie Heaven?? Probably not , since most animals are afraid of them.. But you weren't afraid, my boy...you were always so brave. Good nite, My sweet Frasier..Love you so very Much!!!
10/6 I haven't forgotten you , sweet boy..It is very painful to come back some times. It is becuase I love you so much, your sweet face makes me cry. Remember, Frasier, I will always love you..Miss you..Love Momxoxo
11/7 Hello my sweet boy..a day doesn't go by..when I don't think of and miss you. Have fun playing with all you furry buddies. Sweet dreams, love, Mom xoxo
11/26 Happy Thanksgiving, Frasier..I love you so very Much. Love, Mom
12/23/09 Dearest Frasier, It pains me to think of this day, the day I lost you forever...I know God is taking the best care of you, but I still miss you so and wish I could be with you again.
Love you with all my heart, Mom xoxox PS Oreo misses you too.
MERRY CHRISTMAS my sweet boy, I miss u so much this special day. I miss seeing you with your Antlers or Elf Hat. You will always be my very BEST FRIEND. LOve you with all my heart. MOM xoxo
HAPPY 2010
Dear Frasier, are you having fun today playing with all your Furry friends. I left you a Doggy Biscuit. Another year has past and you are forver in my mind and Heart. Love you so very much, Mom xoxx
4/4/10 Happy Easter my sweet boy..did your bunny friends visit you today? Miss you each day my Frasier. Love you so very much, MOM xoxox
5/21/10 It's been a while sweet Frasier, but I haven't fogotten you..you will always be my sweetest boy.I think of you and all the good times we had, everyday.Love you Mom xoxo
6/21/10 How is my sweet boy today? My heart still aches for you, but knowing you are in a very happy place helps. Love Mom xox
7/3/10 Hi my sweet boy..It is such a beautiful day today. We would be walking at NodBrook if you were here. You would be swimming with your friends, Clyde, Willow, & Fred. I miss you so much..Even though Gaven is here my heart still feels so empty without you. Love you Mom xoxo
8/3/ Lisa, Alexa,& Nick came to visit for my birthday..we use to have such good times together. Not the same without you. Love you, Mom xox
8/11 Happy Birthday, my sweet boy. I hope you are having a wonderful day playing with all your furry friends at Rainbow Bridge..Please remember we will be together again some day. Love u so very much..Mom
Nov. 30...Happy Thanksgiving Sweet boy, sorry I am late I haven't been feeling well...Hope you had a lot of Turkey and a small piece of Pumpkin Pie. Love you and miss you so very Much, my Frasier xoxox
Dec. 25th..Merry Christmas my sweet Frasier..I miss you so very much. I can't believe you have been gone 4 yrs. You are the very best dog..no matter how many dogs I have..YOU will always be #1 in my heart. Just remember we will meet someday at Rainbow Bridge. All my Love, Your Mom. xoxox
1/20/2011..Sorry I haven't visited lately, my sweetest boy. I had pneumonia, but I am feeling much better now. I love you so much Frasierxoxo
4/6/2011 Happy Spring my sweet boy..I miss you so. I will never stop loving you.Frasier, you were/are the best dog in my life. I will never forget the wonderful times we had at NodBrook. I'm sure there is a NodBrook in heaven..Hope you find Harry, Chloe,Becca and Pebbles there, Give them kisses from me. I will be back soon. Love you my sweet boy xoxox
4/24 Happy Easter my sweet Frasier!! I heard you attended Sunrise service..Good Boy!!Christ Has Risen..Xristos Anesti!! I am including a Gaven's Birthday Picture with your Photos.
