Welcome to Honey's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Honey's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Honey
Not sure where to begin.

You picked your daddy the day we visited the rescue. You were only there 3 days and was scared. You traveled from Louisiana, had surgery and was now in the adoption area. They said you were 2 years old.

A Doberman was not in my plans but apparently you knew better. So onward we went.

You had no idea how to do steps and was going to be a handful. We tried to leave you alone but once you chewed the wall we knew a cage was the only option. Amazingly you loved the cage. We had to remove the blankets because you liked eating them too much.

At your first annual visit we were informed you were heart worm positive. With great fear we proceeded with the most aggressive treatment which you handled like a pro. We made sure no one got you excited during your treatment period and it was a success.

We watched you get more and more confident as each day and year passed. You were and always was a bit different. Definitely OCD and very skeptical of life in general. We always knew that you walked to a different drummer and we learned how that tune went.

About 3 years ago, you were diagnosed with diabetes. Twice daily injections and special food. You also handled that as a pro. You were such a lover. You were with us at every turn and never left our side. You loved the walks with Uncle Erik and always loved friends to visit. You always sat next to them on the couch.

You were slowly failing and we were trying to prepare ourselves. Absolutely not an easy thing to do. Accidents in the house most of the time but still went up and down the deck steps for the pee pee time. Always ready for food and treats.

Finally, we knew we were going to have to give you your wings. We tried so very hard to be strong but that was not going to happen. As we sat with you before we let you go, we promised to continue our love for you until we meet again.

The tears continue to flow and flow. You have sent us some signs that you are a pup again and still need our love.❤️

We know the tears will eventually stop and the hurt gets better but we will never forget the love we have for you and the love and wonderful life you gave us.


Please also visit Cinder and Luke.

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