Welcome to Friendly Kitty's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Friendly Kitty's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Friendly Kitty
Friendly Kitty often came to our home from the dirt road, to eat food we left outside for the neighborhood strays. He would bring his wife, Cali and two baby 'V' kitties, making sure they crossed the road safely. We soon found he had medical issues that needed immediate attention when we spotted blood in a bowl he was eating from, so we took him into our home and to our vet. Although he had three oral surgeries and kidney disease during the 3 years he blessed our home, he continued to be friendly and loving to all in our household (including 5 other cats).

As FK's health deteriorated, he developed heart disease, which put a strain on his organs, especially his lungs. He required subcutaneous fluids 1-2 times a day from October 2009 to his passing. He was such a good guy for sitting through it & taking his meds as well.

His prognosis was grim, and we agreed to put him to rest on February 15, 2010. As we spent our final moments with him, he loved us so much that, despite difficulty breathing, he got up twice to give each of us hugs & kitty kisses. It was his way of thanking us for taking care of him. How difficult it was to let him go; we loved him so much, but couldn't bear to see him suffer any longer.

I will always remember Friendly Kitty's Elvis Grin, the constant thumping of his tail, and the sound of his running meow, carrying a toy mouse he caught for his Mama and laid at my feet. Oh, and the times he slept on the multi-level kitty condo; he would 'evict' his Pistachio Parrot, Froggy and other stuffed toys from the condo and pile them on the floor in the hallway. Some of the stuffed toys were almost as big as he was, but he managed to drag them from the condo - what a character!

Friendly Kitty was so smart, too. When I wanted hugs, all I had to do was open & close my hand at my heart, and he would come and lay on my chest. For a lap nap, I would open & close my hand at my lap. Whenever I picked him up, he insisted on standing in the palm of my right hand as my left arm cradled him; he was quite unique from my other furbabies.

The only thing I taught Friendly Kitty was how to use a litter box. I learned patience, unconditional love and to greet each day with a smile from him. He was such a sweetheart and will always hold a special place in my heart.

My Friendly Kitty, today marks 1 month you've been gone. I still look for you in places you used to frequent, expecting to see your sweet face or hear your purrs. Your sibs & cousin Vinni miss you as much as I do; we miss your presence. Cali & the girls come by almost every day; I've explained what happened to you and they understand. We picked up your beautiful urn from the vet last week; your handsome face graces the box, along with your nickname, "Thumper". Although your ashes and a patch of your fur are all that remain, you are forever in my thoughts, my heart and my prayers. God Bless & keep you, FK; I miss you so! My eternal love, Mama Helen

Although I don't visit as often as I'd like, you are always on my mind and in my heart, FK. Your wife, Cali, has been staying at our place for the past month; she still wants out every now & then, but she knows this was your home & we take good care of her. She roamed the house looking for you, but now realizes you are in the urn she rubs up against. With this discovery, she started terrorizing the other housecats (your cousins). Please talk to her & tell her to be nice and accept them, as you have done. Tell her you will see her again at Rainbows Bridge, when it's time.

Your girls, Big V & Baby V, still come by; they are all grown up now. We have a whole new flock of strays coming in the front and back of the house; 2-3 generations I have never seen before. Please pray we can find good, loving homes for them.

Happy Autumn, FK; I miss snuggling with my Snuggle Bunny!

February 15, 2011 marks one year without you, my FK - we love and miss you very much. I named one of the strays "FK-2" - he looks so much like you! We know you are having a great time at Rainbows Bridge; please welcome Chiplet, Vertigo and any other strays that have crossed the Bridge. Until we meet again.............

Valentine's Day 2012

Friendly Kitty, we miss you! Tomorrow marks two years you've been at Rainbows Bridge - we are so happy you are surrounded by furry friends. Grandma, Mama Frieda and I speak of you often; FK-2 is now a part of our home and is a sweet reminder of you. There are a few new faces in the neighborhood - I see traces of you in some of them and wonder if they are related to you. Please pray for them to find good humans to take them in and care for their every need. Happy rebirthday, my FK!

Valentine's Day 2013

Three years tomorrow you've been gone; memories of you live on in those you left behind. Your look-alike, FK-2 has crossed The Bridge last week; please find him and show him the ropes. Share cat tales of your days spent in the neighborhood and at our place, and know that you were both loved so much.

Valentine's Day 2019

We remember and speak fondly of you, F.K.- the memories you left in our ❤️ ❤️ live on. RIP my sweet cat 😘

Valentine's Day 2020

Ten years have passed and we still share fond memories of our Friendly Kitty. Your 🐾 🐾 prints are embedded in our 💞💞. We 💘 you, F.K. 😘😻

Our thanks to all of you who visit the Friendly Kitties; they love humans, too!

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