Holly gave so much love. She gave daddy Huggies and loved going on car rides with daddy. Holly loved playing with her toys and always broke the squeaker. She gave mommy and daddy so many kisses. Holly would tell mommy when she peed and pooped on the paper. She loved her cookies( milk bone treats. Rachel Ray bones, and her chicken strips). She also ate buttered popcorn with us. Holly loved Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners with all the family. She used to try and sit at the table before anyone else sat down. Holly loved chasing after her toys when we played and especially loved when daddy would pretend the stuffed toy loved him. He would then throw the toy saying no no you can't love daddy and Holly would get the toy and shake it very hard. Mommy taught Holly to give high 5's, roll over, and daddy taught her to speak. Holly was truly a family pet. Holly used to walk her mommy all over the neighborhood. When we walked at Christmas time we sang Christmas songs and checked all the lights. Holly loved music when she was a baby a small puppy I would sing to her all the time and I would put on music and I would dance all around the house with her in my arms and ever since then she love music and wanted to dance. She loved this song my girls by The Temptations and a few other ones that I used to sing to her. If I told Alexa to play my girls Holly came running and I used to sing it to her.She had a big human sister and brother. Holly loved our grandchildren. Holly was also very protective of us and barked and anyone who did not belong here. She was our angel without wings. We had a connection that we never experienced before. She was a little human but with fur. Holly was so sensitive, kind, and only knew love. |
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