Welcome to Haylo Angel Spratley's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Haylo Angel Spratley
Thank you for choosing us to be your Mummies, sweet girl. You were a little fighter - for all the issues you had, we know you kept going for as long as you could and gave us so very much love. Your sweet puppy licks and snuggles, the pitter patter of your feet and the excited wriggle you gave when you saw us. We didn't want you to go but we didn't want you to be in any more pain. That's how much we loved you. We will never forget you beautiful girl - you are forever imprinted in our hearts. Enjoy being free, no more pain and we know you will always be with us πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ
25/3/2021 - A beautiful black and white butterfly came to us yesterday and today. We felt you came to let us know that you were ok. Miss you our baby girl xxx
26/3/2021 - I miss you my beautiful baby Puppalicious. Your sweet smell, the feel of your soft fur beneath my hands as you sat on my lap, how if I had a bad day, you would just sit and let me pat you until I calmed. Mummy Tina misses you too. You are never far from our thoughts xxx
27/3/2021 - I miss my best friend 🐾❀️
28/3/2021 - Mummy Tina got a photo of the beautiful clouds today. It looked like you running and we imagined your running across rainbow filled green meadows, happy and free. Thank you for showing us that you are okay - it brings a little comfort though our arms still miss holding you xxx
29/3/2021 - you came home to us today. We are happy you are back with us but it brought a lot of tears and the aching to hold you again, smell your sweet puppy smell and feel your puppy kisses. We wish you were here our beautiful Puppa. It rained the day you left us then we had sunshine in the days after that. It rained the day we brought you home - almost like the sky and you were crying with us. Mummy Tina has been unwell and misses your puppa cuddles that helped make things better. We both miss you more than words can say xxx
30/3/2021 - today was hard as this time last week is when you got your wings and truly became our angel xx tears flowed and the aching to cuddle you and feel your puppiness was overwhelming. Mummy Tina & I joined the candle vigil for you today xx so many words I want to say but .. can't. I miss you so much πŸ˜₯ j'etaime una puppa - always xoxoxoxo
1/4/2021 - the boys from A Gentle Touch Funerals gave us an Extra Bright Star in your name today so you'll always be shining down on your Mummies. Tears came again but try to calm myself with knowing you're at peace & happy. Love you lots my baby girl ❀️❀️❀️
3/4/2021 - it's a rainy Saturday night & miss you so much 😒 weekends we would normally spend time together with lots of kisses & snuggles πŸ₯° you are always in my thoughts sweet girl ❀️ Love you lots Puppa my beautiful baby girl πŸ’œ
7/4/2021 - it's hard to believe you've been gone for 2 weeks 😒 Hudson & Jensen came to visit today & Hudson was very upset that you weren't here so we lit your candles & hugged at your memorial ❀️ Missing you my beautiful little Puppalicious...I so wish you were still here xxx some days are harder than others - today is 1 of those days. I love closing my eyes & feeling your spirit around me - I know you're still here looking after your Mummies πŸ’œ we love you very much πŸ’œπŸ’œ
13/4/2021 - it's been 3 weeks today since you grew your wings & I miss you so much. I've been trying to focus on the beautiful memories but there are times when I'd give anything just to snuggle you close, smell your sweet Puppy smell & feel your paws on my face. You made things feel not so bad on the bad days. I love you my beautiful baby girl ❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️
23/4/2021 - it's 1 month today since you grew your Angel wings & we still have your bed in it's usual spot. We say good morning to you & goodnight & I close my eyes & smell your sweet puppy smell on your bedding. I hope you are having lots of fun with all your new friends & you have settled in. The aching at times is still very hard but we try & remember that you're out of pain now. Love you my beautiful Puppalicious so very much πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ
5/5/2021 - I saw you in the clouds today. It seems you know when I am missing you a lot - you show me you're still with me in so many ways. I still say hello to you when I get home from work & goodnight every night - I can't imagine not doing that. I still can't bear to move your bed or put your bunny & puppy teddy away. It gives me comfort seeing them & touching them when I can't snuggle with you. Always in my heart & mind my little beautiful. So much love for you my baby girl ❀️❀️❀️❀️
