Welcome to Jake's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Jake
This is the story of my "Mister Brown Eyes", one of my nicnames for Jake, along with "Jakey Boy". After hearing a song years ago called "Feed Jake" I knew that when I got another dog he would be named Jake. We had visited MaryAnns brother Bill who had both a black and a chocolate lab and we loved the breed, but we really liked the looks of the yellow labs.
We found a breeder who had a litter of several yellows and told them that we wanted a very light colored yellow. When we arrived we were greated by a very light male who was a very good looking pup that was already groomed and ready to go but something wasn't quite right. We asked to see some of the others from the litter and was led to a pen of several who were all excited to go home with someone. In the very back of the group was a yellow that was quite a bit larger than the rest
that was looking at us with a big smear of poop on the side of his head, but looked to have a lot of personality. MaryAnn and I looked at each other and said "thats Jake"!
On the way home we did the usual stop by Petsmart to get a collor and leash (purple was always his color) and we saw another yellow lab pup that was the same age but Jake was half again larger and had paws that were already half the size of my hands. He eventually grew to be 140 pounds and as big as a small pony. Just a big lovable baby.
Don't ever let anyone tell you that labs will out grow the onryness in a few years, I kept telling my wife that and he never lost his spirit until he got sick 11 years later.
We live on a lake, and Jake loved it. He loved to swim, chase geese, and he could run from one end of the dock and dive out into the water further and higher than any of the sport dogs on tv.
During our first 4th of July party after he had a chance to swim and greet everyone, we put him on our big gated deck, then we all returned to the dock. BIG MISTAKE! When we returned Jake had plucked out all of MaryAnns plants from the pots, smashed the pots, and ate all the wicker furniture. Funny as all hell, but she was not happy at all.
Any time he was in the yard while she was planting flowers and plants, he would follow behind her and bring her the stuff that she had just planted. Just a good retriever I guess.
Then there was the incident where he escaped from his kennel somehow and ransacked the store room and in the process ate her wedding dress and the boxes that her precious moments orniments came in plus anything else he could find. That one almost caused a divorce, but I kept insisting he will grow out of it. And the list of onry and destructive things he did over the years goes on and on and on.
But beyond all that you will never find a more loving, trusting, adorable big sweetheart. He always loved to play with all of his brothers and sisters, Haley who passed May 2008 and is also a resident of Rainbows Bridge, Dude the Bassett, the twin Malteses Sammie and Annie and our latest adoptee standard Yorkie Layla. Jake just loved everyone and everything and never once complained of anything. When you've had a great dog as long as we had Jake it's hard to think back on all the good verses onry things that he did, you just remember how trusting, loving and sweet he was. The best protector, best play mate, and the best friend unconditionally.
Rest comfortably and be healed Jakey Boy, and go play with your sister Haley again and stay together until I come to get you both someday. You and Haley need to find another little fur buddy that I had many years ago, a big loveable blonde/red Chow named Bocephus "Bo". He like you guys was a very loveable companion who used to sit in the swing and rock every evening with me, take rides in my old truck, and everytime we took him with us to the lake we would stop at a little drive-in there and they would give him his own ice cream cone.

October 23, 2010
Hi there big buddy Jakey Boy, how are you and are you all settled in there with Haley, Bo and all your other new friends. I'm sure you've made a lot of new friends cause you used to love to play with new dogs that came around. I just talked with Haley and I hope you guys know that today is her birthday. She was born 9 years ago today although we did not get her until January when she was about 10 weeks old. Make sure you and Bo treat her like the Queen she is and give her a happy birthday.
We all sure miss you around here buddy, it's just not right not having you and Haley running around here. Your buddy Dude sure misses not having you to play with, as well as Sammie, Annie and Layla.
We added another little friend to the family a few days ago, a little male Yorkie like Layla that had been in a puppy mill as a breeder dog. He had been kenneled all the time and lead a pretty rough life. We named him Charlie, and he is in the slow process of getting to know his new house and new people and pups. He is very scared and timid and it will take alot of time before he feels comfortable and becomes a real member of the family.
Be good my Mr. Brown Eyes and stay with Haley and Bo, and make sure you jump in the lake everyday for a swim. I love you and miss you Jake buddy.

April 16, 2011
Today is your 12th Birthday buddy and I sure wish you, Haley, and Bo were still here with us to celebrate it with you. This morning when we got up I told your brothers and sisters Dude, Layla, Sammie, Annie and Charlie that it was your birthday and to be thinking about you today. I know they still miss you too, you were their big brother and protector, and they loved playing with you.
I sure hope Haley and Bo along with all your other new friends are treating you like a king today in honor of your special day. If you were still here with us and all of you were still young, healthy and healed, you would have gotten your special birthday treat of a bowl of Bentiful with eggs mixed into it and topped with bologna slices, cheese, and maple syrup. That was always your favorite special treat.
Everyone sure misses you buddy boy, but I know that all of you are in a better place now and don't have a worry in the world and are pain free. I Love You big Jakey Boy and miss all of you so much. Say hi to Bo and Haley for me and all of you be good and I will see all of you later sometime. Once again, Happy Birthday Mr. Brown Eyes!

