Welcome to Kougar's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Kougar's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Kougar
Kougie loved Christmas. Every year we bought a Douglas Fir tree and she would always sleep under the tree on the tree skirt. She never climbed it or did any damage. Once in a while she'd play with an ornament. When she walked out from under it, she would drag tinsel with her tail. She was my Christmas present. The holidays are always hard without her.

She would always lay in such a ladylike manner, so I dubbed her my 'Little Lioness'. She was such a princess, so prim and proper. She never jumped on tables or counter tops. When we had holiday dinners, I always made her a plate and she would stay by my chair and eat. She loved table food. One thing is for sure, I never ate alone. She shared everything with me. She was my baby girl.

I loved talking to her. She often looked at me as though she understood everything I said. She knew every one of my moods and responded accordingly. We lived through so much together. I moved 22 times and of that she moved 13 of them with me. She loved to travel. It was nothing for her, when seeing my suitcase on the bed, jumped in so I wouldn't leave without her. She would either sit on the dash of the car, or in my lap when I drove.

I have set up a memorial in front of the window on the radiator cover of the living room for her. She loved the heat of the sun that shone through that window. The memorial has her picture, her ashes in a beautiful cedar box, three angels surrounding her, a crystal votive heart candle that I light everyday in her memory. Saying 'goodnight' to her is the last thing I do before retiring for the evening. I always tell her that I miss her and that 'mommy loves'. I look forward to being with her, again, at Rainbows Bridge. Then we'll go home to the Lord together.


Just to let you know you're in my heart, always, and as long as I live and breath, I will never forget you. I love you, Baby Girl, and miss you so much. I'll see you at Rainbow Bridge.

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