12/5/2021 - I wish you were here 😒 the cool evenings make me miss you even more as I would love to be snuggling your warm, loving puppiness ❀️❀️ When I'm having a down time, I remember how you would cheer me up with your wet puppy kisses & your paws on my face. You would look into my eyes as I spoke to you & it's like you understood. I love you always my baby girl πŸ’œπŸ’œ
1/6/2021 - I haven't visited for a little while but you have been in our thoughts & our chats. Mummy Tina & I were talking about you on the weekend. How you would go adventuring around the back of the house, smelling the flowers, looking up at the sky, then we'd come & find you & you'd come running for cuddles πŸ₯° will always miss those snuggles & kisses. It's hard to believe you've been gone for over 2 months now. Still can't move your bed & still kisses goodnight. Sweet dreams for now my beautiful girl πŸ’• Mummy loves you very much 😘😘
27/6/2021 - we've been hearing your toys around the house & felt your presence around us. It's been just over 3 months now since you grew your wings & there has been so much happening & I wish you were here to hold, pat, snuggle & feel your energy. It always made the harder stuff easier. I love you my beautiful girl πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ
23/7/2021 - it's been 4 months since you grew your wings πŸ’œ we could feel you today - we heard your toy again & your special flame light has been flickering brightly long after the sun has gone down...& it rained. We felt your tears as we had them too. We love you very much our beautiful Puppalicious & miss you every day 🐢🐾❀️❀️
3/8/2021 - hey beautiful Puppa I found out today that you have a new friend to play with - her name is Akira and you and Candy need to show her the way and help her feel less alone. Teach her how to show her Mum that she is looking over her like you do with Mummy Tina and I. Love you baby girl always ❀️❀️
2/9/2021 - always in my thoughts, forever in my heart πŸ’œ I love you my beautiful Puppa girl πŸΆπŸ’œπŸ’œ
7/10/2021 - hey baby girl πŸ’œ you have another new friend to show the way over rainbow bridge 🐢 her name is Abby & her mum and dad are sad that she has grown her wings so please show her how she can let them know she is still there, just like you show Mummy Tina & I. We feel you & hear your toys. Always missing your beautiful Puppa cuddles & love ❀️ love you always Haylo Angel Puppalicious πŸ’œπŸ’œ
6/11/2021 - hello beautiful Puppa πŸ’œ you're butterfly spirit has been around us & your beautiful plant is thriving with gorgeous purple flowers πŸ’ I miss you very much baby girl & your cuddles πŸ₯° sending hugs, pats, kisses & lots of love over rainbow bridge to you 🌈
17/3/2022 - hello my gorgeous Puppalicious xx it's been 4 months since I visited you here but every day I talk to you at your home memorial and you are in my thoughts every day. It's almost been a year since you grew your wings and went over the Rainbow Bridge - it's hard to believe it's been that long since I smelt your beautiful puppy smell and cuddled you xx we do have some news - we adopted an earth sister for you and her name is Nevaeh Angel. She is just like you only brown. Mummy Tina and I are sure you are here as she goes to your memorial everyday as well. We feel you around and know you are helping her learn. We have told her all about her angel sister Haylo Angel. I still see you in the many black and white butterflies that we still have that visit xx Love you my beautiful baby girl xx
23/3/23 - today is the 2nd anniversary of you growing your angel wings and flying over the rainbow bridge. I haven't posited in the last year but you're very much on my mind. The tears have welled again today as I think of when we said goodbye to you and our hearts broke into 1000 pieces. Love you my beautiful baby forever and always as I know you are in the bright sunshine & no pain. Always your Mummies baby girl πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•
27/3/24 - we have just passed the 3rd anniversary of you going over rainbow bridge xx I still have tears thinking of you and looking at the memories on facebook we shared when you had to leave xx we see you in your sister and know you play with her....always loving you and thinking of you our beautiful girl xx Mummies love you always and forever xx
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