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Memories of Hitler
He loved to push the pillows off the couch,stick his head in the corner of the couch,with his bum sticking up-like he was doing a head stand!He was such a love-when I would not feel good & go to bed,he'd come too & stay there until I got up.He always met me at the door-what an empty house without my Hitler & I miss him soooooo much. You'll always remain in my heart,Hitler-love you & miss you lots! It's your 2nd year anniversary & I miss you still.Much love & (((((hugs)))))Well,Hitler,you,ve been gone 4 years now & I still miss you sooo much. You were such a special little "man" & I carry you in my heart always. Everyone tells me I should get another pet but I don't want to-you're my little guy for always-noone could ever replace you.((((Hugs)))& much love.Hi my little "man"-by now you must have met up with Shadow & Buddy-and now another one will be "looking" you up-this one you never knew-Cujo-and he's a CAT-yikes! But you like cats,you like to chase them but be good to Cujo cuz he's a special friend-but you're the "specialist" of dogs & Cujo is the "specialist" of cats.Sure do miss you & like the song says-You are "Always On My Mind" Hi Hitler,Dec.4th will be 6 years and I still miss you-no one has taken your place & no one ever will-no more dogs for me-you were "IT" Yesterday was 7 loooonnnng years that you've been gone-gone but never forgotten! Heard Willie Nelson on the radio today & he was singing "Always On My Mind" so my thoughts turned to you -I miss you lots,think of you often & love you always.((BIG HUGS)) My "Little Man",Hitler,we're coming on to 8 years gone now-Dec.4th,2002 & gosh,how I still miss you.As the song says "You're Always On My Mind"-love that song by Willie Nelson-it brings me to remember all the good & fun times we had-such a snuggler you were,always hogged the bed & boy,did you snore!!! But I loved you just the way you were & always will. Many hugs & kisses to "my guy". xooxooxoxx Hi Hitler,my "little man"-today is the 9th anniversary of your passing.I still miss you as much & sooo wish you were here-miss you meeting me at the door & you'd "talk" (bark) to me all the way down the hall. What a love bug!!! Loving you & missing you as always. (((((HUGS))))) & kisses. xooxoxox Hi my Hitler,I still miss you soooo much-you're always in my heart-10 years now & the pain of losing you is still with me albeit you are now well and no more pain. Remember gramma-you used to stay with her when I'd go away-she passed away & I took her cat,Sammy-had him almost 3 years and he passed away so if a big orange cat comes looking you up he'll be a friend also. You've got a lot of friends with you-play good!! :) Love you,miss you & always will. ((((Big Hugs)))Hi, my "little" man-Coming up on 13 years since you've gone. Love you & miss you always. xooxox Hello my "little man"-14 years gone today!!! How I miss you still & still memories of you can bring me to tears after all these years! I have a rescue cat after saying I'd NEVER get another one but--- people moved out & left her with 3 babies-someone took the babies so I took the mama-she is truly a sweetheart,company for me & makes me laugh!You would have enjoyed playing with her.No snow yet to speak of-you used to love burrowing in the snow. Love you & miss you as always. xoxoxooxox Hi,Hitler,my "little man"15 years ago you left me-I still miss you so,so,so much-you are truly always on my mind. I have a lot of happy memories of our years together and I have your basket of toys under the bed-crazy,huh,to still have your toys after all these years! Loving and missing you always! xoxoxo Hi my little man,Still missing you so,so much-haven't been on for the last couple of years-I have not forgotten you just sometimes it's so hard to visit you. I still have my rescue cat,her name is McGee,after a character on NCIS. I shoulda named her Probie cuz she's always sticking her nose in something-she runs thru the house like you used to. You were such a cuddle bug & I miss that-just plain miss you. Love you and miss you so!!!! xoxoxoxoxox Hi,Hitler,my little "man"!!! Seventeen years you've been gone now- listening to this song still brings the tears. You are soooooo sorely missed.I still have your leash and your pillow & some toys. I have your ashes in my bedroom so you'll go with me when I go.. Course you'll be there to greet me. I drop in here sometimes just to see your picture & "talk" to you. Getting late so off to bed-wish you were here to snuggle! I love you & miss you. xooxxo Hi my little man-tho't I'd drop in to "talk" to you-really missing you today-miss you always of course but having a bad day I guess. Sure wish you were here but you're probably playing with Buddy & Sammy,Gramma's animals & of course Cujo & Shadow also. Hugs & kisses-love and miss you. oxxoxo Just popping in to change you to summer-wish you were here to play in the front yard with me,you'd be running around chasing me-Damn,how I miss you,Hitler!!! You always knew when I was sad & you'd come & lay by me & snuggle!!! Love you bunches,my "little man"!!!! xooxox How the time has gone by-per usual I am still missing you-it is 2023-sorry for not being on for sooooooo long but so much has happened,sickness,etc,etc-the worst however is Cheryl,oldest daughter, passed away in April-still trying to deal with such a shock-I'm sure you remember her-hope you were there to run and greet her.I love and miss you so,so,so much my "little man"--winter is coming & Christmas is almost here so am putting your tree on along with some decorations.Much love & hugs. Hi my "little man"--another year gone by and still missing you!!! I love you and wish you were here to greet me at the door and telling me (by barking) how your day went!! Much love! xoxoxoxoxo 12/4/24

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