7/23/11 ..Hi my best boy There will never be another dog that filled my heart with so much love. I cry everytime I think of you..I miss you so much. Be Happy my sweet boy, We will cross the bridge together soon. xoxo
8/11/11 HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRASIER, My sweetest boy. I hope there are eclairs in heaven..since you always had one on yr birthday. (chocolate frosting removed). Lisa had a beautiful portrait of you
made. I hung it in the kitchen where I can see you everyday. I love & miss so much!! ps. I left you a doggie bone. xoxo
10/21/11 Hi my beloved Frasier, Hope u r having a great time playing with all your friends. I know you have many. I just finished reading a book.."A Dogs Purpose" I thought of you and your purpose, which was to make me very happy. I want you to know you fufilled your purpose 100 times over. I love you so much Frasier..You were the BEST dog ever!! xoxo
11/24 Happy Thanksgiving, My Beloved Frasier. Are you having Thanksgiving dinner with all you furry fiends? I Love you with all my heart. Miss you so. Love Mom xoxo
12/23/11 My Sweet Boy..It has been 5 years since you passed and went to Rainbow. It is still very painful for me, but I know you are in a happy place with all your furry friends. We will be together soon. I love you so very much!! xoxo MOM
12/25 Merry Christmas, my sweet boy. I hope you got lots of doggy gifts. You deserve the best!!
Miss u so very much.Thinking of u always!!! xoxo
1/1/12 Happy New Year my sweet boy. Gloria told me you went to a party. I bet you had a great time..wish I could be with you. you know I love Fireworks.. Miss you so.Love Mom xoxo
2/19 Sweet Frasier..I am so sorry I missed Valentines Day with you. Hope you had lots of Loving at Rainbow..I bet you have lots of girlfriends..:) Miss you so much, Love Mom
4/23 I will never stop loving you Frasier..I think of you everyday..Miss you so very Much!! Mom
6/10 Dearest Frasier,
I'm sure you know by now that Dickens passed away yesterday and is at Rainbow..please take good care of him. We miss and love him very much, but it is very comforting hw has you to guide and play with. xoxox
8/11/12 Happy Birthday my sweet boy..I hope ypu have a fun day with all your furry friends..
Miss you so very much xoxo..
9/1/12 Hi my sweet boy..I hope you found Dickens and introduced him to all your friends..I know he misses Lisa, the kids& Josh very much. I miss you so very much. We would probably be walking at Stratton Brook today & you would be swimming in the pond. I love you very much!! xoxox
11/6/12 Hello my sweet boy..you are always on my mind. Love and miss you very much xoxox
11/22 Happy Thanksgiving my sweet boy..I hope they gave you plenty of Turkey, I know how you love it. I Miss you so much my Frasier xoxo
12/23/12 My darling Frasier, it has been 6 yrs today since you arrived at Rainbows..It should be last painful now, but it isn't. You will live in my heart forever. I will visit you on Chritmas Day. I hope you get lots of treats. Mom xoxox
Merry Christmas. my Sweet Frasier. Say Merry Chjristmas from me to Harry, Chloe,Becca and Pebbles..I miss them all! Did you get lots of treats, Frasier? Love you,,Momxo
2/14/13 Happy Valentine's Day..my sweet Frasier. Love you &miss u very much.Give Yiayia a big kiss. xoxo
7/4 Happy Independence my sweet boy..Miss u so very much. I'm, sure there will be a picnic today at Rainbow. Have fun with your friends..Love you Mom xox
8/12 Happy Birthday My Sweet Boy. Sorry I am a day late. Hope you got lots of Presents and had lots of fun!!!veryI left you a toy and a Birthday cake to share with yr friends.. Miss u so much Frasier.. MOM xoxo
9/26.Hello my sweet sweet boy. I hope you are having fun today, with all your furry friends. I miss you more every tme I visit you. Gaven s a good boy, but doesn't give kisses like you do. Always in my heart. Love Mom xoxo
11/30 I hope you had a great Thanksgiving, my sweet Frasier. ... I'm sure there is plenty of turkey in Doggie Heaven.Miss you my sweet boy. Love you with all my heart!!
12/23/13 Dearest Frasier its been 7 years today since I lost my best friend.Love you my sweet boy. I left you a doggie treat u can share with your friends. I will be back soon.
