Welcome to Fuzzy's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Fuzzy's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Fuzzy
Fuzzy, mainly an outdoor kitty, was a Maine Coon and hated being picked up but that never stopped her from wanting to be close. At night when she would stay inside, she loved laying right on top of me in bed. She also loved being brushed. She lost a half sister Plerp, to a dog killing in 2000 and in March 2005, lost her other sister Callie, who was my husband Bob's baby. I have not had a chance to set Callie or Plerp up with their pages. Sometime in the latter part of 2006, a pregnant mama showed up so it started again with furbabies, Sissy Boy and Sissy Girl. Sissy Boy died as a result of a neighbor putting out rat poison. **New** September 2008, in addition to my Sissy Girl, I now have two "new" kitties that are strictly indoors. Bob and Charlie are their names, sister and brother. They are a thrill to have and keep me on my toes. **New** August 2011, a young tomcat wandered in the yard, Vet says he's about 1 1/2 years old and we've named him Little Boy. He is now a part of our family, bringing my furbaby family to 4. **New** July 2013 adopted a 10 week old kitty with a half tail from a shelter. He was found along with his brother abandoned. Tater is his name and he is a terror with the older kitties. So we now have 5 kitties. 3 indoor and 2 indoor/outdoor. **NEW UPDATE** May 2014, Tater started going outdoors and one night he wouldn't come in. Found him dead the next morning. Broke my heart. January 2016, Little Boy had kidney failure and we had to put him down. But in October 2015, my husband found a kitten not fully weaned at the truck shop we named Baby Boy and the same day we put Little Boy down....a Mama and her baby showed up. We named them Molly and Missy. So as of today 11/18/16 we have Sissy, Bob, Charlie, Molly, Baby Boy and Missy....in order of their ages. 4 strictly indoors and 2 indoor/outdoor.

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