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Memories of Grissom
10-28-2018 I remember the day we first met. You chose me. We adopted you in March, 2012. You came home to two fur brothers Cam and Lenny. You are the perfect boy! Always kind of stayed in the background but when it came to getting attention, you'd come sit right next to us and put your sweet little chin on our lap and beg to be petted. You loved being with your people. You were mostly deaf but that didn't matter. You quickly picked up hand signals and just wanted to please everyone. I love you Grissom from the first day I met you. You suddenly left us, what a shock and so, so very sad! My simple and innocent little soul. I love you forever, I'll love you always, forever and ever my sweet little boy you'll be! God bless you my sweet Grissom! Daddy called you Tundlefrubs or Tundle for short. We loved you so much! Now you are with your Daddy. We lost him just 9 short months ago and mama is still hurting from that when you just suddenly got so sick. Your sweet body just couldn't take it any more. You are only 8 years young! I just don't know why? I am so heartbroken my sweet little boy! I love you so! Now you can be with not only Daddy, but Lenny and Cam also! Just know that I miss you so much! So does Rudy, Chance and Cooper. And also Jesse, your skin brother. Our hearts are hurting and breaking to pieces without you! Loving you so much! Praying to meet again some day my sweet little friend, Grissom, with a beautiful heart of gold! Love always, Mama.

11-4-2018 Sweet, sweet innocent little Grissom. You are always so patient. Remembering the times that I'd let you out and you would wait by the gate and bark your funny bark and look up at the window to see if I was coming. You wanted to go for a car ride. I'm sorry for the times you couldn't and I'm so happy for the times you did. You are the best passenger. You weren't like other dogs who just wanted to put their heads out the window. You just sat quietly in the back seat waiting to get to our destination or to the store or wherever we went. You loved it when we went to Grandma's house. Of all my fur kids, you are the one who got to go most of the time because you are the most well behaved boy ever! I do wish I would have taken you more often, after all you are the BEST behaved and never did anything wrong! Your funny, loud bark was because you were deaf. You couldn't hear your bark and you just made a funny, 'shoutie' bark that sounded different. Your bark is original like you!
It's getting colder outside now. Pretty soon the snow will come. You just love snow! When it would snow and even when it was a lot of snow, you ran really fast back and forth in the yard trying to catch the snowflakes! You loved the snow! I can just see you running now! Oh, how I miss you, my sweet, innocent Grissom! It wasn't right that you were taken from us. You are only 8 years young and I know you suffered! Yet you never whimpered or cried!!! Even when your gallbladder ruptured... I can't imagine how painful that must have been! And when you had your emergency surgery. You just were the best boy! I got to see you before they did it. And when it was over I got to see you too. It took a long time for the surgery and you didn't take the anesthesia very well they said. They didn't think you'd make it through but you did! My brave, brave little boy! I love you forever! I love you always! Forever and ever, my Baby you'll be! Please visit me in my dreams sweet, loving Gris! I love you so much!!!

December 28, 2018 Hello my love! My baby boy Grissom! Merry Christmas in Heaven! I miss you so much! It's been 2 months now and it is so hard to live without you and Daddy. My Christmas wasn't Christmas without the two of you as well as Lenny and Camman. Lily too, but you never met her here. I hope by now you've met her where you are. Last Christmas wasn't Christmas either. Daddy was in the hospital. It was so sad, you waited at home with your brother Rudy, Chance and Cooper. I was with Daddy at the hospital. He came home the 27th of December, 2017 to hospice. He left us January 8, 2018. And now you're gone too. My sweet, baby boy Gris. Daddy called you 'Tundle'; short for Tundlefrubs. Daddy could think of such funny things and always had a joke. He is with you again. Please visit me in my dreams or show me that you're here still. Tell Daddy too. Tell him I miss him so much and it wasn't really Christmas without him, or you.

You never really liked playing with toys but every once in a while, you'd find a ball and just start playing with it all by yourself! It would be so cute! You'd bat it around and chase it and bat it around again. I have a short video of you doing that. I wish I'd taken more videos of you. But I just never imagined you leaving so suddenly. You were so healthy and strong! You were taken away from me at only 8 years old!! So suddenly! I am so sorry for all you went through my sweet, simple, innocent Grissom! I love you forever! I love you always! Forever and ever my baby boy you'll be! God bless you my 'little' one! Mama loves you so much and I miss you so very, very, very MUCH!!!!

