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Memories of Faith
Born: 12-31-88 "Tribute to Faith" Died: 05-12-03 By Jerry Combs 05/13/2003 It was New Year's Eve, 1988, when God brought you into my heart. You were pulled from the womb, lifeless, would your breathing ever start. I cradled you in my hands, rubbing your tiny body to keep you alive. "I have Faith you can make it, I have Faith you can make it", I cried! You began to move, your little heart started to race, You took your first breath, as a tear rolled down my face. I felt like a new "Daddy", proud, joyous, exhausted, yet relieved. You're a part of my life now, a part larger than anyone can conceive! "Faith" was what I had when you were born, for this I have no shame, A "power" so strong, that "Faith" became your name! You came to me when my heart was empty, and full of pain. My Mother recently died, and how I hurt, I cannot explain. You brought a smile back to my face, a reason to want to live. Your precious, unconditional love was all you wanted to give!Some may not understand the bond the two of us had made, We were like "Father", and "Daughter", a love I wouldn't trade! Words cannot explain the kind of love we had for one another. You knew my thoughts, my feelings, like a sister, or a brother. No matter what kind of mood I was in, or if I had a bad day, You were always happy to see me, and by my side you would stay. You didn't care if I was mad, or yelling, or wound up tight, You would look at me, and wag your tail, as if to say, "I'll make it alright"! You never let me down, you always made me feel good, I tried to do the same for you, I pray that you knew I would. The years we shared together, seem to have passed in a matter of days, The experiences we had will never die, and my love for you I will always praise! You asked for nothing, just to be loved, as you loved me, I hope you knew I loved you, before God set you free! I tried to give you the best life a person can give his best friend, I just wish our time together didn't have to come to an end! You brought happiness to my heart, for this I will always treasure, My love for you will never end, my love you could not measure. On the morning of your last day, I knew something wasn't right, You wouldn't let me leave, and you wouldn't let me out of your sight! You looked at me as if you were trying to say, "Don't leave me alone, this is my last day"! When I came home I knew something wasn't right, I rushed you to the doctor, for your life I would fight! You clung to life for the rest of the day, Waiting to see my face again, before you passed away! You looked into my eyes for one last glance, I cried to God, "please give her a chance"! Your heart was too weak, your breathing became rough, You were starting to suffer, and I cried, "this is enough"! I held your head in my hand, to see the eyes of the heart it warms, I said to you, "I love you Faith", and you died, as you lie in my arms. In loving memory of Faith I Love You 05/12/2004: One year has passed since you crossed over Faith, and your Daddy has thought about you every single day! I cherish the memories we made together, and I still cry, because I miss all of the love, and happiness you brought into my life. You will live on forever in my heart, and soul. Thank you Faith, for dedicating your heart, and your life, to giving me unconditional love, happiness, and 15 years of precious memories. I will love you forever! Daddy 05/12/2005 Two years ago today, I lost a piece of my heart, and soul. A day doesn't pass when I don't think of my "little girl". My love for Faith is as strong now, as it was while she was here with me. My tears for her still flow, and I pray she knows I miss her. I will never allow the love, and dedication Faith gave me, to fade away. Faith will be in my heart, and soul until the day I'm reunited with her. I will always love, and cherish you, Faith! You were always there for me, and I will always be here for you! I miss you "little girl"! Love always, Daddy 12/31/2005- Happy Birthday, Little Girl! Daddy still thinks about you every day! You would be 17 years old today Faith! The pain of your crossing over has eased, a little, but the hole in my heart will never go away! Thank you for all the cherished memories you have left with me, Faith. Daddy will always love you, and I long for the day when you, and I are reunited! Take care my angel, I love you Little Girl! Daddy. 05/12/2006 It's been three years since your crossing Faith. Daddy still thinks about you everyday, and I miss you very much. They say time heals all wounds, but my heart still aches for the love, and affection you gave me. I miss you so much, Faith! I know God is watching over you, and will keep you safe until we can be together again. Until that day comes, please know you are always in my thoughts, and prayers! I love you Faith. I miss you, Baby Girl! Daddy! 12/31/2006 Happy Birthday, baby girl! Daddy still loves, and thinks about you everyday. As time passes the pain of your absence has eased, but your memories have lived on! I will always treasure the love you gave me, and I will never let the memories of you fade away! Happy Birthday, Faith. Daddy loves you, now, and forever! 05/12/07 It's been 4 years since I lost a large part of my heart. The hole still remains, but the memories of the time we shared together will always be in my heart and soul. Daddy loves you Faith.Now,and forever! I love you "Little Girl"...Daddy. 12/31/07 Happy Birthday,Little Girl! Daddy still holds you close to his heart, and I miss you so much. I will love you forever Faith! I think about you everyday, and I always will. Take care Faith, I love you!05/12/08 Five years, countless tears! You're in my thoughts everyday. Daddy loves you Faith,what more can I say? I miss you "baby girl"! 12-31-08 Happy Birthday "Baby Girl"! 20 years ago today God brought you to me, and changed me for life! I think about you, and miss you everyday Faith. Daddy will never forget you! I love you Faith.Happy Birthday!:) 05/12/2009- Six years ago today, my life was forever changed.A part of my heart was taken away, but the love, and memories of you Faith, will never die! I still think about you everyday, and I miss you so much "baby girl"! I just wanted you to know I haven't, and never will forget you. I love you Faith! Daddy! 05/12/2010- It's been 7 years since you crossed over Faith, and I remember everything like you left only yesterday! My heart still has a hole, but at the same time it's filled with all the love you gave to me. I miss you, baby girl, and I will never forget everything we shared. I pray I will see you again one day. Daddy will never let your memory fade away! Until we see each other again...I love you Faith! Daddy. 12/31/2010 Happy Birthday Faith! Daddy loves you! 05/12/2011- It's been 8 years since you've crossed.I will never forget you "Baby Girl". Daddy loves you, Faith. 12/31/2011- Happy Birthday, Faith! You will forever be in my heart! I love you baby girl! Daddy. 05/12/2012- 9 years ago you crossed over, Faith. I hope you know I will never forget you, and I thank you for all the love you gave to me. I miss you,"baby girl". Love Daddy. 05/12/2013- It's been 10 years since you crossed over, baby girl, and Daddy still thinks about you every day! I thank you for all the love, and dedication you had for me. I will always have you in my heart, and I know someday, I will see you again! I love you Faith...Daddy. 12/31/2013- Happy Birthday my little angel! You would be 25 years old today, and Daddy still misses you very much! I love you Faith, and you are always in my thoughts, and in my heart!I miss you baby girl! Love, Daddy. 05/12/2024- Hi baby girl! You've been gone for 21 years now, and not a day goes by that I don't think about you! You'll forever be in my heart! Until we meet again, baby girl. Daddy loves you, Faith! 💕

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