Welcome to Jake's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Jake
From the moment you crawled into my lap 13 years ago Jake, you have warmed my heart and soul. When no one else was there for me you always were. I loved you. I miss you paying with the milk tops, your obsession with plastic bags, and the way you always used to seek out attention from anyone who would give it. When Abby was born, you were 8 years old, and we were worried about how you and Sage would react to her presence. We couldn't have asked for a better playmate for her. She could have sat on you and you would have endured it because you loved her. You played dress up with her, go fish, and sat by and listened for many hours while she pet you and sang "soft kitty" to you. I miss you chasing your brother Sage all around the house when you were kittens, and as you aged cuddling together and loving each other. Sage misses you too Jake. He hasn't been the same since you passed. But I know one day we will learn to accept that you are gone. Abby asked if Jesus had a couch that you could sleep on, because she knows how much you liked to cat nap. Life is not the same without you buddy, but I hope one day I can learn to accept your passing. I'm sorry I couldn't save you, but I know in my heart that you are running pain free in Heaven now. This song will always remind me of you :) "Warm kitty, Soft Kitty, little ball of fur! Happy Kitty , sleepy kitty, purr purr purr. " Miss you buddy! One day we will see each other again!

10/16/13 ~ Thinking about you and Sage a lot last night, I miss you so much! I cannot believe I have been without you Jake for almost 2 years now. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. You and Sage were the best cats ever! I love looking at pictures of you when you were young and happy! I know that you and Sage are safe and free in Heaven Jake! And I am truely happy you two are together again. But I can't help but wish you were still with me here on earth... I dream about the day I can see you again...xoxo

12/2/13 ~ I can't believe it's been 2 years since you passed. I feel like just yesterday you were cuddling on my lap. I miss you so much! I know Sage is with you now, and I am comforted knowing you are together, basking in the Sunlight in Heaven. Please watch out for eachother, and keep an eye on Richard's cats Bella and Bleu. I love you and miss you everyday!

3/26/14~ I mis you and Sage so much buddy! Thinking about how much you two loved eachother, I am happy you are together, but I miss you so much!!

12/2/14~ I can't believe its been 3 years. I miss you everyday...my only comfort is knowing you and Sage are together. I know you two must be sitting on grassy sunny spot in Heaven, cuddling eachother and eating grass :) That thought of the two of you makes me smile :) LOVE YOU and miss you.

11/9/15~ Thinking about you a lot lately. Miss you still so much!! Almost 4 years now since you passed over the bridge, wish I could just hold you and pet you once more!

10/29/17~ Thinking about you today. I miss the way you used to sleep under the covers at night. I can't believe you've been gone almost 6 years. Love and miss you Jake bud 💜
12/2/17~It's been 6 years since you passed over, but it still seems like yesterday. It has gotten easier, but we still miss you so very much Jake. You will always be on our hearts Love and miss you kitty boy, say hi to Sage for us ❤️

Please also visit Sage.

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