Back in May of 2013 I visited the no-kill animal shelter, "Operation Kindness" for the 2nd time that week. The first day I was there, a beautiful male cat had come up to me and I put him on my lap. I was "taken" with him, but felt like I needed to be absolutely sure of my choice. I returned to the shelter 2 days later, spied my feline "friend" from the other day, and when he saw me, he started making 'tracks' in my direction. I knew he was coming to me. However, another cat on that side of the room suddenly had his attention and he turned and fled away from the other cats (and away from me). Meanwhile, one of the workers who was sitting with me on one of the 'stone' benches, spotted "Honey" sitting underneath our bench, busily grooming herself. The worker stated that she had only been there for 2 weeks, that her first owner had "returned her" to the shelter. (of course, that's all the information I was allowed to know about her). The worker reached down, picked her up, put her on her lap, then told me to "coax" her onto MY lap. At that point, Honey (that was her name at the time) proceeded to step up onto my chest and turned around and around, before making herself "at home" on my chest with her beautiful little face facing mine. I was in love!! I completed the paperwork that day, then went home and returned 2 days later to take her home with me. Since that day, we bonded as only a 'baby' and her 'mama' could bond. My life changed that day for the better and from then on, my "Honey" and I (I kept her 'shelter' name) were so much a part of each other. She "completed" me emotionally and mentally and I am quite certain that my Heavenly Father gave me this beautiful baby to love and to cherish, and He knew that Honey was finally in her perfect "forever home" on this earth. |
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