1/14 Happy New Year my sweet boy..Missing you so very much...I left you some Filet Mignon. Love you, Mom
8/7 Dear sweet boy, I am so sorry I have not been to see you..Please forgive me. I have so many things on my mind. I still miss you with all my heart. You were my best friend and the best dog!! I will not take so long to visit next time.. Love you with all my heart. Love you, MOM xoxox
Aug.11 Happy Birthday my Precious boy. I especially miss you on your birthday, since that was the day God brought you into this world. You brought much much love and happiness, My sweet Frasier. Have fun and play with all your friends. Miss you so very much. Love you, Mom. <3
Hi sweet Frasier. .Missing you so much today. Love you, Mom..XOXO
12/23/14.. 8 Years ago today, My sweet Frasier, you came to Rainbow Bridge. I miss you so much my love, but I know you are happy here running free and playing with all the furry babies. Love Mom. xoxo
12/25/14 Merry Christmas my sweet Frasier..I hope you had fun today..Did you spend the day with all your friends? I rememberall the Christmas's we had together. Beautiful memories. Missing you so much on this special day. I left you 2 new bones.. Love you , MOM xoxo
Dearest Frasier, I am so sorry I missed your Birthday..I was away. Happy Birthday sweet Frasier. I miss you more everyday
. I wished you happy Birthday on Facebook. I hope you had a fun time with all your furry friends yesterday. Love you, Mom
Hi my beloved Frasier. I may not visit you everyday, but I think of you everyday. I love you with all my heartand miss you everyday. Love Mom.
12/23/15 Nine years ago today I lost my best friend, you, my sweet Frasier. I am so sad today. I miss you so. You were my heart. I will never get over your loss. I will meet you at the bridge and we will cross together. Love and Miss you. Mom
12/15/16 My sweet boy, I still cry when I come to this page. I miss you so. Please let me know what you want for Christmas. Love you to the moon and back. Mom
!2/29 My sweet boy, I am so sorry I didn't visit you on Christmas, things were a little hectic here. I hope you had a beautiful Christmas with all your Furry friends. Hope you got a lot of treats. All my Frasier ornaments are n the Xmas tree. I miss you so very much. Love, Mom
6/23/17 Missing you my sweet boy. Sorry I haven't visited you lately. I haven't been feeling well. We will meet again my love. Meet you at the Bridge.<3 Love Mom.
So sad today., thinking of how much I miss you. You have a birthday in a couple of days. I will come back and visit you. Love, Mom
Happy. Birthday my sweet boy! I wish I could be with you on your Birthday..Love you so very much..I left you some treats! Have fun playing with your furry friends! My heart aches for you.
11/23/2017 Wishing you a Blessed Thanksgiving my Frasier Angel, Missing you today. Enjoy the Filet Mignon. Love you so much. xoxo
12/23 My sweet boy, I have been ill, so I did not write to you on the anniversary of the day you left us. The saddest day of the year for me. How I miss that wagging tail of yours and watching you swim at Nod Brook. You will always remain in my heart.xoxo
12/25/2016 Merry Christmas my precious boy. So sad without you today. Gaven is a good boy and good company. I love him very much, but he is not you. My heart aches for you.
I will write again soon. I left you surprise toys in a gift box. Love you!
Dearest Frasier, I hope you have found Gaven and you are best friends. I am so very sad. Please give him hugs and kisses from MOM. I am totally lost without the both of you. Love you both, MOM.
11/24 Hello my precious Frasier and Gaven, I am totally lost without you both. I cant wait to go to the Bridge so I can be with you both again. I am so sad. You are both my Hear and soul. See you soon my sweet boys. Love you, Mom. 12/24/2018 . Hello sweet boy, I jcant ou how much I miss you. My heart aches for you..It was 12 years ago yesterday you wen t to the Bridge..one of the worse days of my life! I will come back and see you tomorrow.πŸ’”πŸΎπŸ’”πŸΎπŸ’”πŸŽ
I am so sorry I haven't visited you lately , but I want you to know I think of you and miss you everyday.