July 2, 2011
Good morning my big Jakey Boy and Happy 1st Anniversary at Rainbows Bridge.
It was one year ago this morning that you tried your best to get around and play with the other pups, but you just didn't have the energy. When I layed down next to you your eyes told me "Dad, I'm just too tired and sick and I need to rest peacefully now. You had been sick for so long, but always tried to carry on like nothing was wrong, and you never once complained about anything ever.
We know you are happy and healed and running and playing with your little sister Haley again, and she's probably still tormenting you by trying to use your tail as a play toy.
All of your other little buddies Sammie, Annie, Layla and your old buddy Dude are all doing well and are thinking about you today and are remembering all their good times with you and send their love. Little Charlie, our rescue puppy mill dog is doing real well now also, but he still doesn't like the little kids. He comes up to sit with me on the couch and follows me around everywhere I go, and every morning he sits and watches me get ready for work. It's good to see him happy and watch his tail wag 90 miles an hour after what he had been through, and he has turned into a real treat fiend also, he's always right there with the others when he thinks he's gonna get a hand out or table scrap.
Mom and I are doing pretty good also other than a summer cold we picked up somewhere, but it will pass hopefully.
Jakey Boy, we all miss you and love you so very much and wish that you and Haley could still be with us, young, healthy and healed, but you guys are in a better place now and we'll all be together again some day. Have a great day little buddy and know that we're thinking of you and love you both so much. Give Haley a big slobbery kiss for us, and we'll talk again soon.
Love you Mr. Brown Eyes buddy!

April 16. 2012
HAPPY 13th BIRTHDAY my big buddy Jake, I hope that Haley, Bo, Lilly and all of your friends there made it a special day for you.
Me and Mom thought alot about you today, and we told the other pups that it was your birthday today and they all send their love to you. Not a whole lot has been goin on here except a really nice warm winter which you would have enjoyed playing outside and being in the lake. I had surgery on my other knee a few weeks ago and it seems to be doing pretty good. Mom is having surgery on her shoulder this Friday, and she's not looking forward to it at all except for getting rid of her pain there. She will be bound up and can't move her shoulder for several weeks which will make it hard for her to do anything. Wish her luck!
We sure miss all of you guys and wish you all could still be here, forever young, healed and healthy. All of you left us with so may fond memories that we cherish and will forever hold in my heart and thoughts.
I love you my big Jakey Boy, and I know that I will see all of you again someday. Have a great birthday Mr. Brown Eyes, and I will talk with you again later. Good night my big buddy, I love you all so much. Tell Haley and Bo that I love and miss them both too. Love,Dad.

July 2nd, 2012
Hello my big Mr. Brown eyed buddy, I can't believe it's been two years ago that you had to leave here so you could go to Rainbow Bridge so that you could be healed and happy again. We sure have missed you buddy and I think about you every day. Any time we see a yellow lab on tv or somewhere if makes me miss you even more, and we comment that you were so much bigger and beautiful than that one. Not much has been going on here that's new, all of the other pups are doing good. Sammie has a new favorite tv show "Dogs in the City", he sits in a chair in front of the tv and just watches all of the different dogs on there. It's so funny to watch him. I hope you're enjoying your days there with Haley, Bo and all your other friends, and always remember that dad loves you so much and misses you so much, and I look forward to seeing all of you again. Be good big buddy, and I'll see ya!

April 16th, 2013
Happy 14th Birthday my sweet Jakey Boy!
I hope Haley, Dude, Bo and all your other friends there helped to celebrate your big day with you. Mom and I both thought about you today and what a wonderful big buddy you were while you were here with us. I told Annie, Sammie, Layla and Charlie that today is your birthday, and when I said your name, both Sammie and Annie perked up their ears and looked around for you. I know they still remember their big brother.
Everyone here is doing good and feeling okay, and your brothers and sisters are just as onery as ever, they just went to bed after having their nightly treats. They had beef sticks just like what you and Haley used to get.
We all sure miss all of you, and wish that you all could still be here with us, young, healthy, and healed. We love you big Jakey Boy, and miss you so much. Have a wonderful birthday my "Mr. Brown Eyes", and I will see you all again and be with you all again when I come to Rainbows Bridge to be with all of you again. Dad loves you buddy, be good till I get there.

Please also visit Haley.

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