April 9, 2019 Hello my loving boxer boy! I love you so Much! I missed your birthday which is on February 13th. I was so busy with Cooper, your best friend! That was his last full day on earth. He went to Heaven to be with you the next day. On Valentines day! I hope you're playing together again. I know he missed you when you left us so suddenly last October! He had that horrible disease, Degenerative Myleopathy. Now I pray he's running free as his spirit was! He loved to run just like you! Remember when I'd take you two for a walk together? Cooper in the wagon and you in front? Or Cooper with his wheels? Well Happy belated birthday my dear friend! You are 9 years old now. You are such a sweet boy! And so gorgeous! You are perfect! Dark black and gold brindle in color and a cute little frost around your mouth! Oh how I miss my boy! You just wanted always to be by your people. On their lap being petted! And when I would be out of sight, you always would come find me. Even after you went to bed. You just had to check up where I was. Thank you my sweetest, lovingest boy! I miss you so much!!!!! It will never be the same without you here. My heart yearns for you and I wake up with a very heavy, heavy heart every morning. Yesterday was 15 months since we lost Daddy. I think about him as well. It hurts. And 'baby' Coop too! Take care of Daddy and Cooper for me ok my love! My sweet, pure, simple, innocent soul --- Grissom (aka: Tundlefrubs/Tundle) Remember? Daddy's nickname for you was that! I love you sweet Grissom! God bless you!

October 24, 2019 . . . The eve of your leaving exactly one year ago! I'm sorry I haven't written or put down any memories, It is so hard. You, Cooper, Daddy, Lenny and Cam, it's just not fair and it hurts so much! It hurts that you're not here! I remember that night, how I rushed you to the Animal Emergency after that horrible pet hospital I took you to first kept stalling at your expense! You needed surgery and they didn't even have a surgeon available and they knew it! Yet they ran all these tests and took all my money! I would do anything for you! Then I rushed you to the Animal Emergency and they did emergency surgery but your infection was all over your body...I wanted them to try to save you! You pulled through the surgery, but just couldn't fight the infection all over your sweet, beautiful body! You were so weak after the surgery when I visited you. I love you my little 'Tundle', I love you and miss you so much! You are so, so missed!!! I love you my sweet little, simple little, innocent little boy! I miss everything about you! How you'd wait at the gate outside and look up at the window, your eyes asking, "please may I have a car ride or, please will you give me a walk?" You were deaf here on earth so I'd give you a hand signal to come in and you always did! I wish now I would have given you that car ride and that walk that you so wanted! I'm sorry sweet Grissom! You are such a beautiful color brindle! I'm so glad you were our sweet boy! I thought I picked you from all the boxers that day we went to a meet and greet, but you picked me! Yes, from the moment I chose you, you knew and picked me as your mama! Thank you sweet boy! I wish I could have given you more! More of everything! You left us too soon, my love and I miss you so very, very much! Rudy would cry and Cooper didn't know where you went! That's how sudden you left us. I brought you to the vet on a Tuesday morning and Thursday morning you were gone.... My heart breaks over and over again how you must have suffered! All the pain you endured! I'm so, so sorry my sweet boy! If love could have saved you, you would have lived! I am so sorry.... please show me a sign and let me dream about you tonight! With that cute little stub for a tail, wigglin' away! God bless you my sweet boy! Mama loves you to the moon and back a million trillion times over!!!!! My sweet little boy! Love, Mama

October 25, 2020 Oh my Grissom, I can't believe a year has already gone by since I wrote to you here. It's been a bad year and a lot of people are getting sick. I was helping grandma and I moved! You would love it here! It has a huge back yard! It snowed a lot a few days ago! I remember how you loved it when it snowed! You'd run around the yard and try to catch the snowflakes! You are such an innocent little boy! The best! Oh, how I wish you were still here! You left this world way too soon! Just 8 years young and 8 months. There's just so much going on and I want you to be a part of it! Rudy misses you so much! You two ALWAYS snuggled together at night and in the kitchen during the day! He would cry all the time after you left and after your brother Cooper left.... I wasn't ready for a new baby but Rudy was so lonely that I adopted Ruthie. You would love her! She's been with us 1 year and 7 months now. Cooper was only gone a month when we got her but Rudy was so sad his two best buds left.... so close to losing Daddy. Well my sweet boy, I remember everything about you and I love you and miss you so much! My simple, sweet, innocent little Grissom! Such a beautiful, loving boy! You always checked up on me during the night...and when you couldn't find me during the day, you'd always come looking for me! I love you so much!!!! God bless you my sweet boy! Love, Mama

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