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Memories of Jac Russell
Jac Russell Siebert 12/22/02 - 9/23/16

So Loved and missed so muchby his daddy David Siebert

My little boy Jac, I love and miss you so much! You were a trooper going through your sickness for the past year and I had hopes you would stay with me longer but you stayed as long as you could. That morning you collapsed in the hallway I knew the end was near. You outlasted the time the Dr. thought you would and gave me many bonus days as he said every day now is a bonus day and that you had a heart and drive to stay with me. But the morning came that you couldn't keep going and you made the crossing with me and your mom holding on to you. It's been 5 days and as each day passes I miss you more and more. I long to have you next to me. Your older brother Bleux and younger brother Tucker don't seem to understand why you have not come back. They are trying to keep me busy playing ball and taking walks. You loved to do those so much before you got too sick.

You came into my life at a time that I was alone and needed a companion to share my time with. I remember bringing you home and we started playing ball right away. We shared some good times going fishing and visiting people and places. Soon we met your mom and your new brother Andy and we became a family. You and Andy had so much fun together even though he outweighed you by 110 pounds. We traveled, went camping and you guys enjoyed every minute of it. You loved life, was always ready to go and do anything. You were so excited when we went to Disney World and camped at Fort Wilderness and went for walks and the Disney dog park. You made two visits there and mom was sad that you would not make the next one with us. At least you got trips to Little Rock and Nashville this year even though you were sick. When we got home from our trip to grandma's a few weeks ago you were showing signs of weakness and I knew your traveling days were over. I didn't mind as I would stay home with you as long as you could hang on.

When we moved from New Orleans to Illinois you and Andy adjusted just fine. I remember the first morning I let you out in the snow and how much fun you and Andy had. We adopted Bleux just before leaving Illinois for Louisiana again. You and I went ahead and lived together traveling back and forth to Illinois for 8 months before mom and the other boys could come with us. Once we settled in the new home you had your new back yard and enjoyed it and walking the trails so much. Andy left us soon after and you mourned his passing just as we did. Now you are reunited with him just as we told you to go do Friday morning.

I can't forget to mention your feline sisters Vickie who left us a couple of years ago and Soliel that came to live with us. You and Vickie had so much fun playing together and sleeping next to each other in the truck when we traveled. You and Soliel got along very good. She has been walking around in the evening meowing at the closed bedroom doors, I think calling out for you.

I'll never forget how we slept with you right at my side for all the years until just a few months ago when I was afraid you would get hurt if you tried to get off the bed. After 13 years of you sleeping right next to me, it was hard for that to stop. In the mornings your "love and kisses" were always my wake up. Kissing me on my neck and rubbing your face on mine. Even after you were too sick to get on the bed, mom would sometimes pick you up and put you on the bed and you would come and give them to me. I think I will miss those the most.

I was always afraid that I might go before you and worried about you. Mom would have taken great care of you, just as she has while you were sick and the comfort you would seek from her when there was bad weather. She was the only one that could calm your fears. Now that your soul has ascended to Heaven I will have your ashes to go with me when I pass this life. I truly believe that one day we will be reunited as God has promised that all of His creation will rise together. Until then the memories of our life together will remain constant with me. I will never let you fade from my thoughts.

I've added a ball on your memorial because you loved to play from day one and a Bird of Paradise and Orange tree because they were on our patio and you passed them all the time.

I love you little man. I miss you so so much. My little Jackie Russell! Daddy's boy.

Jac Russell Siebert - Dec 22 2002 - Sep 23 2016

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