Welcome to Hexy's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Hexy
Our sweet little Hexy. You were taken from Mommy and Daddy so quickly a few days ago. It is a heart wrenching loss to not have you with us every day in our new home. For almost 14 years, you were the most wonderful companion any two humans could have asked for.

In 2000, Mommy and Daddy brought you home from a nearby shelter with your brother. Your names were Issac and Isiah, then. It didn't take long to name you Hexy, in honor of Mommy's favorite goaltender ever! It took even less time for us to realize what a special kitty you would become to us.

Within minutes of coming into our home, you and your brother - now known as Brody - ran around excitedly playing with all of the toys in the house. You couldn't get enough of them! We guessed all the time you both spent in a cage, you didn't get to play much and were thrilled with your new surroundings! As soon as you ran out of energy, you and your little brother were panting because, we could only presume, you weren't used to all of the exercise, either! Then, you both hid under the futon for what seemed like weeks, but once you emerged, you never hid again.

In short time, you did your best to befriend Beezer. You were her constant window companion. When Beezer got sick, you seemed so lost, we had to get a stuffed kitty to put in the window where she sat to cheer you up. When Beezer passed, we left the stuffed animal there for some time to allow you to get used to life without your best buddy.

Speaking of best buddies, although you spent time at various points in your life favoring Mommy or Daddy, you spent the first six years of your life sleeping with Daddy every single night. You were his best pal. And every night, we could count on your mustering up all of your energy and battling through the pain of your arthritis to sit with Daddy on the couch until he went to bed. And if you didn't feel he was paying enough attention to you, you weren't shy about tapping him over and over again with your paw, almost as if saying, "Daaaaadddddd, pay attention to me!". You sure did love your belly rubs and even more than belly rubs, you were always up for a nice, long brushing of your beautiful coat!

Mommy and Daddy will never forget the night we had a small fire at our house. The firefighters were running around the house to gather our beloved pets but when they finished, they found everyone but you and your brother Brody. Panicked and scared that you got out of the house and we might never see you both again, we searched high and low for you two only to find you huddled way behind the couch in a corner nestled up with your brother. Even though he wasn't always your best friend in the house, when it mattered, you two always stuck together! Mommy and Daddy were just happy to have our babies safe with us.

When Mommy and Daddy talk about you now all we can say is, "Hexy was such a GOOD kitty" and you were! You were never bad, you never caused us problems. All you ever did was give us your unconditional love - and ask for it in return. We only hope that we gave you that love every single day we were blessed enough to have you in our lives. You will never know how full and complete you help to make our lives. And as much as you needed us, we always needed you more.

We are so sorry that we didn't have a lot of time to tell you how much you were loved before you passed but we hope you knew it every day. And we hope we did right by you on Friday night when we had to make the fateful decision to help you go to the Bridge. When the vet told us you were suffering, there was no question in our minds about what we had to do. You were such a big hearted kitty, you didn't deserve to suffer for one minute. But we hope you know, the void and the loss of not having our "Sexy Hexy" with us each day is one that might never go away. You were special and beautiful beyond words. You didn't deserve the difficulties you had with your heart, with arthritis or with your diabetes. But we always knew you fought them all bravely so you could spend more time with us.

The one comfort to us today is that right up until the very end, you were the kitty who was always strong and vibrant and full of love. And unlike your brothers and sisters, we didn't have to see you pass away slowly in front of our eyes for many months.

We hope you loved being our baby as much as we were honored to be your Mommy and Daddy. We would do it all over again in a second if we had the chance. Rest in peace my sweet angel. Life will never be quite the same without you. Please come and visit Mommy and Daddy in our dreams anytime you can. We would love to see your beautiful face every day. Enjoy the Rainbow Bridge. As much as we know you hated to leave us, we also know you will be happy to see your brother Brody, again as well as Felix and Beezer. I'm sure they were happy to see their pal again, too.

We love you more than you will ever know and we will miss you eternally.

Please also visit BEEZER, Brody, Dafoe, Domenick Bertetto, Felix and Nikki.

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