Its been very difficult for me since Gaven died. I have a new 8 yr old named Marti. She is very sweet I think you would like her.. Nothing will ever take your place, my sweet Frasier. Love you so very much!
Happy Birthday my precious boy. Life has been so difficult without you. I hope you are having fun playing with Pebbles, Becca, Chloe, Harry,Dickens and Gaven my newest Angel Gaven! and all of Lisa's Cats...Hugs and kisses to all. Can't wait to be with you all again. See you on the Bridge! XOXO
Miss you, my Sweet Frasier and all my other Angels, Gaven, Harry, Chloe, Becca, & Pebbles.
Merry Christmas my sweet Anges..Miss you All!
My Precious Frasier I don't want to remember this day, The day I lost you forever. I remember the horrible day when I lost you in the tangled buses at NOD Brook I looked for you for over 3 hours until I heard you whimpering in the bushes where you were so tangled you couldn't move. Thank God I found you. . I never felt such relief and happiness. Going to say Goodnight and sweet dreams. I'll be back to wish you a Merry Christmas πŸŽπŸŽ„πŸŽπŸŽ„ ..Love you, sweet boy.
I am so sorry for not visiting you my precious Frasier. I am 83 years old and very forgetful. Please forgive me for not being here for your Birthday. Happy Belated Birthday my precious boy. I will try to do better, I promise.
I miss you, my precious boy! I hope you are having a good time with Gaven and the gang. I will be back soon Just remember I love you very much and I will be there soon. xoxo
Happy Thanksgiving my sweet boy.Hope you had lots of Turkey! I will be back soon you!
Dearest Frasier missing you more than ever today. It's a very sad day for me, it was the anniversary of the day you left me to go to Rainbow Bridge! It's the saddest day of my life! We will be together soon, I love you so very much. I know Santa has many gifts for you because you are the Best Angel! Bye for now. I am so sorry Frasier, I am getting very forgetful in my old age, Merry Christmas sweet boy. I'm sure Santa left you some wonderful treats. I will be back soon. Remember, I love and miss you so very much!
Hello, my Sweet Frasier. my heart is missing you so very much.I have been ill and I am now 84 years old
Hopefully, I will feel better soon. I wish I could be with you. Merry Christmas my Precious One Love you so very much. Until we meet again. Love Mom. My sweet Frasier, my heart aches for you. I am not feeling well. I have so many physical problems. I am no longer enjoying life, so much difficulty walking. I have so many good memories of our walks at Nod Brook. If I could only go back for a day so that I could touch and hug you. We will be together soon. I know you will be waiting. Goodbye, for now, my heart and soul. Hello my precious Frasier, so sorry I am getting old and forgetful, but I will never forget you, You are still my special boy, my heart and soul. Are you buddies with Gaven I hope he is not too bossy with you. I miss you so very much and can't wait to be together again. I have no life without you and Gaven. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with Gaven and all my precious Angels, Harry, Chloe, Becca, and Pebbles . Good night sweet Dreams. Merry Christmas!
Hello, my Precious FRASIER. Thinking of you and missing you so very much. I hope you are playing with all your brothers and sisters. I wish I could have you back. I will see you soon, Know that I love you very much! Goodbye for now!! My precious Frasier. tommorow will be a very painfull day. You left me and went to Rainbow Bridge on Dec.23, 2006. maybe i should have kept you longer' but you were having pain and could no longer walk, I will never know if I did the right thing. I wish I could live that day over again . do you remember me whispering in your ear and telling you how much I love you. PLEASE FORGIVE ME IF I was wrong. I LOVE AND MISS YOU my precious. I cant wait to meet you at the Bridge with, Pebbles,Becca, Chloe,Harry, Gaven, and Marti Can't wait till we are all together again..Ill be back on Christmas day, to tell you how mjuch I love you again.

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