Welcome to Fred's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Fred's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Fred
Dogs bring us so much joy, laughter, companionship and comfort that they truly become a part of us. We come to know them as individual beings--their habits and quirks, their endearing little ways--and get so accustomed to having them around that it's hard to picture them not being here.
Heartbreak comes in many forms in life and one of those times is when a rescue looses a dog like Fred.
Fred, there is no single story or way to describe you, you just always were the story. Your proud little chest, big brown eyes, your happy howl and silly grin made everyone happy. Who could resist you? Who did you not trot up to, smile and introduce yourself confidently. You had the most magical ability to catch one's eye and make them smile, come over to say Hi!!
Fred you came into our rescue as a senior stray in December 2012. We will never forget that day....... You trotted through our front door and made yourself right at home. You instantly began to "talk" to us. I am sure if we could have understood "Fred language" you were telling us your life story.
There was something about you Fred... something that stole all our hearts. You were never just a rescue dog.... you were Fred, Fredrick of Hollywood, Fredastaire, Fredward..
Everytime one of us walked into the rescue area you were sure to tell us about the days events in "Fred Language". I can honestly say no one could ever walk by your kennel and not stop. They just had to see "Fred"
We knew from the beginning your chances of finding that forever home was slim, but we also knew you were safe with us and loved until the very end.
There were so many times everyone of us said .... "Fred.. stop peeing in your water" but you didn't listen you would just strut your happy butt back to your bed.
When it was time for your walks and you saw the leash it was always the same.... Let the howling begin. We swear as you walked past the other dogs to go out and you were speaking your Fred language, you were saying " Look at me it's my turn I am going out ...your not"
You simply brightened our days.
Then in early Feburary 2013 ... the bad news came, you weren't feeling well, so we took you to the vet. The diagnoses.... 2 rectal tumors and a stage 4 heart murmur
We knew our time with you would be short so we did everything we could to keep you comfortable. You were lucky to get to spend just over a week in a foster home. Then you came back to us. Once again ..whatever Fred wanted Fred got.
In one of the darkest moments of our lives on February 23, 2013 Fred's rectal tumors began to show outside his butt. We knew the time had come to let our sweet boy go to Rainbow Bridge. There was no way a dog who has touched our lives like Fred was going to ever feel pain. At 6:24 pm Fred crossed to the Rainbow Bridge.
We are thankful for all of the beauty, joy, laughter, wonder and happiness that we experienced thanks to Fred,
While our hearts are broken we know you're up there at the Rainbow Bridge
We will forever cherish the memories, We were so blessed to have Fred in our lives, such loyalty and compassion are true gifts of God
Rest in peace our beloved Fred
Don't think of him as gone away
His journey's just begun;
Life holds so many facets
This earth is only one.

Think of him as resting
From the sorrows and the tears
In a place of warmth and comfort
Where there are no days and years.

Think how he must be wishing
That we could know today,
How nothing but our sadness
Can really pass away.

And think of him as living
In the hearts of those he touched....
For nothing loved is ever lost
And he was loved so very much.

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