Welcome to Henry's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Henry
1) driving with him in the back seat and getting pulled over by the cops
2) Lauren rushing home from work worried he was out in the rain to find him spinning and dancing and frolicking in the rain.
3) when we couldn't figure out how he was getting out of his area to find he learned how to lift the gate off the hinge and came to the backdoor for food.
4) when Henry learned how to open the refrigerator and we finally had to tie it shut
5) the birthday buffet

Hi Pumpkin,
Happy Birthday! I hope you are happy. I really miss and love you and I think about you every single day. We all miss you.
Love, Mom

Hi Henry,
It has been a whole year since you left us to go to The Bridge. I think of you every day and I still love you and miss you the same. I know you are happy there and you have made lots of friends. Please meet me in the place we talked about. I hope you don't mind that Skippy likes to sleep in your house, even though it still has your name on it. He misses you too and so does Dad, Jake and all the cats. Remember to look for Binky, Red Dog, Rudy, Tyson, Vito and the birds. I almost forgot DaisyRose, our sweet bunny. The rest of us will find you when it is time. So just remember how much I love you.
Love, Mom

Hi Henry,
Happy Birthday, buddy! I miss you so much. Just remember that I will never forget about you and we will see each other in the place we talked about when you were sick. We love you. I hope you don't mind that Skippy has been staying in your house.
Love, Mom

Hi Henry,
I can't believe it is has been two years since you left us. People still always ask me about you and some have a hard time believing you are gone. I have peace knowing you are not suffering and it is still so hard remembering everything and accepting it, but I know we did the right thing for you. I know you wanted to go. So we will see you when it is our time, but until then, remember I love you and think about you every day. I still miss you just as much as when you first left.
Love you always, Mom

Hi my sweet Henry,
I miss you and think of you every day. I want to wish you a happy birthday. Just know that I will always love you. Mom

Hi Buddy,
Henry,tomorrow will make three years since you left us. I was downstairs and I was looking at pictures of us together. I didn't even realize that tomorrow was the anniversary of when you left. I can't believe it has been three years! I will never forget you and it still hurts like it was yesterday. I hope you have found Caymus. She left us a few weeks ago. She is a very sweet girl and I know you will take good care of her until I get there. So until we are all together again, be happy. I love you. Mom

Hi Henry,
Hope your birthday is happy.
Love you always. Mom

Hi Sweet Henry,
Can you believe it has been four years?! I was just talking about you today, and wasn't even sure how long it had been. Skippy sleeps in your house a lot, and I hope you don't mind. It still has your name on it though. I try hard to not think about the day you left, but rather the fourteen years we had together. Time goes fast and before you know it, we will all be together again. I am at peace with you being gone, but it still hurts to think about that terrible day you left. I will always love you, my dear pig. You know since we got you in 1993, your dad and I have never eaten meat since. So thanks for that. I will love you forever.
Love, Mom

Happy Birthday Henry,
I sure do miss you. I was just visiting your ashes the other day and thinking of you. I can't believe it has been so long since you left. I love you always.
Love, Mom

Hi Henry!
I hope you are looking out for Skip. I know he is with you and Daisy Rose now. He left us here yesterday on 6-21 and we will miss him, but I am comforted in knowing you are showing him around. My two pig guys are together and he has found his very best friend, Daisy Rose, our bunny. Please take care of him for me and look out for him. He is a sweet and gentle soul, if you remember. Thank you. I miss you all.

Hi Henry,
I can't believe that today makes five years since you left us. It feels like yesterday. I still miss and love you just as much and now Skippy is gone too. Hard to believe. Before you know it, I will be with you too. Time goes so fast.

Hi my dear Henry,
I haven't forgotten you. We love and miss you still. It has been one year and one week since our sweet Skippy joined you. I know you are being nice to him. :)Just remember how much we love you. Your house still has your name on it. Don't forget we will all meet in the place we talked about. It has been six years since I've seen you. Time goes so fast.

Hi Henry,
I guess I haven't been on here that much, because I have been posting memorials to you on Facebook. They didn't have that when you were born. It's been over seven years now since you left, but your house is still there. It has your name on it and it hurts to look at it. Skippy's house is there too. It's been over two years since I came home and found him gone. That was hard. I hope you are all happy. I miss and love you. Mariah just left us after about eighteen years. She must have gone outside and hidden somewhere. I had no idea she was going to do that. She knows how much I love her and I'm sure you've seen her. So it's your job to look out for everyone until we get there. Love you.

Hi my sweet Henry,
It's been 11 years since you left us. I still miss you and think about you and look at pictures of you. You were such a special guy. Everybody is gone now...even Jake. He left last year on Sept. 16th. It is so hard to say good-bye, but we will meet in the place we talked about. I just want you to know that I haven't forgotten about you and I still love you and miss you just as much as I always did. Dad and I are not together any more, but he is thinking of you too.

Hi Henry, my love,
I hope things are going well and you are happy. I think of you often and remember all the things you taught me. I am in the process of moving your ashes from Jacksonville, FL to Canton, GA...not far from where we used to live. I love you still after 12 years of missing you. Love you.

Hi my sweet pig, Henry,
It's 13 years now since you left me. I hope your dad hasn't forgotten you. I miss you still, but I know you are waiting for me. I remember when I told you about the place we would meet. I see I missed 3 whole years writing to you (2015,2016, & 2017) and I want you to know, that I was going through a lot and it wasn't that I wasn't thinking of you. If something happens to this computer, you may not hear from me, but that doesn't mean I am not thinking of you. I hope you are taking good care of everyone up there. Say hi to Jake, Misty, Skippy, Daisy Rose and all the cats, the birds, Binky....everyone. I love you dearly.

Hi Henry, my dear pig,
I was dusting off the box with your ashes recently and thinking of you. It's 14 years now since you left. We have 2 rescue cats that are both kind of crazy. They were stray cats in Jacksonville, and you know I am a sucker for any animal in need. Time sure does go fast and pretty soon we will be together again. I love and miss you and I sure hope you are waiting for me. I love you lots. Until we meet again, love mom.

Hi Henry,
I didn't forget about you. I got a new computer and email. I just updated everything, so we can keep in touch better. I'm still living in Canton, GA, not that far from Acworth. One of those Jacksonville cats, Scruffy, passed away on Jan. 6th. He had feline HIV, but your step dad, Chris and I took great care of him till the end. We did all we could for him. He got to live and extra 6 years because he was in terrible shape when we found him. I hope you have found him and you are taking care of him now along with all the others, till I get there. (I still might need your help.) So I hope everything is beautiful where you are and there is lots to eat. I still love and fight for all the animals. Just know I still love you dearly and I will be with you again with lots of your favorite donuts. It's been over 16 years since you left! Do you believe it?!!! Love, Mom XXX OOO XXX

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